Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 896 Chentian Wonderland Reflects the Sea of ​​Stars

He stepped on the green grass and walked on the small island, and after taking two steps, he found something was wrong.

There are no footprints where I stepped on, and the grass stands upright as before, without any signs of falling.

It's really strange, could it be that this small island was originally the result of the operation of the phantom array?

Looking up at the position of the sun again, Mo Junrong calculated that it was noon, so he took out the gold piece from his clothes.

The gold piece was two inches long and half an inch wide, and Mo Junrong lifted it up high, facing the sky straight.

The noon sun shone on the gold flakes, and the golden luster reflected by the gold flakes made people unable to open their eyes.

Then Mo Junrong felt that the weak fluctuation of power just now reappeared and swept across him for the second time.

After only a dozen or so breaths, Mo Junrong saw an even stranger sight.

A phantom that was exactly like him separated from him, and then the phantom quickly became real.

My own image walked slowly to the edge of the small island, and then made a similar movement, leaping to the shore of the lake on the waves of the lake.

The last scene Mo Junrong saw was that false self walking into the woods and disappearing.

At the same time, the scenery around him suddenly darkened. When he looked up, it seemed that a circular hole had been torn out of thin air above his head, revealing a dark color inside.

Then the light became darker and darker, and soon the surrounding lakes and forests could not be seen. It seemed that the day turned into night in just a few breaths.

Mo Junrong was still holding the door knocking key high, the rectangular gold flake was emitting soft golden light like a lamp stone.

The golden light was slightly deflected, pointing at the dark sky, Mo Junrong didn't understand what this meant, did he want to fly up by himself?

Just as he opened his legs to fly upwards, he kicked a hard object with his toes.

Mo Junrong immediately moved the gold piece to light it up. It turned out that at some point, a series of stairs appeared in the darkness.

The material of the stairs cannot be seen, it seems to be an entity condensed by some kind of force out of thin air, spiraling all the way to the top.

Facing this unprecedented sight, Mo Junrong inevitably felt a little guilty.

He hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and made up his mind: "It's all at the door, so I can't give up. Since the star official with the left hand is willing to knock the key for me, there is no need to play the trick of inviting you into the urn."

He no longer hesitated, stepped on the stairs, and climbed up step by step.

While walking up, Mo Junrong probed down to observe the situation on the island just now.

In the field of vision, the darkness was slowly lifted from the small island like a curtain on a stage.

Not only was the small island shrouded in sunlight again, but even the line of sight between himself and the small island was gradually cut off as the darkness left.

That's the case, no wonder no one has seen how the cultivators of the Tianming Palace entered and exited.

This small island, and this dark passage, can produce very powerful illusions.

These phantoms can imitate the appearance of the person holding the knocking key, just like disguising their own appearance just now, and confuse people passing by nearby.

When the appearance of the small island completely disappeared, nothing could be seen around, only the golden piece continuously emitted golden light, illuminating the space within three feet around Mo Junrong.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Mo Junrong found that the surroundings were still dark and dull, and this spiral upward staircase seemed to have no end.

He raised his hand and counted with his fingers. Up to now, he had climbed the stairs for at least half an hour.

According to the rate of ascent of the normal ladder, he could already climb to the top of the ordinary mountain in half an hour.

Why haven't you reached Chentian Wonderland yet? Could it be that this ladder leads all the way to the clouds, a ladder to the sky?

Or there is another possibility that I am always standing still and not climbing up at all.

"I can't go on like this. If this is the test of the Palace of Destiny, can't I even get in the gate?"

Mo Junrong was annoyed, and began to practice exercises to increase his strength, then stepped on the stairs suddenly, and rushed straight up in the air.

accelerate upward,

Sure enough, some progress has been made.

After flying upwards for two incense sticks, Mo Junrong saw through the light of the knocking key he was holding up, and found sporadic tiny light spots appearing in front of him.

Soon, there were more and more light spots, denser and denser, dotted on the dark curtain, like stars in the night sky.

Then Mo Junrong realized that he was wrong, those dense dots of light were like stars.

The dark space suddenly opened up, and he seemed to rush out of an extremely deep dry well.

What came into my eyes was a dark night sky, countless stars shining in the night sky, surrounded by a crystal clear blue mist, like a lake under the starry sky, glowing with little fluorescence.

Mo Junrong landed slowly, and tentatively touched the blue water surface on tiptoe, and ripples rippled away when touched.

There is a substantive feeling from the toes, yes, this blue lake water that seems to reflect the starry sky is actually the ground.

He landed on both feet and turned his head to observe the surrounding environment.

The dark hole that flew up just now has disappeared, and the place where I am now should be a special space that is different from others.

Could this be the location of the rumored Palace of Destiny, Chentian Wonderland?

Mo Junrong remembered that Chentian Wonderland is said to have a special power that can speed up the cultivation speed of practitioners.

So he began to concentrate on sensing his surroundings, and at the same time raised his level of strength, increasing his sensitivity to the power of heaven and earth.

At this moment, a stream of light flashed across the star-studded night sky, and the light fell straight in front of Mo Junrong, revealing the appearance of a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man didn't say anything, and directly reprimanded in an orderly tone: "Mo Junrong, stop practicing kung fu, and put away the power of heaven and earth in your body!"

Mo Junrong was taken aback immediately, and opened his eyes to see someone in front of him.

Wearing a long-sleeved robe of special texture, there are countless bright spots embroidered on the robe, just like the stars in the sky.

Then he recognized the identity of the other party, who was the left palm star officer of the Destiny Palace who invited him that day.

So Mo Junrong put away his strength and the power of heaven and earth very obediently, and bowed to the other party: "Junior Mo Junrong, I pay my respects to Senior Zuo Zhang Xingguan.

Dare I ask if this is Chentian Wonderland? "

The Star Officer Left Palm nodded and replied: "That's right, this is the Chentian Wonderland.

What you are stepping on is the ground of Chentian Wonderland, the foundation of the galaxy.

And the black sky full of stars above your head is the starry sky of Chentian Wonderland, which is the real starry night sky. "

Mo Junrong carefully wrote down the words of the Zuo Zhang Xingguan word by word, but he couldn't understand the last half sentence, so he saluted and asked.

"Mo Junrong is stupid, and I still hope that senior will explain it clearly.

Isn't the starry night sky above Chentian Wonderland an illusion?

The younger generation remembers that when I came up from Tianxin Lake, it was still daytime outside, why is it now night? "

(Thank you for the monthly pass o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o from Mr. Chopper)

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