Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 850 Searching for Lingcui Mountain in the Town

The scale of this town is quite large, roughly counting at least two or three thousand houses, so the whole town should have no less than 30,000 people.

Such a scale is already comparable to a large city like the Great Desolation City.

Yunyou walked down the mountain on her own, the young man was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and deliberately didn't follow.

He thought to himself that when Yunyou was far away, he would run into the deep mountains with Jin Liuer on his back, so that he could escape from the clutches of the devil.

But before Yunyou's back disappeared, he felt something push him from behind.

Turning his head to look, it turned out to be a crystal clear cyan barrier, which seemed to be composed of the power of heaven and earth.

The barrier quickly dissipated, turning into a strong wind blowing around, shaking the leaves and bushes rustling.

The young man immediately understood that this was the barrier released by Yunyou, and he was still under the control of the devil.

He smiled helplessly, quickly chased after Jin Liuer with his back on his back, and followed Yunyou to the town.

The periphery of Fengshou Town is covered with farmland, where various crops are grown, including rice, wheat, vegetables, cantaloupe and so on.

These crops are growing gratifyingly, and the fields are filled with the smell of soil and the fragrance of plants.

A canal was also dug in the field, and the clear water flowed through the canal, making the sound of rushing water.

At this time, many people were working in the farmland, some were ordinary people in coarse clothes, and some were cultivators in silk jackets.

These cultivators are not vicious supervisors, but they are pushing farm tools vigorously and working together with ordinary people.

Yun You could tell at a glance that the cultivators here were of a low level, and there were no Qi Condensing Realm cultivators on the edge of the field ridges they passed.

However, these people were not surprised by the arrival of the three of Yunyou, they just looked up a few times, and then continued to work on the farm with their heads down.

Yunyou originally thought that after entering the town, she could see practitioners with higher realms.

But this time she was wrong. There was also no Qi Condensation Realm in the town. They were all those who had just set foot on the road of cultivation and were in the Qi Condensation Realm, coming and going on the streets.

The streets were bustling with people coming and going, and Yunyou wandered around for a while, feeling that Fengshou Town was a big maze, and it was impossible to visit every corner easily.

So she randomly found a roadside restaurant, found a seat on the first floor and sat down.

The restaurant clerk ran over quickly, glanced at the drowsy Jin Liu'er, bowed and asked Yunyou and the young man: "Look at the two attires, they are experts who have just come to Fengshou Town.

The melons and fruits here are very famous, and you will never forget them after eating them. Would you like some? "

Although the level of cultivators in Fengshou Town is low, there are quite a few of them. Therefore, the restaurant staff here all know that cultivators usually do not eat fireworks such as rice noodles, but treat them with scraping melons and fruits.

The young man didn't dare to answer without authorization, and looked at Yunyou involuntarily.

The waiter in the restaurant is also a fine person. After seeing the young man's actions, he understood that the three of them were decided by that beautiful woman.

So he introduced melons and fruits to Yunyou again, and kept reporting the names of the melons and fruits, hoping that Yunyou could buy some and try them.

Yun You didn't object, she nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll have one as you said.

Also, find someone who is familiar with Fengshou Town, I want to know the situation of Fengshou Town.


"Okay, just wait a moment, I'll make arrangements right away!"

After finishing speaking, the restaurant clerk trotted away and returned within a short time.

When he returned, he had already brought a large platter of melons and fruits, as well as tea.

In addition to these, an old lady followed behind him, leaning on a fir cane to salute Yunyou and the others.

The waiter at the restaurant introduced: "My lord, this is Mrs. Shen, she teaches children to read on our street, and she knows the most.

If you want to know anything, just ask her, she will know what to say. "

The clerk then poured two cups of hot tea, one in front of Yunyou and the other in front of the young man.

He glanced at the drowsy Jin Liu'er, and finally poured another cup, and put it on the table in front of Jin Liu'er.

"My lord, take it easy, call me if you need anything."

Yunyou glanced at the platter, the melons and fruits inside were cut into cubes of different shapes, and the picture of the lake view and moonlight was displayed, which was exquisite.

Yunyou didn't taste or drink the tea in the cup, but turned to ask Shen Po: "How many practitioners are there in Fengshou Town?"

Yun You could tell at a glance that Grandma Shen was also a cultivator, but her realm was also very low, and even her Qi-controlling realm was not yet stable.

Yunyou asked this kind of question when she opened her mouth, and Po Shen knew that the other party had seen through her identity and knew that she was a cultivator.

She is now wearing ordinary people's clothes, and the other party doesn't need to try to find out, she can tell her details just by her eyesight, and she is indeed a strong person with a high level of cultivation.

Grandma Shen didn't dare to neglect, and immediately replied respectfully: "There are a lot of practitioners in Fengshou Town, about 3,000 people.

But the cultivators here are not at a high level, so they can't compare with outsiders, let alone you, my lord. "

Yun You didn't seem to respond to Granny Shen's flattering words, and after a moment of silence, she continued to ask: "I was traveling all the way just now, and saw many houses that have just been repaired, and the bricks and tiles are all new.

Do the cultivators here often fight? "

Grandma Shen quickly waved her hand to deny that she could not leave a bad impression on the visiting expert, making the expert think that the cultivators of Fengshou town are aggressive and brutal.

"No, no, sir, you have misunderstood. Those repaired houses were not destroyed by practitioners fighting."

While talking, Shen Po raised her wrinkled and skinny fingers, nodded and touched the ceiling.

"Half a year ago, a very large blue disk appeared in the sky.

That disc completely covered the entire sky, and the sun and the moon could not be seen, just like a night full of dark clouds.

Later, a white light rushed out from the sky and hit the disc in the sky, and then Tiangong was furious and poured down the Tianhe River in the sky.

At that time, what fell from the sky was either heavy rain or floods. The practitioners in Fengshou Town worked together to move the people to the nearby high mountains for shelter, and arranged formations to resist the floods from the sky.

But the buildings in the town can’t be helped, most of them were destroyed in that flood, so they can only be repaired a little bit later..."

After hearing Granny Shen's description, Yunyou understood that the scene she was talking about was actually what happened when Qian Yunzong started Galaxy Reversal.

The cultivators here are so weak that they are not qualified to participate in the Inversion of the Galaxy. No wonder they don't know about this kind of thing, and they thought it was the god who was angry and sent the flood.

Knowing that there are no powerful local snakes here, Yunyou decided not to worry about trivial matters, and directly asked about the destination of the trip.

"Do you know where a place called Lingcui Mountain is located in Fengshou Town, and how far away it is?

From here, which way do we go? "

Hearing the words Lingcui Mountain, Grandma Shen's eyes lit up immediately, but then there was a look of regret on her face.

"It turns out that your lord wants to find Lingcui Mountain!

Of course I know Lingcui Mountain, and many practitioners in Fengshou Town know it. It can be called a famous mountain here! "

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