Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 670 Black Shadow Sect Fights Black Shadow Valley

No, there is something wrong with this flame. Ge Wuqing's attention was attracted by the scene on the ground.

The flames continued to spread outward, devouring the blades of grass and bushes they touched, which can be said to be a normal phenomenon.

However, in those burnt places, flames still sprang out from the scorched black soil, and at the same time, the soil itself was slowly becoming red hot, as if it was about to be burnt into lava.

Moreover, he also noticed that the dagger had completely turned into molten iron, but there were still flames emerging on the molten iron, as if molten iron could also burn.

Ge Wuqing's brows gradually tightened. Soil and molten iron, these things that shouldn't be burned, were actually ignited, which did not conform to the scientific common sense he had learned.

But I have seen a similar scene before, that is, the flame monster I encountered in the boundless Tianhe.

Those flame monsters called polluters, every flame released from their bodies has a strong assimilation and erosion effect, and can ignite everything it touches.

The flame dagger wielded by this tall Black Shadow Valley disciple also has a similar effect, which is too similar to the abilities of those flame monsters.

It must be related to the blood. The blood poured out of the bamboo tube should come from some kind of special creature.

But Ge Wuqing couldn't think of what kind of creature it was.

Because the polluters encountered by Boundless Tianhe don't have a trace of flesh and blood on their bodies, they are filled with flames and lava.

To find out the reason, the method is very simple, just grab one and ask.

The person who caught Moyinggu seems to be not very good, and if it gets out, it will cause trouble.

Ge Wuqing didn't want those mouse-like cultivators to run around and do whatever he wanted.

Then catch these few wearing hats, they should also know what burning blood is.

Thinking of this, Ge Wuqing slowly stood up and poured energy into his right foot along the meridians.

Then he lifted his right foot half a foot off the ground and stomped it down hard.

Bang, there was a loud noise, like a fire bomb exploding.

A wave of air visible to the naked eye gushes out, with obvious directionality, and rushes towards the fighting practitioners.

A startling ravine in the ground,

Spreading forward from Ge Wuqing's feet, Kacha Kacha extended to the crowd.

The gully destroyed the base layer of the ground, and the soil and rocks suddenly became soft. These practitioners couldn't stand stably, staggering and even sinking their feet.

The battle came to an abrupt end, and everyone turned their heads to look at the location where the air wave hit, their bodies froze there motionless as if they had been hit by a hold spell.

This force is so powerful that no one can imagine that the stranger just stepped on the ground.

Obviously, the situation has undergone a fundamental change. It is no longer which side can fight, but which side this stranger supports that determines the outcome of the battle between the two sides.

Seeing the stranger approaching step by step, the tall Ink Shadow Valley disciple couldn't hold back himself, and charged up with a flaming dagger.

The blazing flame on the dagger gave him great confidence.

This is the latest weapon against the enemy developed by Moyinggu, and its powerful effect can be called a miracle.

In his heart, using this flaming dagger will definitely defeat any enemy.

But his actions made Ge Wuqing very unhappy, he raised his hand and slapped him.

White air ripples flashed, and the tall disciple seemed to have hit a huge fly swatter.

The whole person yelled and flew out, and fell into the woods with a crash.

As for the flaming dagger in his hand, when it was hit by the air wave, he couldn't hold it and fell to the ground.

After the dagger fell to the ground, the flames on the surface spread rapidly, rolling over inch by inch of weeds and bushes.

Ge Wuqing stepped sideways to get out of the range of the flames, and glared angrily at the remaining three Moying Valley disciples.

He said coldly, "Go away by yourself, or I'll let you go."

The three of them looked at the bamboo hat cultivator and knew that the man who knew the current affairs was a hero, so they quickly put away their weapons and turned around to run away.

The stranger in front of him is too powerful, it is better to find another opportunity to hunt down instead of desperately here.

After the Moying Valley disciples left, the four black-clothed cultivators wearing bucket hats bowed neatly to Ge Wuqing to express their gratitude.

Ge Wuqing readily accepted the four people's salute, and asked: "Who are you, do you have any enmity with Moyinggu?"

One of them cupped his hands and replied: "Senior, to be honest, we are disciples of the Black Shadow Sect.

Shadow Sect and Black Shadow Valley are at war, and it has been going on for nearly ten years, and there is still no result.

But we believe that, as the orthodox inheritance, Moying Valley will definitely be able to stand to the end and defeat those people who bully their names and steal their reputations. "

It turned out that these people were the disciples of the Black Shadow Sect. The Black Shadow Sect and the Black Shadow Valley had been fighting for many years, and Ge Wuqing had naturally heard of it.

It is rumored that the Black Shadow Sect was formed by cultivators split from the Black Shadow Valley, among whom there are many elders and disciples with status.

The Black Shadow Sect also has all the inheritance of the Black Shadow Valley, and both sides claim to be orthodox in the sect, accusing the other of betraying the rules passed down by the ancestors of the Black Shadow Valley.

In this way, both sides recruited disciples, fighting to prove who is orthodox.

Due to the similar strength, they have not been able to tell the winner after fighting for so many years.

On the contrary, the Black Shadow Sect, which had a small number before, has gradually increased in number, faintly surpassing the Black Shadow Valley.

After figuring out the identities of these people, Ge Wuqing went straight to the point and asked, "What did Moyinggu use just now, and why did it ignite flames on the dagger?"

He pointed to the ground that was still burning: "And these flames don't seem to go out, do they contain special power?"

The disciple of Black Shadow Sect hesitated for a moment, and finally answered truthfully: "Senior, I don't know that our sect has been fighting with Black Shadow Valley for many years.

Both sides are researching special equipment to strengthen the combat effectiveness of the disciples.

According to the news from our sect's spies, Moyinggu seems to have caught some strange creature about ten years ago, that is, the year the divine soldier Duan Shuilongya was born.

Based on the strange creature, they developed this special liquid, which can burn everything it touches after being ignited.

Even the strongest energy barrier can't resist the flames.

Mo Yinggu called this thing Burning Heaven Blood, it should be the blood of that creature. "

"Oh, and this kind of thing"

The answer from the disciple of the Black Shadow Sect aroused Ge Wuqing's interest. There really is a biological blood with the power of a polluter.

"Do you know what kind of creature that is?"

The Black Shadow Sect disciple shook his head, and the black gauze hanging under the bamboo hat shook back and forth: "I don't know, Black Shadow Valley hid that thing very carefully, and our spies couldn't find it.

Senior, your cultivation base is so advanced, why don't you join my Black Shadow Sect.

With the cultivation of seniors, he will definitely become the chief elder of our sect.

When my sect defeats Moyinggu and takes back the position of the top ten sects, then senior will be famous all over the world. "

Ge Wuqing secretly laughed in his heart: "I am heartless and follow my heart, the owner of the Zhuang, it is funny that I would care about you, a Black Shadow Sect."

He waved his hand away: "I'm not interested in your sect, hurry up and get out, don't disturb my self-cultivation here."

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