Elder Ming Chengxi was the host of the internal scriptures when Qianyun was reviewing the books, so the dilapidated human skull was naturally sold from him.

A large number of complicated symbols are engraved on the cracked skull.

Those symbols have reddish-brown blood, which symbolizes that the skull is a magic weapon used by evil cultivators.

But now, the suzerain actually told him that the skull was something inherited by Blood Cloud.

Doesn't that show that the inheritance of blood cloud is the inheritance of evil cultivators, and the elder Xueyun in front of him is an evil cultivator.

My God, this is terrible, Qian Yunzong secretly supported a group of evil cultivators, and they have been supporting them since the establishment of the Zong.

Seeing Ming Chengxi's frightened expression, Elder Xueyun explained: "The cultivation method of our Xueyun inheritance is still a little different from what you think.

Therefore, the great battle that spread across the cloud sleeves thousands of years ago did not involve us. "

"Okay, let's stop here. You will have time to get familiar with it later."

Mingkong Aoqing clapped his hands and asked Elder Xueyun, "What number is your code name?"

"Fourty seven!"

Mingkong Aoqing sat back on the carved wooden chair, propped his chin while thinking, and gave orders.

"Wen Jianzong deceived people too much and made our sect lose face in front of the world. Now that Renhua wants to form a demon-killing righteousness, this is an opportunity.

Forty-seven, I remember that in the blood cloud inheritance, there is a secret method that affects people's hearts, and it can be applied to certain things like medicine.

Is it this way? "

Elder Xueyun, code-named Siqi, nodded and admitted: "That's right, there are many secret methods, such as ecstasy, enragement, and fear relief."

"very good.

Yan Hua asked me, Gan Yunzong, to be in charge of the logistics of exterminating demons and righteousness, so I will start here.

Forty-seven, all materials related to Wen Jianzong will be implanted with secret methods for me.

Be careful to hide the secret technique as much as possible so that it won't be discovered. It doesn't matter if the effect is slightly worse, as long as it arouses the negative emotions of Wen Jianzong's disciples. "

Ming Kong Aoqing turned his head to look at Elder Ming Chengxi: "Ming Chengxi,

All supplies are distributed by you.

Those Wenjianzong disciples who got the secret method materials should have conflicts with people from other sects.

I believe that with the help of the secret method, these Wenjianzong disciples will not be able to control their fists, and they will fight against other sects. "

Hearing this, Ming Chengxi understood that the suzerain wanted to use the secret method inherited by Xueyun to cause internal strife in the demon-killing righteousness.

Wen Jianzong's disciples bullying other practitioners will lose their hearts over time, and when the cohesion dissipates, the demon-killing righteousness will become an empty shell.

Without the support of other sects, Ming Kong Aoqing still dared to come to the door to get back his face with only Wen Jianzong and the Supreme Master of Killing Thoughts Blade Hua.

At this time, on the vast and vast ocean planet of Boundless Tianhe, Gu Ya was flying while dragging Zheng Qiu's clothes.

During the flight, Zheng Qiu took out the oil-paper map from time to time to compare the positions of the two of them.

After studying for a while, Zheng Qiu held up the oiled paper to show Gu Ya, and said at the same time: "No, we have been flying for nearly an hour and a half, why haven't we seen Tiandao yet.

The distance marked on the map is not that far, and it is almost time to arrive. "

Gu Ya stared at the dots on the map for a long time, and also frowned.

What Zheng Qiu said made sense. According to the distance on the map, Tiandao should be nearby, very close.

However, overlooking the surrounding area, there is still an endless sea, and there is no shadow of an island.

Strange, could it be that Li Mojian drew it wrong?

Flying forward for half a stick of incense, Zheng Qiu suddenly said: "Since Tiandao is the backup method of Qianyunzong, will it be hidden?"

Gu Ya's eyes lit up when she heard the words, there is really such a possibility.

She checked the position on the oil-paper map again, flew back a little, and then raised her power to the False God Realm twice with a soft drink.

After the power is refreshed, it is easier to perceive the nuances of the power of heaven and earth.

Sure enough, Gu Ya found that there was a trace of earth-rock nature power slightly overflowing on the sea surface.

How can there be earth, stone, heaven and earth power on the surface of the sea, there must be something hidden here.

She gathered the water vapor in the air, condensed an ice pick, and shot it towards the sea.

After falling a hundred feet, the ice pick suddenly disappeared without a trace, and there was no splash on the sea.

The ice cones disappeared, and there were no splashes on the sea surface, indicating that the sea surface was just an illusion.

Gu Ya dragged Zheng Qiu down quickly, and when they approached fifty feet above the sea, the two of them felt that they had pierced through a layer of membrane, and the scene of sea water in front of them disappeared instantly.

Instead, it was a verdant island covered by plants, with a diameter of at least two hundred feet.

Phantom array, this is definitely the effect of phantom array!

Looking down from the air, you can see four houses standing among the low bushes and grass on the island.

The house is located on the edge of the island and is square in shape. It is built by splicing rocks, and its shape is very similar to that of Qianyunzong.

Zheng Qiu could tell at a glance that this was a house built with the "Twenty-Eight Methods of Shi Tinghua", and it was done by Qian Yunzong.

Four stone houses form a cross, corresponding to the four directions of east, west, north and south, with a small piece of lawn in the middle.

The two landed on the lawn, Zheng Qiu looked around and found that the house was covered with vines and moss, which seemed to have been there for many years.

Then he saw outside the gate of the house, a pile of stones lying in disorder.

I walked over and grabbed a few pieces to look at. Part of the stone has a regular shape, which should be the product of something broken.

Putting the stones together hastily, Zheng Qiu recognized that it was a stone stool, and there were many wear marks on the surface of the stool.

These scuff marks prove one thing, the stool has been used, and has been used for decades.

"Hey, is there anyone? Is anyone here? We are here to find the backup method left by Qian Yunzong, is there anyone?"

Zheng Qiu yelled a dozen times at the top of his voice, and the only answer he got was the rustling of grass and trees besides the sea breeze.

"It seems that there is no one, let's go to the house to have a look."

Gu Ya still maintained her strength at the False God Realm level two, strode to the stone house in the north, and kicked the door open.

Bang Dang, the gate was made of metal, but due to its age, the metal gate was smashed into pieces in an instant.

Gu Ya was not in a hurry to enter, but instigated airflow to blow into the gate, blowing out the rotten and moldy smell inside.

When the air flow that was rolled out was tasteless, she called Zheng Qiu into the room to investigate.

The stone house was a little messy, with thick dust deposited, so thick that even the airflow just now couldn't blow it away.

Broken bottles and jars, a round platform made of stone, and charcoal marks from burning things.

It seems that this is a house where practitioners live, but Zheng Qiu doesn't understand why there is a cooking stove in the house.

Practitioners should be fasting, so how can they cook food? Could it be that there are ordinary people living here, so they need to cook real food.

After observing for a while, Gu Ya dug out a stone tablet from under the broken stone bed, which was engraved with densely packed small characters, recording what had happened.

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