Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 876 Seeing Zulong in Jinlan

The phenomenon in front of him made Zheng Qiu feel strange, why does the divine power only exist in the veins of the orchid grass, doesn't Long Yuan Jinlan absorb the divine power?

He has never encountered this kind of situation before. Whenever any plant touches the divine power, it will absorb it instantly.

Not only plants, but even birds and beasts can instantly absorb divine power, and even things that are not considered living things, such as Qi Jin, can be affected by divine power.

But the Longyuan Jinlan in front of him seemed to be rejecting the divine power, and there was no sign of absorbing it after so long.

How is this going? Zheng Qiu scratched his head in confusion, could it be that the Dragon Clan did it?

Hmm... there is such a possibility.

Before the divine master truly released the power to destroy the divine power, he was also a member of the dragon clan. Perhaps because of the divine master's relationship, the dragon clan's treasure would reject the divine power.

While thinking about the reason, he stood up and pulled out the leaves to observe and study what went wrong.

Checking over and over again, Zheng Qiu soon discovered something strange.

The light green light of divine power flowed along the bluegrass veins to various positions, but finally stopped in the area near the red silk line of the leaf, unable to advance an inch.

Centered on the blood-red silk thread, within three inches outward, the veins of the leaves are still golden, and the divine power seems to be blocked by something and blocked in that position.

He flipped through the remaining two leaves, and the result was the same. After the divine power spread along the veins of the leaves to near the red line, it was blocked there.

In this way, Longyuan Jinlan's refusal to absorb divine power is the fault of this thin red line.

Zheng Qiu remembered that when he was in Boundless Tianhe, the golden dragon Qishi mentioned that the dragon yuan golden orchid contained the essence and blood power of the ancestors of the dragon clan.

Then the power of essence and blood should refer to this thin red line.

He stretched out his hand to hold the red line on the blade, and then released his mental strength to explore inwardly as before.

The world full of golden light is still in my mind, which seems to be no different from the situation detected by other parts of the blade.

At this moment, the golden light in front of him suddenly shook violently, and then all directions began to dim instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the thick golden light completely disappeared, replaced by boundless dark clouds.

The dark clouds boiled and churned, and a blood-red head covering the sky and the sun slowly protruded from the clouds, followed by a thick body like a mountain peak, revealing more and more and longer.

Zheng Qiu recognized at a glance that it was a dragon, an extremely large dragon.

Its body is bigger than any dragon I have ever seen in Hairi City. It flies in the air and completely fills all the field of vision. Every scale is like a mountain peak, so that Zheng Qiu can no longer see the whole picture of the dragon clearly.

Every inch of this dragon is blood red. In Zheng Qiu's field of vision, it seems that he has suddenly fallen from a world shining with golden light into a boundless sea of ​​blood.

The air flow brought up by the giant dragon during its flight was like a swift wind turning into a sword, causing him to keep rolling in the air.

Zheng Qiu knew without guessing that this was the blood essence of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan contained in the Dragon Yuan Golden Orchid.

It's just that he didn't expect that just a trace of blood essence would have such powerful power. If it were an ordinary cultivator in the divine realm, his spirit would be destroyed by it in an instant, and he would become a fool who didn't know anything.

Then the blood-colored dragon that covered the sky and the sun uttered a loud and clear dragon chant, and the sound wave hit Zheng Qiu's head heavily like a meteor falling from the sky, making his head buzzing.

But his current spirit is extremely strong, coupled with the protection of divine power, the influence of Dragon Yin will soon fade away without a trace.

The giant dragon's flying posture visibly stiffened, realizing that this tiny creature hadn't suffered the slightest damage.

It felt very strange, from the appearance, isn't this tiny creature a human being.

How can a human being's little big head and the tiny brain inside resist his own mental shock?

So the giant dragon released a mental wave with a clearer meaning, and swept towards the tiny figure like a tide.

Zheng Qiu rolled wildly in the air, and was not hurt by the mental power emitted by the giant dragon. Instead, his body turned around so hard that he almost fainted.

Suddenly, the violent airflow around it gradually calmed down, and the giant dragon no longer flew fast.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful mental wave like a tsunami surged towards Zheng Qiu from all directions.

A majestic voice sounded in his mind: "Human, you shouldn't be here, get out of my land!"

Zheng Qiu's eyes lit up when he heard this mental wave with a clear meaning. He didn't expect that even a trace of Zulong's essence and blood would have a specific consciousness.

Since it has a specific consciousness, it means that it can communicate, and it would be fine to convince it to absorb divine power on its own initiative.

As long as it absorbs the divine power, the Dragon Yuan Jinlan will also absorb the divine power, and you can try to cultivate it yourself.

Zheng Qiu raised his head and responded loudly: "You are the ancestor of the dragon clan, why do you say this is your land, the land should be in that piece of sea."

Zheng Qiu's shout was also transmitted to the surroundings in the form of spiritual power, and the power was not small, it actually shook the scales as big as the mountain.

After hearing the tiny human's response, the giant dragon became very angry, twisted its body violently and brought up a lot of strong winds, blowing Zheng Qiu into a spinning top again.

"I am the ancestor of the Dragon Clan, the land, this is my land!

My people live here forever, from generation to generation..."

The majestic spiritual power of the giant dragon washed over and over again in this space.

But soon the mental fluctuations began to weaken, and the land it repeatedly talked about was stuck in the position where the people thrived.

Apparently, the proto-dragon came to realize that there were no dragons here but itself, and there was no place for dragons to live.

He began to doubt his situation, and began to wonder what the world was all about.

The turbulent wind stopped again, and Zheng Qiu finally got out of the tumbling and spinning, shaking his dizzy head and complaining.

"You, the ancestor of the dragon clan, have such a temper, you yell at every turn, and I didn't provoke you."

The giant dragon didn't respond to Zheng Qiu's complaints, but stood still for a long time before emitting a less powerful mental wave.

"Humans, what is this place, where is the Dragon Clan, and where are my people?"

Hey, the consciousness produced by the blood essence of the ancestral dragon doesn't know his own situation.

Zheng Qiu thought for a while, and said truthfully: "This is the inside of the leaves of Longyuan Jinlan. Do you know Longyuan Jinlan?"

"Dragon Yuan Jinlan, Dragon Yuan Jinlan..."

The surroundings were full of mental fluctuations muttering to themselves, and I don't know how much time passed before a sigh came from all directions.

"So that's it, so this is Longyuan Jinlan!"

Following this wave of mental fluctuations, the blood-red body that covered the sky began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the endless dark clouds around him also quickly faded from their black color and disappeared without a trace.

The golden light lit up from nowhere, perhaps from every corner at the same time, and the world returned to its previous state, filled with a thick ocean of golden light.

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