Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 60 The Secret Cave Buried in Cangwu Mountain

The map is big enough, even if it supports two people, it will not sink into the mud. Master Ming Zong folded a long thick branch and used it as a pole to draw the map to the depths of the swamp.

The swamp is full of silt, and there is not a piece of intact soil. The silt has been deposited for many years. Every time it is supported, it will stir up a sticky black paste, and a disgusting rotten smell will come out.

While shaking the pole, Master Mingzong looked up at the peaks on both sides. One mountain peak is in the southwest, and the other peak is in the northeast. They should be Cangqiu and Mangqiu on the map.

These two peaks are very low, less than half the height of the nearby ones, and they really look like mounds. Looking at it, Master Mingzong found a strange place. The top of Mangqiu is relatively flat, and there is a large straight mountain wall on the side of Cangqiu.

He tilted his head and raised his hand to gesture for the two hills. Hey, the outlines of the walls of Cangqiu and the top of Mangqiu are very similar. Could it be that this was a mountain before?

A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, yes, this is definitely the same mountain. Waterfall Altar Cangmang does not refer to Cangqiu and Mangqiu, it refers to Cangmang Mountain.

Immediately, a new question arose in his mind. The words on the stele had been written. In order to store the roulette, a building was built. However, the practitioners who draw the map have to check and correct the terrain on the map every year. If there is a building on the mountain, why no one finds it?

Unknowingly, Master Ming Zong and Zheng Qiu entered the center of the rotten water swamp. Weeds are still overgrown here, but under the weeds is no longer mud, but a layer of black, thick, smelly water.

Master Mingzong raised the pole, stirred the smelly water, and gradually frowned. It's so strange, although this place is a swamp, but I didn't see any water birds, snakes and insects, and the poles couldn't touch anything, not even the shells of crabs and shrimps.

In my impression, this situation was mentioned in the book "Traveling on Cloud Sleeves", and it is called a dead place.

According to the book, most of the dead places are cliffs, swamps, deep valleys, and caves. There are no living things in these places, and there is no sign of living things passing by. Some dead places do not even grow vegetation.

There are two possibilities for the appearance of the dead land. One is that there are a lot of harmful things in the dead land, such as poisonous gas, poisonous water, and soil that will make people sick after being contaminated. Another possibility is that there is a powerful force that drove the living creatures away from this place.

Master Mingzong squatted down, carefully dabbed some black water with his finger, put it to his nose and smelled it. Smelly, except for the unpleasant smell, the black water did not make people feel uncomfortable. Then the formation of this dead land is more likely to be the latter, with powerful power.

As he rowed, Master Mingzong felt that something had hit the pole, so he stopped and used the pole to explore the position just now. Tuk tuk, tuk tuk, the head of the club hit something hard, like a rock.

He adjusted the distance of the probe, groped for the shape of the stone, and the stone seemed to be square and long. Such a regular shape was definitely man-made. Master Ming Zong drew the map farther away, then put down the support pole, raised his hands to stimulate energy.

Boom, a wave of air slammed into the swamp, black water splashed in all directions, weeds rolled up, and the swamp was instantly divided. Boom, another air wave hit the position just now, and the black water mixed with mud jumped wildly to the sides.

Sure enough, there was a two-foot-long and half-foot-wide stone strip lying in the mud of the swamp. The stone strip had some pits and holes, but Ming Zong could tell at a glance that these pits were chiseled by manuscripts.

The air wave he unleashed was so strong that it not only exposed the rock, but also opened up the swamp further ahead. There was another identical stone in front of the stone. Master Ming Zong had a guess in his heart, so he rowed forward a few feet, and once again used his kung fu to open the swamp.

There are still stone bars in front! The stone strips are connected together, isn't it a ladder? Cangmang Mountain is divided into two, and there are stairs buried in the rotten water swamp in the middle. It can't be wrong, the building that hides the roulette must be here, but it is not on the surface, it is buried somewhere.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, Master Ming Zong kept agitating the waves of air, opening up the swamp that was ten feet after another,

Proceed along the stone steps to explore. The air wave slammed down again, but the stone steps did not appear. Strange, why not?

He looked up and looked around, and found that he was near the mountain wall of Cangqiu.

Looking at the bare mountain wall, a thought flashed in Master Mingzong's mind. He flew to the mountain wall, raised the pole and knocked on it. Tuk tuk, tuk tuk, there is no hollow sound, isn't it inside.

He retreated into mid-air, instigated a wave of air and slammed into the mountain wall fiercely. With a bang, gravel rolled down like raindrops, and a large crater appeared on the mountain wall, and the edge of the crater was densely covered with cracks. Boom, Master Ming Zong smashed the hole for the second time. The hole got deeper and the cracks were bigger, but other than that, nothing changed.

It seems that he is not inside the mountain wall, Master Ming Zong turned his head and landed on the map.

Just when he turned his head, there was a crackling sound from the bottom of the mountain wall, and the stone surface was scattered, revealing a black hole two feet wide. As soon as the black hole appeared, the black water from the swamp poured in, and it seemed to be a downward hole.

"Master, master!" Zheng Qiu's voice suddenly came from below.

Master Ming Zong lowered his head and found that his apprentice was waving anxiously to him, and the map he stepped on was floating along the black water towards the entrance of the cave.

"Apprentice, don't panic! The master is here!" Master Ming Zong kicked in the air, and the air wave exploded in the air, and his body rushed towards Zheng Qiu like an arrow off the string.

When he stepped on the map, half of the map had floated into the hole, he squatted down hastily, and at the same time stretched out his hand to push Zheng Qiu down: "Get down!"

The map floated completely into the hole, and the light quickly dimmed.

"Master, it's so dark..." Zheng Qiu was very scared, and hugged Master Mingzong's arm tightly.

"Apprentice, don't be afraid, look, it's going to be bright." Master Ming Zong spread out his palms and urged energy into his palms, the palms suddenly lit up with a light yellow halo, illuminating the environment in the cave.

All the way down the cave, there were seven turns and eight turns. Master Ming Zong and Zheng Qiu squatted on the map and slid down the black water. From time to time, there were stalactites hanging upside down above his head. Master Mingzong shook his body, driving the map under his feet to change direction, avoiding the sharp tip of the stalactites.

After a long time, the cave suddenly became wide open. Swish, the map slid forward about ten feet and hit a rock to stop.

Master Mingzong brightened the halo on his hand, stood up and observed the surrounding environment. This is a big cave, no, it should be said to be a cave.

The inside of the cave is flat and irregular in shape. The high place is three feet, the short place cannot be squatted through, the wide place cannot be illuminated by the side, and the narrow place has to be passed sideways.

But the cave is very beautiful, with long stalactites, stone flowers blooming on the stone walls, and clusters of crystals in the corners, shining like stars under the halo.

"Apprentice, hold on to my robe tightly, don't let go. Let's go in and have a look." Master Ming Zong stopped Zheng Qiu behind him, and walked into the depths holding the halo.

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