Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 65 Reincarnation with Pills

Leaving the rotten water swamp, Master Ming Zong did not choose to return to the station, but took Zheng Qiu to the southwest, away from the station. After half a day's journey, they found a small village, which was built on a hillside and hidden among dense forests.

The practitioner who drew the map marked this village as Mangqiu Village No. 3 on the map.

Village No. 3 of Mangqiu has very few people. There are only five households with less than twenty people. There are many wooden cages in the village, and there are many fat gray and black birds in them.

People in the village said that these fat black birds are called leaf sparrows, and they can be fed only by feeding on leaves. They are not only the main rations of the village, but also goods for trading with nearby villages.

Master Ming Zong asked the villagers to borrow a room, rinsed off the mud that Zhenjiu put on his body, put him on the bed, cut his clothes for inspection.

There is a deep gash in front of Zhenjiu's stomach, which extends obliquely from the left side of the waist to under the ribs on the right side. The master opened the wound and looked inside. The internal organs were not damaged. It should be that Zhenjiu avoided it at a critical moment.

From this point of view, the reason why he died was due to excessive blood loss.

Master Mingzong stretched out his fingers and pressed Zhenjiu all over his body. There was no muscle stiffness, and the Xuelu Condensing Soul Pill had taken effect. It not only stabilized the soul and spirit, but also temporarily protected his physical body.

The pill worked, and the injury was not complicated. Master Ming Zong believed that the chance of saving him from 20% to 50% was increased. But before that, it is necessary to go back to the station, because there are key medicinal materials needed for treatment.

In fact, every post station of Qianyunzong hides life-saving pills. These emergency pills are used to save the lives of important people in the sect, and only elders and suzerains are eligible to use them.

Master Ming Zong asked Zheng Qiu to stay in the village, looking after Zhenjiu's body, set up Liuguang himself, and rushed back to the post station to get the medicine.

When passing by Jingpu Cliff, Master Ming Zong found that the fight here had long since ended, and all the sects and sects that formed formations on the river had disappeared. Now only a few casual cultivators still stay here, searching back and forth along the river to pick up unowned magic weapons.

There were a lot of people in the station, all of them were practitioners who came back from Jingpuya. Most of them were wounded. They crowded in the hall, sighing one by one.

"I came here for nothing, I didn't catch anything, and I also destroyed two magic weapons for protection."

"You are lucky enough. None of the four friends I know have come back."

"Hey, it's really hard for casual cultivators to be beaten everywhere."

"Our small sect is not much better. Fifteen people came here, and now only me and my brother are left."

"Actually, before coming here, everyone was prepared in their hearts and knew that this journey would be difficult."

"By the way, in whose hands did the broken water dragon tooth fall into?"

"I don't know, it should be in the hands of those big sects."

"It's not like, the top ten sects will search if they catch someone, and they definitely don't know the whereabouts of the divine soldiers..."

When Master Ming Zong passed by, he heard the practitioners' comments, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, and he thought to himself: "It is true, Wen Jianzong's Blade Zhanfeng is looking for Longya, no wonder he is so anxious."

The emergency elixir is hidden in the basement of the post station, and the outside is sealed by a thick iron gate. Inside the iron gate is buried a special curse pattern, which must be opened with a cloud talisman.

If someone tries to open the iron door by force, the curse pattern will be activated, directly igniting a large number of fire bombs buried in the basement, and burning the elixir inside.

Master Ming Zong selected several kinds of medicinal materials and put them into a wooden box, then hurriedly left the station and rushed to the No. 3 village of Mangqiu.

It only took less than a day to go back and forth. Master Ming Zong checked Zhenjiu's physical condition again, and the effect of Xuelu Condensing Soul Pill was still maintained.

He took out two brown-yellow pills from the wooden box, crushed them into powder with a rolling pin, and then took out three different dried herbs and crushed them separately. Then, he mixed these powders together in specific proportions,

Add water to make a paste.

Holding the bowl containing the medicine paste, Master Ming Zong stood beside Zhenjiu's bed, but he didn't do anything, but put the bowl into Zheng Qiu's hand.

"Apprentice, this is a medicinal paste for repairing the body, you apply it to Zhenjiu's wound."

Zheng Qiu looked at the bowl with surprise on his face: "Master, let me come? But, but I can't, I'm afraid..."

"What are you afraid of? There is a saying that a dead horse should be treated as a living horse. Now it is a dead horse. If you treat it, you will seek medical treatment." Master Ming Zong's tone was unquestionable. Zheng Qiu had no choice but to bite the bullet.

"The wound is deep here, wipe more... Be careful in this position, don't touch the internal organs..." Master Mingzong thought to himself while instructing.

The apprentice has a "wood spirit", which represents vitality. Since he can germinate roasted chrysanthemum and vanilla seeds at Fangcao Peak, let's try today to see if he can bring Zhenjiu's body back to life .

After a while, Zheng Qiu handed the empty bowl to the master: "Master, the medicine is finished. What's next?"

"The next step is to close the wound." Master Ming Zong took the needle and thread, and replaced the empty bowl in Zheng Qiu's hand, "You don't know how to spell, so use needle and thread to sew."

"Master, I have never sewed this before. If it is not done well, it would be a disaster."

Master Ming Zong pointed to Zhenjiu's wound and said, "Just sew it up, if it's not sewed up, just cut it up and start over again, at worst, he will have a scar on his stomach."

Zheng Qiu couldn't figure out what the master's intention was, it was the master who promised to save Zhenjiu, why now he saved it by himself. I have never done such a thing, let me do it directly, the original 50% survival rate, I am afraid that 10% is not left.

Although he was puzzled in his heart, Zheng Qiu still followed the master's instructions. He squatted on the edge of the bed, pinched the needle and thread, and carefully stitched up the wound inch by inch.

After fiddling for two hours, the last inch of the wound was finally sewn up, and it was done! Zheng Qiu sat on the edge of the bed, pulled up his clothes to wipe the sweat off his face, and took a deep breath of fresh air. You know he didn't dare to breathe just now because he was afraid of shaking his hands.

Master Ming Zong touched the sutured wound, and it was okay. Although the gap between the stitches was big and small, it was ugly, but at least there was no opening. He opened the wooden box again, took out two porcelain vases, and poured out two pills, one gold and one silver.

"Apprentice, feed him these two pills. Remember, feed the silver ones first, then the gold ones." Master Ming Zong gave Zheng Qiu the pills and still let him finish.

Zheng Qiu fed two pills into Zhenjiu's mouth one by one. Once the pills were fed in, they rolled down the throat without pouring water, as if the pills were alive.

He asked in surprise: "What kind of pill is this? Why does it move?"

"This is called Sun Moon Essence Soul Pill, the golden one is called Ri Dan, and the silver one is Moon Pill. Their main ingredients are refined from living medicinal materials, so they have their own vitality.

This kind of pill can reconnect the soul spirit with the physical body, and squeeze out the last potential of the body. It was originally used in a desperate fight. It can be used here because Zhenjiu took the Xuelu Condensing Soul Pill, retaining the last trace of life. "

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