Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 828: The Fog in Cloud Mountain Can Change

Everyone stared at Yunyou, for fear that she would run away suddenly.

After a while, an elder from the Hall of Ten Thousand Beasts reminded loudly in a high-pitched and thin voice: "I understand, the jade box that the monster took away was used to hold this bracelet!

You see, the size of the bracelet matches the jade box very well, and the light emitted by the two is similar. "

After being reminded by the elder of the Ten Thousand Beasts Hall, other people immediately noticed this.

That's right, the jade box is only the size of a palm, and it's empty inside.

And the bracelet on Yunyou's wrist is small in size and shape, which fits perfectly in the jade box.

Although I want to understand that the bracelet should be put in the jade box, everyone still has doubts in their hearts.

According to records, the last two magical weapons in Yunxiu Continent should be axes and swords, but there are only bracelets and jade boxes in front of them, which are completely incompatible with weapons.

So what exactly are these jade boxes and bracelets? Are they really divine weapons?

At this time, Zheng Qiu was very anxious, and the development of the matter had exceeded the scope of his control. The magic weapon carried by his sister was actually detected by Ge Wuqing with Wuhuang disaster.

What should I do next?

Thousands of practitioners here are all here for the magic weapon.

Now that I know the whereabouts of the magic soldier, I can know what will happen next, just think about it with my toes.

Blade Hua stepped forward stepping on the treetops, stretched out her hand and threatened: "Hand over the magic weapon, don't play tricks, lest you suffer from flesh and blood."

Now that the fact that she owns the magic weapon has been exposed, there is no need for Yunyou to hide any longer. She stretched out her right hand and shook the bracelet that was still shining, and then beckoned to Renhua.

"Is my sister so confident that she wants to take the initiative to face all the practitioners present. No, I have to help her."

Thinking of this, Zheng Qiu jumped in front of Yunyou, turned around and shouted at Renhua and the others.

"If you want a magic soldier, you can grab it with your ability. It's useless to talk about it. Stop daydreaming!"

Seeing this situation, all the cultivators gasped, their minds completely filled with the words "Shenbing".

A magic weapon, really a magic weapon, Yunyou actually stole the magic weapon!

Faced with Zheng Qiu's provocative clamor, Ren Hua couldn't bear it any longer, she brushed off her sleeves and drew out her sword fingers, and began to increase her power level.

Although his words were tough, he was still very afraid of Yunyou in his heart.

The power of the earth-shaking elephant sword just now is too great, since Yunyou can use it once with the magic weapon, she will definitely be able to use it a second time.

Facing such a powerful sword move, he must not underestimate the enemy, and must use all his strength to defeat her before she can use the Transformation Sword Technique.

This time, Yun You didn't need to pay close attention to the flow of the power of heaven and earth on Ren Hua's body, just by her movements, she knew that the Supreme Master of Sha Nian had started to exercise her kung fu.

Not to be outdone, she swung her right hand forward, and the silver-gray bracelet on her wrist suddenly fell apart.

The bracelet turned into misty mist, spun around Yunyou's arm, and quickly floated to the palm and fingertips.

As if being hit by an invisible hammer, one depression after another suddenly appeared on the mist.

With more and more depressions, the mist is compressed and solidified,

Into the shape of a long sword.

The whole body of this long sword is silver-gray, there is no sword gap, and the hilt and sword body are integrated.

The sword body was as smooth as a mirror, without any pattern, just like carefully fired colored glaze.

However, in this glass, there are countless mist churning and circulating.

Perhaps it was because there was too much fog, and the light could not pass through it smoothly, making it appear light gray.

The sword body is four feet long and one inch wide, with eight sides.

Each side is divided into yin and yang sides, one side reflects the light outward, and the other side restrains the light inward.

Seeing the sixteen-faced long sword, Ma Qing, the Supreme Wang Xin, suddenly realized that the shape of the sword move of the Shaking Earth Transforming Elephant Sword before was the shape of this long sword.

Qianqi Supreme of Qianqi Silver Fort stared at the cloud and mist in the sword body, and exclaimed after a while: "Sword-shaped magic weapon!

You can't be wrong, this is the fog of the magic weapon Yunshan, absolutely!

You see, the sword body and hilt are completely condensed by mist, no wonder it can change shape and size.

Odd, it is so odd! "

After Qianqi Supreme’s reminder, other cultivators also nodded in praise as if they had just woken up from a dream.

"That's right, it is recorded in "The Record of the Divine Soldiers of Cloud Sleeves" that the mist of Yunshan Mountain is a sword, and it really is."

"It's amazing, a weapon can change shape, I dare not even think about it."

"I think that just by changing the shape, it has already surpassed the Wuwang Calamity and the Water-Breaking Dragon Tooth. Those two are still in the category of weapons. The Mist of Yunshan definitely jumped out of this framework."

"You say that the mist of Yunshan Mountain is so magical, is it made of strange materials?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of any kind of ore that has such a shape-changing effect."

"Maybe it was made by something outside the sky. Don't forget the inversion of the galaxy that happened before."

Practitioners discussed and expressed their own opinions.

Ge Wuqing heard what was being discussed in the crowd, and couldn't help but look down at the Wu Wang Calamity in his hand, and at the mist of Yunshan in the opposite Yunyou's hand.

With a look of regret on his face, he lightly scratched the handle of the hammer with his fingers, thinking: "These people are quite reasonable. Variety.

If the mist of Yunshan is in my hands, it will become sports cars, airplanes, tanks, and the natives of Yunxiu Continent know what science and technology are.

This stinky girl, Yunyou, seems to be quite capable, and it might not be an easy task to snatch the Mist of Yunshan from her hand.

And with the little bastard Zheng Qiu by his side, he could cast the evasion technique of disappearing instantly at any time, leading Yunyou to escape calmly.

It seems that a hard grab is not reliable, we have to find a chance to separate Yunyou and Zheng Qiu, and then try to snatch it. "

Thinking of this, Ge Wuqing's interest was greatly reduced, and he put away Wu Wang Calamity and quietly retreated into the crowd of practitioners.

Looking at those excited Supremes, he laughed secretly: "A bunch of idiots, with Zheng Qiu here, Yunyou can leave whenever she wants.

Unless there is a way to prevent Zheng Qiu from using his escape technique, no matter how hard he hits, it will be useless.

If you want to grab the mist of Yunshan with this kind of IQ, it is better to wait for the pie to fall from the sky. "

But those supreme beings, as well as the elders and disciples of various sects and sects, did not know what Ge Wuqing was thinking.

Blade Hua had just raised her power to the first level of the Divine Place Realm, and the gray ring of light appeared behind her head, which had not yet continued to raise her power level.

At this time, a figure suddenly sprang out from behind him on the left, tiptoed lightly on the twigs at the top of the treetops, and rushed towards Yunyou at a high speed.

Look at that person's clothing is a long robe, with a strange square pattern embroidered on the surface, and the large texture of the pattern is staggered and turned, which is a bit like lightning.

It should be a sect called Leifutian Pavilion, which can be regarded as a large sect on the Yunxiu Continent. Under it, there is a supreme being in the divine realm, and there are more than 500 disciples.

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