Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 80: All the Disciples Compete for the Banquet

Except for Qianyun's order, Qianyunzong has never been so lively.

In addition to Elder Ming Zong, the eleven elders in the sect who had disciples set up examination rooms on the mountain peaks where they were teaching, and fairly selected the disciples who went to the Jueqing Suixinzhuang for the banquet.

The suzerain had already informed the elders that the content of the competition Ge Wuqing requested was cultivation, but disciples over forty years old were not allowed to participate in the competition. Therefore, the examination room set up by the elders is actually to select the young disciples with the highest cultivation base and the best ability to fight.

I don't know about this examination room, and I was taken aback when I first showed it, because Qian Yunzong never participated in the battle on the cloud sleeve, so there are quite few disciples who can fight. Most of the disciples are practicing health-preserving exercises that prolong life. Not only are their cultivation bases low, but their attack methods are also poor.

Health-preserving exercises are also called lazy exercises. Its principle is to weave a small wheel with leaves in the dantian, and then use special exercise formulas to make this small wheel run and push the meridians. Qi Jin runs again and again.

Reciting the formula once will make the small wheel turn for half a month, and after half a month the small wheel will stop, just repeat the formula again. When the small wheel is turning, the cultivation is carried out automatically, and it doesn't affect what the practitioner wants to do.

However, the speed of this type of exercise is very slow, and it depends entirely on the accumulation of time. No, all the disciples practicing this kind of kung fu in the examination room, those under the age of 20 are all in the Qi control state, and those in the Qi condensing state are all close to forty years old. Won't.

Elder Ming Sijiu was the first to pick out the disciples. She guards the Wentian Pavilion for many years, and has the least number of disciples, thirty-five in total.

On the examination room paved with Shi Tinghua exercises, a dark brown flame rolled forward like a wheel. Where the flame wheel passed, the stone bricks cracked one after another, and the continuous crackling sound scared the disciple directly opposite to turn pale, and his body couldn't help but retreat.

Seeing that he had retreated to the side of the examination room, the student finally mustered up the courage to break the boat and shouted to urge Guanghua to come forward.

"Ha... ah..." The loud shouts turned into exclamations in a blink of an eye. The disciple hugged his head and rolled out of the brilliance blasted by the flame wheel in disgrace, and fell to the outside of the examination room.

"Senior brother is amazing, I can't compare to... oops!" The disciple stood up, and before he could say a few words, an unopened long knife fell on his head, knocking him to the ground in an instant.

He was dizzy all of a sudden, staring at his eyes, and finally regained his focus, only to find that the long knife that hit him was his own weapon, presumably it was blown away when he received the move just now.

The disciple hurriedly picked up the weapon, rubbed his head and hid in the crowd in a dejected manner, which attracted a lot of laughter.

Elder Ming Sijiu jumped into the air, flew to the center of the examination room, spun in a circle and floated down. The slender fingers wiped the pendant on the neck, and slightly opened the right side of the skirt, revealing the snow-white fragrant shoulders.

She cast a wink at the bottom of the examination room, raised her slender arms and put them on the shoulders of the winning students, opened her red lips and announced, "Guan Conghui won, this time I will take him to the banquet."

While announcing, Ming Siqiu looked at Guan Conghui with a smile, and slowly moved closer to blowing on his face.

Guan Conghui's heart beat faster when he smelled the scent of orchids. He fixed his eyes on the stone bricks under his feet, trying to suppress his chaotic thoughts.

"Master is here again, oh my god!" Guan Conghui kept saying silently, "Calm your mind, calm your mind, meditate and calm your mind, think more about the age of master, meditate, meditate."

Among the elders, elder Ming Chengxi has the most disciples, and his disciples have the most mixed cultivation. At this moment, around the examination room set up by Elder Ming Chengxi, four to five hundred people were densely surrounded, all of them were his disciples.

"What are the two of you better than? Go down!" Elder Ming Chengxi saw two disciples in the Qi Control Realm, and pushed a ball of energy back and forth like a ball, and slapped the table heavily to get angry.

Elder Ming Chengxi set up a half-foot-high stand on the side of the examination room, and put tables and chairs on the stand, and then sat on it by himself to watch the disciples compete.

"Master, don't be angry, please use tea." The man who spoke was a middle-aged man, holding a copper pot in his hand, and the spout of the pot was sizzling white steam.

Elder Ming Chengxi glanced at him and sighed. This is his great apprentice, the earliest apprentice, the highest cultivation level, he has already passed the threshold of Qi Yao Realm.

But this time at Jueqing Suixinzhuang's congratulatory banquet, Ge Wuqing set a requirement that the disciples he brought must be under the age of forty, and his eldest disciple was already over fifty, no matter how high his cultivation was, he would have no chance.

Soon two more disciples came up.

The two disciples stood at both ends of the examination room. After bowing their hands and saluting, they began to exercise their energy. The two were muttering words, and their hands kept gesticulating in the air.

The disciple on the left moved faster. He grabbed the ground with his palm, and a stone brick floated up quickly, and smashed to the opposite side with his movements. The disciple on the right did not show any weakness, he moved sideways to avoid the flying stone bricks, and then also grabbed the stone bricks from the ground and smashed them at the opponent.

Seeing the stone bricks flying towards him, the disciple on the left quickly dodged to avoid it, and then continued to throw stone bricks back.

After watching for a while, Elder Ming Chengxi covered his eyes, shook his head and sighed. He figured it out, these two disciples were practicing "Twenty-eight Methods of Stone Obedience", they had no other skills, they could only throw stone bricks back and forth like a snowball fight.

"Hey, how come there are so many useless people, where do they come from?" Elder Ming Chengxi waved the two disciples out of the examination room and sighed while rubbing his temples.

The big apprentice next to him picked up the copper pot from the small charcoal stove, poured some hot water into the cup, and replied, "Master, you personally accept every student here."

"Me?" Elder Ming Chengxi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head in denial, "It's definitely not me, my recruits are all carefully selected. Take a look, I know a few here."

Pointing at the four or five hundred people below, Ming Chengxi only felt a pain in the head. There are so many people, two by two slowly compare, when will be the time.

Seeming to see the difficulty of the master, the big apprentice suggested: "Master, it is better to select the taller ones among the short ones. It is better to choose according to the realm. Remove the ones in the Qi-controlling state first, and if there are still many people, remove the disciples in the Qi-condensing state."

Ming Chengxi patted the table: "That's right! You listen carefully, all those in the Imperial Qi Realm will go back!"

Compared to other elders' mountain peaks, where the competition is in full swing, Elder Ming Zong's Fangcao Peak is so quiet.

In the Fangcao Building, Master Ming Zong was sipping tea slowly, his eyes glanced at the apprentices who were practicing drawing spell patterns on the table from time to time.

At this time, there was a stack of thick white papers on the table, at least two feet high, each piece of paper was covered with the same spell pattern. There are also white papers scattered around the table, also covered with curse patterns, which were blown away by the wind.

Turn left, go down to the right, go straight up, and finish. Zheng Qiu picked up the pen and drew the curse pattern of the entire knife-blocking clay figurine on the paper in one go. Then he raised his head and glanced across the table.

"It's not fast enough, there is a flaw at the end of the cursive pattern." Master Ming Zong replied lightly, signaling Zheng Qiu to continue practicing.

Swiping, Zheng Qiu lowered his head, and the sound of the pen tip scratching the paper was heard again on the table.

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