Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 890 Bottled Longyuan Golden Orchid

When Huliu was doing his exercises, mist-like and halo-like vigor lights flashed over his body continuously. These lights flickered outwards and then converged inwards.

Obviously, Tiger Willow is trying its best to absorb the power brought by the fruit.

After about five sticks of incense, the abnormality on Huliu's body gradually subsided, and his breathing changed from shortness of breath to steady and powerful.

Then he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of surprises, and kowtowed to Zheng Qiu without saying a word.

"Thank you, Boss Zheng, my life from now on, Huliu, will be yours. I will do whatever you ask me to do, and I will never say anything else! I..."

Zheng Qiu grabbed Huliu's arm, pulled him up from the ground, and slapped the grass and leaves off Huliu's clothes.

"It's too early to kowtow to thank you, and your cultivation has not increased much at the moment, so you need to continue to take the remaining aura glazed coral fruit.

Based on your performance just now, it should be possible to increase the dosage slightly.

How about this, I will give you the fruit, and you know exactly how much to eat.

Always keep in mind that you must eat the fruit in moderation, and never eat more than you can bear. "

Zheng Qiu was still a little worried when he stuffed the bitten Lingyun glass coral fruit into Huliu's hand.

One more reminder: "Eat once a day, you have already eaten today, go back and lay a solid foundation, and continue tomorrow."

Tiger Willow held the fruit with trembling hands, as if holding a star in the sky, a unique treasure in the world.

He carefully stuffed the fruit into the innermost side of his clothes, put it close to his heart, and bowed to Zheng Qiu again with his fists clasped.

Zheng Qiu shrugged and smiled: "You don't have to look like this, as I said before, medicinal materials are the most abundant in Lingcui Mountain.

I'm going to use countless aura glazed coral fruits to pile you all into the False God Realm or even the God's Abode Realm, so eat this fruit whenever you want, don't be reluctant.

In addition to you, I will also train the guards on Lingcui Mountain, and when the time is right, I will sell these two things to the whole world. "

This remark surprised everyone, and they couldn't understand Zheng Qiu's thoughts, how could such an important treasure be sold.

Kanchi frowned and persuaded: "Boss, you can't sell this thing, once the news gets out, I'm afraid there will be countless sects coming to snatch it directly.

Even if practitioners all over the world abide by the rules and are willing to pay for it, how do we set the price?

The value of medicines that can cultivate strong people in the divine realm cannot be measured by heaven and earth crystals. "

Zheng Qiu clicked on the three brothers Kanchi and Hongming in turn, and replied: "Kanchi is right, since I want to sell these two kinds of medicinal materials, I must have the force to prevent others from snatching them.

So after the tiger willow are the three of you, you also need to use the dragon element golden orchid and the aura glazed coral to enhance your strength, come here one by one from tomorrow, and I will personally give you the medicine. "

Kan Chi and the others looked at each other. Boss Zheng's thoughts were so firm that it seemed impossible to persuade him.

Moreover, who would refuse such a thing as strengthening the strength? At that time, it will indeed be able to protect Lingcui Mountain better as Boss Zheng said.

The three of them bowed in unison to express their thanks, and then took the tiger willow to leave the back mountain, and went back to adjust their state.

When Kanchi and the others left, seeing the sky gradually darken, Zheng Qiu locked himself in the small building again.

Today I tried the medicinal effects of Longyuan Jinlan and Lingyun Glass Coral for the first time, and the results are very gratifying.

The tonic effect of the glazed coral fruit is very good, and Longyuan Jinlan also plays the role of washing the sutras and cutting the marrow.

It's just that how many bottlenecks Longyuan Jinlan has broken through can't be seen with the eyes at first, and it will only be known after Huliu continues to take the fruit to increase his strength.

But today, there is something that Zheng Qiu didn't expect, that is, Longyuan Jinlan can't be eaten directly, but needs to be inhaled after being transformed into a shape with the melting spell.

This way of using it is very inconvenient. If Zheng Qiu wants to improve the strength of the entire Lingcui Mountain, every practitioner on the mountain must take Longyuan Jinlan.

However, only he can know the Dissolving spell, so everyone can't feed the medicine himself.


When Longyuan Jinlan is promoted to Quanyunxiu mainland, there will be more users, and the daylily will be cold after feeding them one by one.

Turning around in the hall of the small building with hands behind their backs, the dusk outside the house has passed, and a round of cool moonlight leaked into the house through the cracks in the windows.

Suddenly Zheng Qiu clapped his hands together: "There is a way!

I can use the melting spell first to turn the leaves of Longyuan Jinlan into mist and put them in the bottle, and then seal it with the sealing spell.

In this way, other people can use it directly! "

As soon as he said it, Zheng Qiu pushed the door and rushed out of the small building, went to the warehouse to find some exquisite porcelain bottles of different sizes, put them in baskets and took them back to the retreat.

He took out the Lingcui Mountain version of Longyuan Jinlan he had cultivated, tore off a leaf, and cast the melting spell to slowly turn it into a cloud of mist and light.

Picking out a porcelain bottle the size of an egg from the bamboo basket, Zheng Qiu controlled the mist to shrink, and then pressed it into the bottle little by little.

About halfway into the bottle, there was only a crackling sound, and the bottom of the bottle was cracked.

Immediately afterwards, the gap expanded rapidly, spreading upwards to the mouth of the bottle, and finally the small porcelain bottle was completely broken into two halves by the mist.

It seems that this porcelain bottle is too small and needs to be replaced with a larger one.

Zheng Qiu rummaged through the bamboo basket for a while, and took out a fist-sized porcelain bottle with a thin mouth, which should only fit.

He drew a gourd in the same way, compressed the golden mist and poured it into the bottle.

With the first experience, this time it went very smoothly, and the whole mist was firmly stuffed into the bottle.

In order to ensure that the mist of Longyuan Jinlan leaves is stable and will not become the original entity, Zheng Qiu imitated the empty melting bottle made by the Dragon Clan and carved a very similar curse pattern on the bottom of the bottle.

Then he pulled out the porcelain cork to block the mouth of the bottle, carved the commonly used sealing spells he knew on a strip of thin silver, and then circled around to seal the gap between the cork and the mouth of the bottle.

After finishing all this, Zheng Qiu turned the bottle over and over again, throwing it back and forth in his hands to ensure that no trace of breath would seep out of it.

In this way, Zheng Qiu worked from night to day, cultivating new Longyuan Jinlan, and putting the leaves into porcelain vases.

By the time the sun had fully risen, he had already prepared nine bottles containing Longyuan Jinlan.

Looking at his results, Zheng Qiu was quite satisfied, put away the bottles with a smile, and then leaned on a bench to rest.

After a while, Kanchi and the others will come to the back mountain, and I will use the original Dragon Yuan Jinlan to train them into the real supreme gods.

After an unknown amount of time, Zheng Qiu heard knocking sounds.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and found that he had fallen asleep. The wooden door of the small building was being knocked at this time. It must be Kanchi and the others.

"Here you are, it's really early!" Zheng Qiu rubbed his eyes, straightened his sleepy hair and opened the door.

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