Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 842 Encounter a fisherman by the stream (I wish readers a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn

Holding his fat belly full of fat, Ming Chengxi quickly narrated what happened just now.

Then he said: "Zheng Qiu and Yunyou have successfully escaped, and Yunyou also got the magic weapon Yunshan Mist. We have to bring the news back as soon as possible and let the suzerain know."

Forty-seven naturally nodded in agreement, followed Ming Chengxi to leave with Liuguang, and flew to the Fupingshan post station outside the Yunyun Tianlao Mountains.

At this time, another beautiful girl fell on the square of the Fupingshan post station outside the mountain range.

The girl seemed to be injured, and she tore her beautiful and refined skirt with a unique texture into strips, and wrapped them around her left arm.

There are so many turns, it's like a bandage, leaving no gaps.

In the end, she tied a sling with cloth strips and hung her left arm around her neck, which looked similar to a patient recuperating from a fracture.

She is a female disciple from the Palace of Destiny, and after seeing Zheng Qiu leaving with the magical escapism technique, she set up a streamer and flew to Fupingshan Station.

The first thing she did after she landed was to ask the practitioners in the square who were studying Zhoutai if they had seen Zheng Qiu.

The answer is of course no. They said that no one has seen Zheng Qiu, but they have seen the big devil Yunyou.

In fact, Zheng Qiu had already been here, and even asked them about the inn.

It's just that Zheng Qiu's body was covered in smeared mud at that time, so dirty that no one could recognize him.

Hearing that Zheng Qiu didn't come to the inn, the girl of Tianming Palace was very disappointed.

The girl's left arm was invaded by the strange flame power, and the rejuvenation grass that Zheng Qiu threw to her only counteracted part of the flame power and confined it to the left arm.

Although the flames were prevented from penetrating into the vital parts of the torso and their lives were saved, it would not work until they were eradicated.

The girl was looking for Zheng Qiu because she wanted him to get rid of the hidden danger completely, and she would pay any price.

She asked one after another at the station, but still couldn't find Zheng Qiu's whereabouts.

Finally, an old man reminded with a hoarse voice: "Girl, that Zheng Qiu likes to open a shop to sell medicinal materials.

You can go around and ask around to see if there is something called Wanling Rejuvenation Grass for sale.

This rejuvenating grass, the entire Yunxiu Continent, only Zheng Qiu can get it out.

So you only need to find the rejuvenating grass, and then follow the clues to find the source, and you will be able to find Zheng Qiu. "

The girl from the Palace of Destiny thanked the old man and wanted to leave in a skyboat, but she found that the disciple of Qianyunzong who managed the station was missing.

After asking, I found out that it was Yunyou who chartered a small fast sky boat, and also captured the disciples of Qianyunzong at the post station.

Just like that, the girl from the Palace of Destiny had no choice but to sit on a chair in the lobby, holding her chin and waiting for the inn to resume operation.

After about six sticks of incense, Lin Chengzhu from Dahuang Gucheng came here, and a moment later, Ge Zhuangzhu from Ruinqing Suixinzhuang also came.

After Master Ge, the Ming Chengxi elders of the Qianyun Sect, including the forty-seventh elder Xueyun.

As for the disciples of the Outer Sect of the post station being captured by Yunyou, no one managed the post station and caused chaos.

Ming Chengxi has seen many such things, and has his own way of dealing with them.

He turned to the back of the hall and quickly rummaged to find the dusty magic weapon.

This magic weapon is called the spiral sound horn, and after putting in a sufficient number of heaven and earth crystals, it can communicate with other Qianyunzong stations.

Using the horn of Luoyin, Elder Ming Chengxi informed the nearby post station of the situation here, asking them to send a boat to pick them up immediately.

While the Fupingshan post station was busy resuming its operations, somewhere in the thick forest, a figure was standing upright, twisting left and right, and quickly shuttled through the gaps between the thick and big trees.

The figure is wearing a long robe with narrow sleeves and high slits. There are several iron chains on the clothes, which are used to fasten weapons. This is Wen Jianzong's uniform.

And this cultivator flying among the mountains and forests was exactly Mo Junrong who turned black and white and was exposed in front of thousands of people. He had to give up his status as a disciple of Wenjianzong and escaped early.

Mo Junrong's face was very ugly, and his eyes were full of anger and resentment.

everything he did,

The status and admiration he gained were all wiped out because Zheng Qiu disrupted the situation.

"To be turned upside down by a yellow-mouthed child is really hateful.

Zheng Qiu, what you let me lose today, I will get it all back one day. And of course your head..."

After flying for a long time, Mo Junrong felt that the energy in his body was exhausted, and his mouth couldn't help being very thirsty.

He rose to fly out of the woods, looked down at the ground to search, and soon found a winding stream.

Pressing down on the streamer and falling to the side of the stream, Mo Junrong stretched out his hand and dialed the stream to see if the stream was clean.

The water is very clear, and you can clearly see the pebbles underneath, and even the aquatic plants between the crevices are distinct.

Occasionally, there are half-inch-long transparent shrimps that swim through the stream, looking very lively.

The water is clear and there are small shrimps. There should be no problem with this stream and it can be drunk.

He picked up the stream water with both hands, held it to his mouth and took a few sips to quench his thirst.

Then he washed his face with stream water to relax his tense spirit.

After flattening the thick grass, Mo Junrong sat on the ground. He needed to think carefully about what to do next.

I conspired with Lin Zou to kill the disciples of the sect to which Zhengqi belonged, and these things were made public in public.

Now those sects whose disciples were murdered must hate themselves to death, wishing to have their own cramps skinned.

Wen Jianzong definitely couldn't go back, and he encouraged Lin Zou to kill many Wen Jianzong disciples, no matter whether it was Yan Hua or Ren Zhanfeng, they would not let it go.

The other sects that Demon Killing Zhengqi belonged to might not be able to join them, and they would also catch him to avenge the murdered disciples.

Where can I go?

This time the soldiers of the Yunyun Tianlao Mountain Range were born, and all the famous sects came. They knew that they had a bad reputation and would not take them in.

Could it be that I can only go to some unknown small sects and redevelop in remote places?

Mo Junrong was unwilling. He knew that the small sect might not know him, so it would be much easier to seek refuge.

However, the cultivation resources of the small sect are limited, and he can't improve his cultivation as quickly as before, and with that little resources alone, he can't afford a strong team.

Mo Junrong felt that he had entered a dead end, there were walls in every direction, and there was no way out.

Crash, clatter, the sound of spray from the stream came from the left. Mo Junrong was still thinking about the problem, but suddenly his expression changed, and he became nervous all of a sudden.

Something is wrong, this creek is very calm, and there is no such strong sound of water when it flows, so what is going on with this sound of water.

Turning his head quickly to look to the left, a scene that shocked him appeared in his vision.

A middle-aged man was squatting by the creek, wearing the kind of burlap clothes common to ordinary people, with a bamboo hat on his head, and holding an old yellowed fishing rod in his hand.

It looks like villagers in a mountain village come to this stream to fish.

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