Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 84 Looking for a teacher but being beaten by Zilin

Climbing up the copper-carved stairs, the second floor is just as Senior Brother Li Mojian said, full of compartments.

The compartments here are not the ones in ordinary skyboats, but are made of thick wooden boards, with moiré silk cloth pasted on the outside of the wooden boards, and the color of the silk cloth in each room is different.

On the aisle between the compartments, colorful light stones are hung from the top with silk threads. The light stones shake slightly, and the light emitted by them ripples, which is very beautiful.

There are three aisles in total, and the compartments are divided into four rows. Walking into one of the aisles, Zheng Qiu looked at the closed compartment doors on both sides, but he couldn't find a place where he could identify the identity of the elder.

He had no choice but to ask Li Mojian: "Brother, there is no mark on this door, how can I find the master? I can't knock on the door one by one."

"This has to be based on experience," Li Mojian led Zheng Qiu forward while observing left and right, "Elders prefer different colors, and naturally choose different compartments. For example, Elder Ming Ding likes red, and Elder Ming Chengxi likes to pick a color." gold……"

The two walked to the end of the aisle, and when they turned around to go to another aisle, the door of the compartment next to Zheng Qiu suddenly opened. A small hand stretched out from inside, grabbed Zheng Qiu by the collar, and dragged him in.

Li Mojian caught a glimpse of the outstretched hand, and knew who was inside, hurriedly grabbed the compartment door that was about to close, and squeezed in sideways.

"Junior Sister!"

Being caught by the collar again, Zheng Qiu knew without guessing that it was Mingkong Zilin, except for her, no one had such a hobby. With a splash, Zheng Qiu was thrown directly on the ground. He rubbed his sore shoulder and got up, looking around to find the culprit.

The compartment is very spacious, with a length and width of nearly two and a half feet. There are beds, reclining chairs, desks, potted flowers and plants, calligraphy and painting books inside. If you don’t care about food and drink, you can live in it for a few months.

The cubicle is filled with light and is very bright thanks to the skylight at the top.

The skylights are round, about the same length as the round windows of ordinary skyboats, but these skylights are not just a hole, with a transparent glass plate on it, which not only transmits light but also blocks the wind, so you don’t have to worry about flying high and the air will be thin The problem.

Zheng Qiu looked left and right, except for Li Mojian who followed in, he still couldn't find Mingkong Zilin, strange, where did she go.

He raised his head to look at his senior brother, and found that his senior brother was looking behind him, that's right, Mingkong Zilin must be hiding behind him, that's why he couldn't find him.

"Where is the person, where did he go?" Zheng Qiu asked Li Mojian deliberately, and then suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the back. His left hand grabbed nothing, and his right hand grabbed a strand of hair.

Mingkong Zilin's attention was diverted, and Zheng Qiu caught the braid by surprise. She screamed and jumped back to avoid it.



Two cries of pain sounded at the same time.

Mingkong Zilin was busy hiding back, forgetting that her braids were still being held by Zheng Qiu's hands, this jump immediately caused her scalp to hurt sharply, and when she looked closely, Zheng Qiu pinched a dozen torn hairs in her hands.

Zheng Qiu didn't expect that Mingkong Zilin would jump back, but he just thought that someone would break his hand away, but he didn't have time to let go, and the whole person was brought down, and the back of his head hit the ground heavily.

Zheng Qiu rubbed the back of his head and got up, and found that Mingkong Zilin was also rubbing his head, he couldn't help laughing happily: "Hahaha, this is called shooting yourself in the foot... Hey, don't, don't, don't, yes Speak well, hey..."

Zheng Qiu was not happy for a long time, when he noticed that Mingkong Zilin's eyes were showing unkindness, he quickly backed away, trying to run out of the cubicle.

It's a pity that Mingkong Zilin's speed was much faster than him, Zheng Qiu only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his whole body flew off the ground like a cloud and fog, and then fell to the ground like a huge stone, with a loud noise.

Hey, it doesn't seem to hurt too much, he opened his eyes and found himself thrown on the bed. The bed was half tilted, and a leg was broken under the impact just now. Fortunately, the bed was soft enough, so Zheng Qiucai was not injured.

He breathed a sigh of relief,

Mingkong Zilin didn't throw him on the ground, she was considered a good person.

Just thinking of this, a pillow fell on his face. Before he could recover, the pillow quickly lifted up and hit his face for the second time.

Crackling, crackling, cotton wool and fluff flying around, Mingkong Zilin kept smashing the pillow until only the outer pillowcase was left before calming down.

Throwing the pillowcase on Zheng Qiu's head, Mingkong Zilin tossed her two braids, put her hands on her hips and shouted: "Stupid boy, get up!"

"Bah, bah... bah..." Zheng Qiu spat out the cotton wool in his mouth, got up with white flowers hanging on his head, and looked at Mingkong Zilin helplessly.

"Stupid boy, why did old man Ming Zong bring you here? Have you learned a great skill, use it quickly to open the girl's eyes."

Zheng Qiu shook his head: "I haven't learned any great skills."

Mingkong Zilin squeezed her small fist and waved it in front of Zheng Qiu: "To tell the truth, otherwise I will let you eat the pillow, no, eat the fist."

"No, no, no, I say."

Zheng Qiu walked to the desk, drew two different curse patterns on two pieces of white paper, and held them up to Mingkong Zilin to see: "I just learned two spells, one is the knife-blocking clay figurine curse, and the other It's the Zhoutian Tortoise Shell Curse."

Mingkong Zilin showed a look of surprise: "Ah? Stupid boy, you know how to spell, when did it happen? Do you have the cultivation base of Qi Brilliance?"

"How is it possible, I can't even count as a pneumatic tire."

"Then how do you use the spell, are you lying again?"

Seeing Mingkong Zilin lighting up her fist again, Zheng Qiu quickly explained: "I used the heaven and earth crystal to release the spell, really."

Mingkong Zilin was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly: "Hahaha, so I learned the spell of spending money, hahaha, old man Mingzong is about to bleed..."

Li Mojian has been silent since he entered the cubicle, and at this time he reminded: "In the competition at the banquet, the disciples participating in the competition are forbidden to use foreign objects. I don't know if this heaven and earth crystal counts. It's better to confirm it, so as not to make a joke."

Beside the desk, Mingkong Zilin was still laughing at Zheng Qiu: "Hahaha, stupid boy, stupid old man, born with two idiots..."

Smiling and laughing, she found that Zheng Qiu's mood became very depressed, as if something sad happened. She leaned over and pointed Zheng Qiu's forehead with her finger: "Hey! Stupid boy, what's the matter, is there something sad?"

Zheng Qiu lowered his head, rolled up two pieces of paper and threw them on the ground fiercely, and stomped on them twice: "Brothers and sisters all said that my master is useless, even you said, did my master offend you?"

Mingkong Zilin blinked and asked curiously, "What did you say?"

"They said that my master doesn't even have the Qi Yao realm, so let me change masters as soon as possible, and you also say that my master is stupid..."

"I thought it was something, that's all!" Mingkong Zilin giggled, and raised her hand to mess up Zheng Qiu's hair, "The stupid old man is very powerful, he is obviously a tiger, and he insists on pretending to be a tortoise .”

Zheng Qiu raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him seriously: "Really?"

"Why am I lying to you?" Mingkong Zilin picked up two new blank papers and stuffed them to Zheng Qiu, "Quickly show your hands, let me see, hurry up!"

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