Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 865 Revisiting the Rotten Swamp

At Mo Junrong's request, many people outside pushed and ran away, and a carriage was called after a while.

Mo Junrong stretched out his hand and said to the old Cheng couple: "Mr. Cheng, Mrs. Cheng, please get in the car.

You don't need to bring it to salute, the new residence will be better. "

Cheng Dachun and Cheng Fumei hesitated for a moment, then stood up and followed Mr. Mo out, and boarded the carriage by accident.

"Thank you, folks, for your help, there will be a period later.

Set off! "

Mo Junrong clasped his fists to thank the surroundings, then waved his hand to signal the coachman to drive out of Qinghe Town.

Along the way, Mo Junrong pinched his fingers to count the time until the psychedelic spell took effect.

According to the amount of qi he injected into the talisman paper, the effect of the spell would last up to two and a half days.

After two and a half days, Cheng Dachun and Cheng Fumei will return to normal, and gradually realize something is wrong, and have doubts about their words and deeds.

However, Mo Junrong understood that this kind of psychedelic spell cannot be used on ordinary people forever, using it three times is already the limit.

Ordinary people's brains are not protected by energy. If they are used continuously, it will cause irreparable damage to the brain, and the final result is to become a fool.

What Mo Junrong wanted was a hostage, not a fool, so he kept urging the coachman to hurry up.

Try to take the sky boat to the central area of ​​Yunxiu Continent within the usage limit of the three spells, and find a place to house Zheng Qiu's parents there.

As for Zheng Qiu, the target of Mo Junrong's design, he still doesn't know these things. After he left Fuping Mountain, he didn't choose to go directly to Fengshou Town.

There was a sudden crisp explosion in the air, as if a firecracker had been ignited out of thin air, and a white flash appeared at the location of the explosion, as if a hole had been ripped open in the air.

A figure in a white robe jumped out of the flash and landed firmly on the ground.

The figure is naturally Zheng Qiu. He used the first time to shrink to an inch, and flew to a Qianyun Zong station to buy a new set of Qianyun embroidered robes, and arrived here after the second time to shrink to an inch.

Looking around, there is a piece of mud overgrown with weeds under your feet, and in the distance is a foul-smelling swamp covered with tall thatch and black water flowing underneath.

This place is called Rotten Swamp. Master Ming Zong brought him here back then to find the spirit-testing roulette recorded in the stele and test the special power source contained in him.

Zheng Qiu came this time to find the former underground cave, check the contents of the buried stele again, and confirm whether there is any missing information.

It was actually very easy to find that cave. Zheng Qiu clearly remembered that the entrance of the cave was at the bottom of the bare mountain wall on the left side of the Rotten Swamp.

The entrance of the cave was bet by Master Mingzong with gravel, pretending to be a natural falling rock.

Zheng Qiu pulled out a piece of sedge and used it as a boat to propel himself across the swamp and successfully arrived at the bottom of the mountain wall, but the scene in front of him made him frown.

Ten years have passed, and the pile of rocks under the mountain wall has long been overgrown with weeds, but the pile of rocks did not firmly block the entrance of the cave, but a huge hole appeared.

The swamp is full of black water with a foul smell, flowing from the hole and pouring down.

Did someone discover this cave all these years?

Zheng Qiu's first reaction was that the hidden cave was discovered, and the stone tablet buried there might be destroyed or taken away.

He squatted down to the edge of the hole, carefully inspected the gravel on the edge, and turned over the stones one by one.

Soon, he found that the stones here had scratch marks from the inside out, and there were quite a lot of them.

Looking into the cave along these traces, the traces have been spreading downwards, seeming to lead to a very deep place.

Fiddle with the weeds in the crevices of the gravel and pull out a few for observation.

Zheng Qiu found that the roots of the weeds on the edge of the hole were very long, and they penetrated deep into the crevices of the stones.

Such a long and abundant root system proves that weeds have grown on the edge of the hole for many years, so it can be inferred in disguise the time when the rubble pile was removed.

If the calculations are not bad, this pile of rubble should have been removed nine to ten years ago, which is very close to the day when the god soldier Broken Water Longya was born.

A flash of light flashed in Zheng Qiu's head.

That's right, the humanoid monster encountered in the Yunyun Tianlao Mountains this time, Moyinggu claimed to have found it near the rotten water swamp, isn't it here?

Could it be that the monster crawled out of this hole?

Yes, it must be so!

According to the stele records, Mumeihua's experiment failed, causing the practitioners injected with the "Fire Spirit" to lose control.

But this experimental place was buried deep underground, presumably it was done by Mu Meihua and others, so as to bury the out-of-control cultivators.

When I and Master Ming Zong entered this ruins, it was equivalent to opening up the road from the ruins to the outside world, allowing the monsters to escape.

Zheng Qiu sighed, it seems that everything is connected by cause and effect, the monster that he managed to kill was actually released by himself.

Forget it, it's useless to think about it, let's hurry in and see if there is any valuable information in the ruins.

Zheng Qiu squatted down, stomped his front foot, and let the sedge boat rush into the hole along the black water of the swamp.

Swiping, sliding down faster and faster, he found that most of the sharp stalagmites and stone ridges in his memory were broken and destroyed.

This should also be the masterpiece of the humanoid monster, but it made Zheng Qiu's decline smoother.

Occasionally, when he came across a sharp rock blocking the way, he punched it very simply, relying on the protection of the golden dragon seal on his body, he smashed the rock forcefully.

After many turns and turns, Zheng Qiu finally fell into the stagnant water with a thud, but the sedge boat under his feet acted as a support, preventing him from falling into the black and smelly dirty water.

Raise your hand to release your strength, and the dazzling white light shines in all directions, making this place as bright as the outside world.

This will consume a lot of energy, but it has no effect on Zheng Qiu. The speed of his own energy production is far faster than consumption.

There is a deep valley in front, and there is a high stone wall behind the deep valley.

The black water of the swamp accumulates in this pit, and the excess will overflow into the deep valley and disappear.

No wonder the black water in the swamp has been pouring in for ten years, but the cave still hasn't been filled. It turns out that there is a bottomless pit here that keeps swallowing the black water.

Under this deep valley, there must be a hidden river, which will take away the black water flowing in.

Zheng Qiu's mind was not here, he jumped over the deep valley, climbed over the natural barrier of the stone wall, and continued to go deeper.

In less than three incense sticks, he entered an open space, where there were a large number of collapsed rock building traces, almost exactly the same as those he saw when he was a child.

As expected, the ruins of the underground laboratory have not changed much, and they are still familiar to him.

At the very front is a huge rock building roof, Zheng Qiu remembered that the spiritual testing roulette and a dozen stone tablets were all placed at the back.

He quickly walked around the ruins, passed through the messy pile of stones, and came to the rear after a while.

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