Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 882 Colorless and transparent new medicinal material

Zheng Qiu strictly controlled the amount of divine injection, and divine power has no effect on the gray ball, so it is very likely that there is still vitality in the dark gray foggy ball.

In order to prove his judgment, while trying to maintain the dissolving spell, he reached out and tapped lightly on the fog.

The fingertips feel warm and moist, as if an embryo is slowly growing, and there is a clear smell of vitality in it.

That's right, the mist is still alive, and it hasn't failed.

Since there is no failure, it is time to proceed to the next step, to integrate the remaining eighteen precious medicinal materials into it one by one.

With a wave of Zheng Qiu's arm to the ground, eighteen kinds of medicinal materials floated to the top, and slowly dispersed under the influence of the melting spell.

Then he began to repeat the previous steps, turning the eighteen kinds of medicinal materials into mist balls one by one, and then blending them into gray balls.

With the addition of new medicinal materials, the surface of the gray ball began to show colorful textures, as if new pigments were added to a vat of plaster.

Perhaps it was because the amount of medicinal materials added was too large, or the medicinal materials added were too powerful, but when he added the last medicinal material, the mist suddenly began to wriggle irregularly.

The smooth shape disappeared quickly, like a piece of wet dough that was sunken in the east and protruded in the west, and kept shaking back and forth.

Worse, if the mist loses its stability, there will only be two results, either all the medicinal materials will be scattered separately, or it will explode directly and there will be no medicinal materials left.

Either way, Zheng Qiu couldn't accept it.

Therefore, he stopped the melting spell very simply, and immediately switched to using the "Wooden Edict", through the control effect of this skill on the plants, to forcibly control the fog.

The hands danced quickly, and the power of the "Wooden Edict" in mid-air seemed to condense into an invisible cage, trapping the out-of-control fog in it.

Then the invisible cage began to shrink, compressing the space where the mist could move inch by inch, and pressing back those raised irregular positions.

Compressing and re-compressing, the volume of the mist cluster is getting smaller and smaller, from the size of a millstone to the size of a fist.

However, during the process of compression, the external reaction force of the fog group also increased rapidly, and Zheng Qiu had to release more energy to maintain the effect of "Wooden Edict".

The energy in the meridians is surging and thinning, and the consumption rate is like a bottomless bucket. The speed at which the divine power promotes the generation of energy is gradually unable to keep up with the speed of consumption.

Beads of sweat could not help oozing from his forehead. Continuing to fight like this is definitely not an option. Now that the volume of the mist has been compressed enough, it is time to use the last resort.

With a hook of his finger, he pulled out the small leaf torn off by the grass fairy from his sleeve, and quickly threw the leaf into the mist.

This is Zheng Qiu's last resort. A part of the grass goblin's body has natural spirituality, which belongs to the spiritual thing written in the alchemy book.

According to the experience summed up by countless alchemists, in the final step of the alchemy process, if you add the spirits that are naturally generated in the world, you can make the pills carry spirituality.

A spiritual pill is equivalent to a living creature, and therefore has the instinct of self-preservation like any living creature.

Under the action of this instinct, even without the intervention of the alchemist and the pill furnace, the pill will become stable on its own.

And greatly reduce the probability of bad pills and broken pills.

Zheng Qiu imitated this point, bringing spirituality to the mist formed by mixing different medicinal materials, so that the mist would instinctively reduce confrontation and stabilize in order to protect itself.

In fact, this method of injecting spirituality has a disadvantage, that is, the final product will escape.

There are many records and rumors in this area in Yunxiu Continent. A certain alchemist made the best pills, but when the furnace was opened, the pills flew away quickly.

Sometimes the pill can be caught and taken back, and sometimes the pill disappears completely, which is a blessing to a lucky guy.

Therefore, for alchemists, how to ensure that the elixir does not run away when the furnace is opened is also a great question.

After thinking about it, I understand that pills are made for eating, and spiritual pills do not want to be eaten by others, so they will naturally run away from people.

Zheng Qiu was not worried about this,

Because what he cultivated is a seed, and the seed is only useful if it is alive.

At this point, his goal is aligned with the seed's instinct, so the seed won't run away.

Sure enough, when Zheng Qiu threw the leaves of the grass goblin into the mist, the mist quickly quieted down, and the resistance pushing outward also gradually decreased.

Very well, taking this opportunity, reverse the dissolve spell to shape the mist and become the seed of a new breed.

Zheng Qiu twisted his limbs again, adjusted the energy frequency in his body to cast the melting spell, and when the spell got in touch with the glowing mist, he reversed the spell.

The luminous mist gradually shrank and solidified, and the rays of light became more and more restrained, even shrinking in size.

The colorful color of the mist quickly faded away, and a crystal-like round bead appeared in the center, which was crystal clear.

The whole process was extremely slow, and the sun came in again from the window, so bright and bright.

After spending a whole night and another morning, the fog finally solidified and became a brand new seed.

This seed is different, or can be called unique.

The seeds are as big as a peach pit, round in shape like a pill, and there is a diamond-shaped indentation at the top, which should be the position for germination.

The whole seed has no color, it is as crystal clear as an ice bead, and the decoration on the opposite wall can even be seen through it.

This ice bead-like seed did not fall to the ground, but quietly suspended in mid-air.

The seeds are whirling and spinning, as if observing the surrounding environment to see if there is any danger.

"It's so spiritual, I don't know how it will work."

Zheng Qiu muttered in a low voice, reaching out to grab the seeds suspended in the air.

The seeds seemed to be frightened, and quickly flew back, away from Zheng Qiu's fingertips.

He would run away, just like the rumored top grade pill! Seeing this situation, Zheng Qiu was not angry but happy, and a soft white light of vigor lit up on the palm of his hand.

Seemingly aware of Zheng Qiu's energy, the transparent seed leaned closer to the palm of his hand little by little.

Zheng Qiu saw the opportunity, leaped forward suddenly, and grabbed the seed into his palm.

There was a sudden violent vibration in the palm, and the seeds bumped wildly, trying to escape from the palm. Zheng Qiu's method is very simple, which is to release a small amount of vitality and divine power to inject the seeds.

With the nourishment of divine power, the seed immediately became quiet and began to absorb this power obediently.

Then there was a crisp click in the palm, and he opened his palm to see that the groove at the top of the seed had been split, and two transparent young leaves emerged from the crack.

Immediately afterwards, a fresh fragrance came out from the two young leaves. Although the fragrance type is very refreshing and elegant, the taste is very strong.

The fragrance quickly filled all the space in the small building. For a moment, Zheng Qiu thought he had fallen into a sea of ​​flowers, and the fragrance was everywhere.

He gathered the fine soil on the ground, pressed it into a conical mound, and then buried this completely colorless and transparent germinated seed on the top of the mound.

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