Ge Wuqing made such a statement, how could the suzerain let him lose face.

So the suzerain also picked up the wine bowl, stood up and signaled to everyone: "Master Ge is so hospitable, everyone, don't miss his kindness, come on, do it!"

The suzerain took the lead in drinking the wine, and after distinguishing it in his mouth for a moment, he sent affirmative glances to the elders.

After being confirmed by the suzerain, the elders also raised their wine bowls, thanked Ge Wuqing one after another, and drank the wine one by one.

The master held up a bowl to express his gratitude, and the disciples naturally had to follow. Under the guidance of their master, the disciples of Qian Yunzong raised their wine bowls to say congratulations to Ge Wuqing.

Master Mingzong only poured a small spoonful of wine into Zheng Qiu's bowl, and then asked the apprentice to respect Ge Wuqing according to the congratulations he had memorized in advance.

Gudong, Zheng Qiu finished his congratulatory speech and drank the wine in the bowl. This wine was different from what he had expected. It didn't have that strong spicy taste. On the contrary, there was a hint of sweet and sour taste. With a sweet taste.

This wine is so delicious, like fruit juice, Zheng Qiu sat down and stretched out his hand to grab the porcelain bottle.

Master Ming Zong grabbed him, stared at him and reprimanded him in a low voice: "No matter how delicious it is, it's still wine, don't drink it!"

Seeing the master blowing his beard and staring, Zheng Qiu had no choice but to withdraw his hand resentfully, and obediently picked up the fruit in the basin.

Ge Wuqing happened to see this scene, he laughed and said: "Hahaha, I forgot there are children here, come here, get some fragrant tea!"

Then he looked at the suzerain, picked up the porcelain bottle and poured wine into the bowl of the suzerain: "Sect master Ming Kong, wait a moment, the show will start soon."

Soon, there was a pot of fragrant tea on the table in front of Zheng Qiu. At the same time, firecrackers sounded from the tile-roofed houses on both sides, and dozens of disciples of Ruanqing Suixinzhuang ran onto the ring with big drums on their backs.

The ring was directly opposite to the banquet table, and the disciples lined up the big drums to both sides of the ring, waved the drumsticks tied with red ribbons in their hands, boom, boom, boom, beat the drums with a cheerful rhythm.

Accompanied by the beat of the drum, two rows of female disciples of Heartless Suixinzhuang ran out of the tile house, climbed onto the ring stage and formed a square formation.

Wow, there was a crisp gong, and they danced their hands neatly, twisted their waists, and danced a weird dance to the drums.

These dancing female disciples had loose hair, wearing tight waistcoats that exposed their belly, skirts around their waists that were only half a foot long, and knee-high black boots on their feet. The boots also had high heels, pointed and thin.

The slender arms swayed, the jade legs swayed, and the soft waist flashed back and forth in front of him. Those of Qianyunzong who had seen such a hot scene, whether they were elders or disciples, all blushed and turned their heads to avoid the direction of the ring.

There are only two people left in Qianyunzong who are still watching the dance.

Mingkong Zilin looked at the dance and smiled happily, and kept waving her arms to imitate the dance posture.

Zheng Qiu asked Master Ming Zong stupidly: "Master, these sisters dance really well, but it's almost late autumn now, isn't it cold to wear so little?"

Seeing that the people of Qianyunzong were in a mess, the suzerain suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but after all, he was a guest, and even if he was anxious, he could not decide the content of the program arranged by Ge Wuqing.

After watching for a while, he couldn't help it, and asked Ge Wuqing in a low voice: "Master Ge, what kind of dance is this? The disciples are dressed too...too..."

"You don't wear too much?" Ge Wuqing smashed open the walnuts with a small hammer, and replied while eating, "Sect Master Mingkong doesn't know, my hometown is very far away, this is a kind of dance in our place, called hot dance .”

Ge Wuqing took a sip of the wine, glanced down at Qian Yunzong, and smiled apologetically at the suzerain: "Since your sect doesn't like it, how about changing the program, how about singing poems and composing poems?"

The suzerain was naturally very happy that Ge Wuqing gave face so much, he quickly picked up the bowl to toast: "Very good, the master Ge knows what I want, so do it first as a respect!"

Ge Wuqing called a disciple to spread the word, and soon everyone in the arena withdrew one after another.

In place of six disciples posing as elegant scholars, they waved fans and sang poems on the stage.

The embarrassing atmosphere dissipated, and everyone in Qian Yunzong turned their heads to appreciate the performance on the ring.

Zheng Qiu was not very interested in singing poems, so after a few glances, he turned his attention to other places. He found another strange place, only the elders of Qianyunzong were in the yard, and the elders of Jueqing Suixinzhuang?

He tugged Master Ming Zong's sleeve, and asked in a low voice: "Master, why didn't you see the elders of Jueqing Suixinzhuang, isn't it a congratulatory banquet? The elders don't come to celebrate?"

The master picked up a fruit, peeled it slowly, and replied to the apprentice: "There are no elders in Jueqing Suixinzhuang."

"Ah? How come there are no elders?"

Master Ming Zong glanced up and saw that the suzerain and Ge Wuqing were talking happily, so he lowered his voice and told Zheng Qiu.

This Jueqing Suixin Village originally had elders, but after Ge Wuqing succeeded as the owner of the village, he immediately removed all the elders.

Ge Wuqing's way of managing Jueqing Suixinzhuang is different. He made a kind of bamboo sticks and gave each disciple three sticks every month. The miscellaneous things in the village are decided by the disciples by casting lots, and they will listen to whichever side has more.

Within a month, there were hundreds of affairs in the village, but each person only had three bamboo sticks. According to Ge Wuqing, this was to prevent disciples from casting lots at will.

After the master answered, another question popped up in Zheng Qiu's head: "Master, what about the protagonist of the banquet? It can't be the owner himself, right?"

"Shh, don't talk too much, Ge Wuqing is acting weird, just watch obediently."

After the performance of chanting poems and composing Fu, the arena was replaced by calligraphy and painting performances, and after the calligraphy and painting performances, it was replaced by playing the piano. Seeing the sun gradually rising to the middle of the sky, Ge Wuqing still didn't get into the main action.

The suzerain was puzzled, the last time he came to confirm in person, Ge Wuqing had promised that today is a congratulatory banquet, who is the rightful owner of the congratulatory banquet? You can't keep drinking like this to pass the time.

He was pondering over his words to ask, when dense firecrackers sounded from both sides of the yard for the second time. Accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, hundreds of Jueqing disciples from Xinzhuang came out in a file. They were all dressed in red and surrounded the ring happily.

Among them was a teenage boy who left the crowd and walked to the middle of the banquet table, bowed to Ge Wuqing who was above him and saluted: "Ge An pays homage to foster father!"

Ge Wuqing pretended to be angry and glared: "Why did you only visit me and didn't you see Sect Master Ming Kong coming from afar?"

Ge An straightened up and bowed again to the suzerain: "Ge An pays homage to Ming Kong suzerain!"

The suzerain immediately smiled all over his face, and raised his hand falsely: "No need to worship, no need to worship, my nephew, get up quickly."

Ge Wuqing's adoptive son suddenly appeared, and he must be the host of the congratulatory banquet. He then turned to Ge Wuqing and gave a thumbs up to praise: "Nephew Ge Anxian is really a good-looking talent. I will definitely be able to carry the banner of Unfeeling Suixin Zhuang, and share the worries of Zhuang Zhu Ge."

After some words, the smile on Ge Wuqing's face became wider, and he cast his eyes on Ge An: "Hurry up and thank Sect Master Ming Kong."

"Xie Mingkong suzerain praise!"

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