Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 830 Shrink the ground into an inch and send Yunyou off

Elder Lei Futian Pavilion also wanted to quickly change his movements and set up a barrier of energy to resist.

But the light came in the blink of an eye, and the elder had no time to defend.

This soft cyan light is the fog of the extended magic weapon Yunshan.

It easily pierced the left shoulder of the elder Lei Futian Pavilion, but under Yunyou's control, the tip of the sword actively became flattened, called a round stick head.

The head of the stick pressed against the bone at the shoulder, and then a very solid air flow rushed out, hitting the bone with a bang.

Then, the head of Lei Futian Pavilion elder's left shoulder was instantly broken by the airflow, and his body also flew backwards under the impact.

The blood gushing out of the wound drew a long arc in the air, and finally fell into the woods.

After knocking away the elder of Leifutian Pavilion, the mist of Yunshan quickly shortened and turned into a four-foot-long sixteen-faced sword.

Yunyou knew that she would not take the opponent's life just now, but before using the medicine to recover, the elder had lost the power to fight again, so he could only hide in the woods and watch the show.

Although Yun You easily defeated the elder of Lei Futian Pavilion, she still couldn't scare people from the top ten sects.

On the contrary, after seeing how the elders of Lei Futian Pavilion lost, these ten sect cultivators became more confident.

Many of them believed that Yunyou had exhausted all the power of heaven and earth and vigor in her body when she used the earth-shattering Elephant Transformation Sword before, and she didn't have the energy left to release a decent sword move.

More than a dozen Qianqi Yinbao disciples opened the left arm armor of the magic weapon armor one after another, and aimed the portable rain flute that popped up from it at Yunyou from a distance, preparing to launch a rainstorm of energetic projectiles.

However, before they activated the rain flute, the mountain peak that was divided into two halves suddenly moved.

Where the mountain peak was split, there were countless piles of gravel, soil, broken branches and leaves, but the stones on it rolled down as if they had been hit by an earthquake.

Then a ray of red flames emerged from the cracks in the stones, and became brighter and brighter.

What, there are still flames? Could it be that the Earth Shaking Elephant Sword, which was so powerful just now, didn't kill the monster?

The cultivators present all showed hesitation, looking between Yun You and the distant fire, what should we do now?

Should we work together to deal with the monsters, or attack Yunyou first to snatch the mist of Yunshan?

Those elders and disciples all looked at the masters of their own sects, waiting for orders from those suzerains, pavilion masters, and sect masters.

At this time, Yan Hua had just raised her strength to the second level of the divine place, and her sword fingers with both hands had quietly aimed at Yun You, ready to send out the killing intent sword technique at any time.

But seeing the flames in the ruins in the distance, Ren Hua was obviously stunned for a moment, and he also hesitated in his heart.

Even the few Qianqi Yinbao disciples who had activated the rain flute forcefully pressed the energetic projectile that the rain flute was about to launch back into the magic weapon.

Seeing that the crowd's desire to attack began to decline, Zheng Qiu knew that this was a good opportunity, and turned to persuade Yunyou: "Sister, you have already obtained the fog of Yunshan, so there is no need to fight with them here.

I will shrink the ground to an inch and send you out of the Cloudy Sky Prison Mountains.

You take the sky boat and leave as soon as possible to find a place called Fengshou Town. There is Lingcui Mountain there. We will meet at Lingcui Mountain then. "

Yunyou was worried about Zheng Qiu, she shook her head and refused: "No, what will you do after sending me away?

They will definitely take their anger out on you and arrest you to find out my whereabouts..."

Zheng Qiu interrupted: "Elder sister, don't worry, since I can send you away with one use of Shrink the Ground, I can use it for the second time to send myself away.

Besides, I need to stay here and use my divine power to deal with that humanoid monster, otherwise the world will be in chaos before the Divine Lord invades the Yunxiu Continent. "

"Are you really okay?"

Zheng Qiu patted his chest: "Absolutely no problem, I have used the spell of shrinking the ground to an inch hundreds of times, and I am very proficient."

After all,

He quickly recited the dragon language formula, and began to shrink the ground to an inch.

Although most of the cultivators are hesitant, there are still some who don't care about the overall situation.

In the eyes of these people, even if the blame turns Yunxiu Continent upside down, it has nothing to do with them.

For them, the immediate interests are the most important, and the greatest interest right now is the magic weapon Yunshan Mist.

So these people didn't care about anything, and rushed out from the crowd, releasing brilliance of various colors to attack Yunyou.

From their point of view, even if Yunyou is powerful, facing such a large number of attacks, she will eventually be overwhelmed by the flood of light.

But they were wrong. Just as dozens of rays of light rushed in front of Yunyou, Zheng Qiu suddenly raised his hand and a white flash exploded in the air.

It was as if a hole had been torn apart in the picture scroll, which looked weird and magical.

Yunyou didn't make any defensive measures at all, and floated directly into the flashing light.

Then the flashes went off, and the galloping attacks swept across the empty space and rumbled into the woods.

What, Yunyou has disappeared!

All the cultivators who launched the attack turned pale with fright, and each of them opened their mouths so wide that they could fit into their fists.

What was that flash of light just now? Is it the escape technique used by Zheng Qiu?

Only then did they remember that among Zheng Qiu's special skills, there is a teleportation spell that disappears out of thin air.

For a long time, everyone thought that this spell could only be used by Zheng Qiu himself, but unexpectedly he could help others leave.

What can be done now, Yunyou took the mist of Yunshan and ran away, and when she reappeared, her strength must have increased greatly.

Wouldn't it be hundreds of times more difficult to grab the magic weapon at that time than it is now?

Not only these people, but even the supreme beings like Ren Hua were stunned again. Ren Hua froze in mid-air with his hands clasping his sword fingers, regretting that he had lost his goal.

If he had known this earlier, he should have launched the Killing Nian Sword Technique in advance, at least to keep Yunyou here.

Several other supreme beings also had the same idea, and now that the meat in their mouths is flying, no one feels good.

Seeing everyone's distress, Ge Wuqing folded his arms and laughed loudly: "Hahaha, you idiots, with Zheng Qiu here, you still want to grab the magic weapon, just dream!"

Ge Wuqing's idiot almost scolded everyone, and many cultivators turned their heads and glared, expressing their dissatisfaction.

"What are you looking at? I'm stupid and still don't admit it. Zheng Qiu has used this evasion technique more than once. Has your memory been eaten by dogs?"

Ge Wuqing was not polite at all, but his fists were hard enough and his strength was strong enough. Even if everyone was scolded into anger, they didn't have the idea of ​​going forward to teach Ge Wuqing a lesson.

However, these two sentences of Ge Wuqing seemed to be ridiculed, but they reminded you supreme beings.

The key to Yunyou's ability to grab Yunshan's mist and retreat completely lies with Zheng Qiu, not Yunyou personally.

Without Zheng Qiu's help, Yunyou would have to face the siege of the crowd. Under the joint attack of more than a dozen divine realm supreme beings, no matter how powerful she was, she would not be able to make any waves.

Lin Minghao could see it, he raised his hands and cupped his fists and saluted Ge Wuqing to express his gratitude.

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