Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 685: Killing the Demon Head in the Streets of the Isolated City

Yunyou looked at the two commanders expressionlessly, as if she couldn't hear their laughter and ridicule.

The cultivator by the city gate glanced back and forth between Yunyou and the commander.

Everyone wondered why the woman didn't react at all when the commander said such obscenities.

After laughing, the ridicule of the commander gradually subsided. The woman in front of them was like a log, which made them feel boring.

One of them was stunned for a moment, and then scolded: "Do you have any money, if you don't have money, get out, and you are not allowed to enter the city."

Yunyou looked away from the two of them, without any intention of paying, she went straight to the city gate.

"Toast, don't eat, eat fine wine!"

The commander who just yelled loudly lifted his foot and swept sideways.

He wanted to kick the other party's ankle, and let this ignorant crazy woman know she was wrong.

However, the legs swept across the skirt, but there was no sense of impact on the feet, and he actually swept through the air. What's going on.

Looking up, I saw the woman's skirt shaking, and there was no shadow of feet under the skirt.

He was startled in his heart. Without feet, it meant that the woman was flying in the air.

Flying in the air without showing the light of vigor, it proves that her cultivation base is very high, at least she has a divine state.

"Damn it, it's an iron plate, it's troublesome now."

Just when the commander was about to shrink back, the other commander rushed forward, shaking his fist and trying to knock Yunyou over.

Bang, there was a crisp sound like a gong, and the commander's whole body seemed to have hit a black iron wall, and slowly slid to the ground.

He rubbed his dizzy head, sat up with difficulty, and reached out to touch the air in front of him.

The air is still air, and has not turned into an iron wall, which means that it was the effect of a female self-defense spell just now.

The two commanders who guarded the city gate had mediocre cultivation, and they hadn't even broken through to the divine realm. Faced with such a hidden powerhouse, they immediately became cowards.

They no longer obstructed Yunyou, turned around and ran back to the city gate, pointing at the onlookers and scolding them.

"What are you looking at, it's a guest of our Great Desolation City, of course you don't need to pay.

You are not guests, you have prepared the heaven and earth crystals, and you are not allowed to enter the city without paying the money. "

There were murmurs of discussion in the crowd, accusing the two commanders of being bullying.

Among them, a few with higher cultivation bases also followed Yunyou's example and tried to forcibly break through.

Immediately, there was a lively scene outside the city gate, with the sound of vigorous collision and noise, and the scene became more and more chaotic.

Yunyou didn't pay attention to these, she scanned the surroundings after entering the city, and walked towards the nearest stone staircase on the city wall.

To reach the post station of Qianyunzong in the Great Wilderness Gucheng, one must climb the post station peak, and to reach the post station peak, one has to pass through the top of a section of the city wall.

Compared with the scenes in my memory a few years ago, the Great Desolate City has changed a lot, and there are no scenes of killing and fighting everywhere in the city.

And besides the market, those deserted streets and alleys are now a bit more popular.

At the entrance of some remote alleys, Yunyou also saw some ordinary people in shabby clothes, spreading sackcloth and selling gadgets.

Although those were crude handicrafts, at least it proved that ordinary people dared to come out to deal with practitioners to make a living.

Yunyou doesn't know the specific reason, but she can be sure that the change of the Great Desolation and Lonely City is inseparable from the city lord Lin Minghao.

Perhaps it was because Lin Minghao changed his temper after escaping from Wenjianzong, and began to care about the lives of practitioners and ordinary people in the Great Wilderness.

When approaching the entrance of the stone steps of the city wall, Yunyou saw three practitioners in uniform uniforms on the street, distributing leaflets to passers-by.

One of them glanced in Yunyou's direction by accident, and the movement of distributing leaflets froze immediately.

He lowered his head to carefully compare the contents of the leaflet, then drew out the long knife at his waist, and lighted it with a vigorous light.

"It's her, the heinous female devil Yunyou, she's right here!"

The voice of shouting rumbled and spread under the effect of vigor, and the other two practitioners immediately drew out their weapons and took a stance to aim at Yunyou.

"It really is her, we are going to make a name for ourselves in Demon Slayer Righteousness!"

Another person called on the practitioners passing by to attack Yunyou together.

"The uprightness of killing demons is here to eliminate demons and defend the way. I hope all righteous men with righteousness in their hearts can give us a helping hand."

The cultivators passing by stopped in their tracks one after another. In just two or three days, the story of killing demons and righteousness had spread throughout the Yunxiu Continent, and almost everyone knew about it.

There are only a few places that have not responded to the call to exterminate evil spirits, and the Great Desolate City is one of them.

Practitioners have all heard about Wen Jianzong beheading the Dragon Sword Terrace, and know that Ge Wuqing, the Lord of the Great Wilderness City, has enmity with Wen Jianzong.

And Wen Jianzong is the leader of Demon Slayer Righteousness, so it would be strange that Dahuang Gucheng would participate.

Not participating in the Demon Slaying Righteousness does not mean that the Great Desolation and Lonely City can oppose the thousands of sects of the Demon Slayer Righteousness.

Therefore, Dahuang couldn't stop the cultivators who slew demons and righteousness from distributing leaflets in the city.

Under the call of the three righteous disciples who killed demons, fourteen or five practitioners immediately drew their weapons and urged their energy to assume an attacking posture.

Yunyou didn't know what happened, why these people called themselves devils, and wanted to fight as soon as they met.

However, she could see the direction of energy flowing in these people's bodies, and it was rapidly converging towards the arms and feet, which was definitely a sign of an upcoming attack.

The left hand slowly grasped the fist, a ray of power from heaven and earth converged towards the heart of the fist, and a faint blue light overflowed from between the fingers.

If these people insisted on beating, Yunyou would not stand up and be beaten.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, let's go together, there are tens of thousands of cultivators in the city, this devil can still turn the world upside down!"

As he said that, a disciple of Demon Slayer's Righteous Qi stepped forward, shouting loudly and slashing out his Qi Jin Daoguang.

The other two followed closely behind, and also released their energy to attack Yunyou.

There was no expression on Yunyou's face, nor did her body make any evasive movements, she just stretched her left fist forward, releasing the power of heaven and earth.

The cyan light rushed out from the palm of his hand, and turned into a raging gust of wind in the blink of an eye.

This gust of wind was as unstoppable as a mountain torrent, instantly dissipating the qi attack from the Demon Slayer Righteous Qi disciple, and hit the unlucky guy in the front straight.

The demon-killing righteous disciple at the front was thrown like a ball, screaming and smashing through the houses on the street, leaving a big human-shaped hole in the stone wall.

Seeing this, those cultivators from the Great Desolate City rushed forward with their weapons in hand, trying to help the Demon Slayer and Righteous Qi disciples deal with Yunyou.

On the streets of the Great Desolation City, there has been no fighting for a long time.

The nearby cultivators gradually gathered here, wanting to see what happened.

The commanders patrolling the city also heard the sound of battle and flew into the air to approach this place.

According to the new order of the city lord after he fled back, they need to maintain order in the city and prevent chaos from happening.

It is precisely because the Commander has this task that the Great Desolation City is more like a city than before, rather than an arena for random fighting.

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