Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 94 The Qi of the Golden Rainbow Shows Its Power

On the ring, Li Mojian finally stopped drawing circles. He withdrew his hands and slapped the force of heaven and earth into the meridians without any trace left.

He looked up at his opponent and said, "I will do my best for the next wave of attacks. If I feel that I can't resist it, I'll jump off the ring earlier to avoid it."

The disciple of Jueqing Suixinzhuang looked annoyed, but also slightly nervous.

What's annoying is that Li Mojian, who is also in the Qi Condensation Realm, dared to make such wild remarks. It is possible that the Qi Condensation Realm can still launch the powerful attack of the Qi Brilliant Realm.

The nervous thing is that he is already struggling to deal with Li Mojian's attack. If Li Mojian has stronger moves, he may not be able to block them.

While he was thinking wildly, Li Mojian had already gathered energy and prepared to make a move. I saw Li Mojian raised his hands horizontally, a golden haze appeared in his palms, and then he put his palms together, and moved them closer to the middle bit by bit.

This movement is obviously to put the palms together, but the process is very difficult, as if there is a hard rock blocking the palms.

As the distance between the palms got closer, the haze on Li Mojian's palm became brighter.

Just when the palms were one foot apart, suddenly, a distorted golden light flashed between his palms, and at the same time, a cluster of light appeared where the light flickered.

The ball of light was also golden, rotating and vibrating violently, and the overflowing power brought up bursts of air, blowing Li Mojian's long hair flying and his robe rattling.

Sweat slid from his forehead to the tip of his nose, and then dripped from the tip of his nose, one drop, two drops, Li Mojian gritted his teeth, and kept moving his palm closer to the light ball.

Finally, with both palms pressed against the golden light ball, he immediately clasped his fingers and held the light ball tightly. Zizi, there was a rush of noise, and golden light continued to emerge from between his fingers, as if a ball of light was about to come out of it at any time.

"This move is called Jinhong Guanri, dodge quickly!" Li Mojian shouted, pushing the shrieking light ball out with all his might.

Booming, the ball of light exploded in an instant, and Li Mojian slid backwards on the ring, plowing two deep ravines with his feet.

In the direction where the light ball exploded, a ten-foot-wide golden air column rushed out with overwhelming force. Where the air column passed, violent air waves surged and splashed, and the planks of the arena were lifted up with a clatter, flying and shattering in the air.

"My God, this is too exaggerated!"

The disciple of Jueqing Suixinzhuang turned pale with shock, where the pillar of air passed, not to mention the arena was blown away, even a path was dug out on the brick floor under the arena.

The golden light illuminated his panic-stricken face, and the flying wood chips hit his forehead, waking him up.

Hide quickly, you will either die or be injured if you get hit!

He squatted down in a hurry, rolled sideways from the ring, and then followed the crowd below the ring, desperately running to the distance.

Ge Wuqing couldn't sit still now, if the pillar of air were to hit straight forward, the tile-roofed house by the yard would have to be completely penetrated.

However, Ge Wuqing didn't leave the banquet table, but just picked up the small black hammer for knocking walnuts, and clasped his fingertips slightly, leaving a wisp of energy on it, then he raised his arm and threw the small hammer towards the ring.

The small hammer flew in the air, swaying in the wind, as if someone was holding it by hand, drew a big arc, dragged the black light to catch up with the air column, and circled to the front of the air column.

The small hammer spun around in circles and hit heavily on the front of the air column. Ge Wuqing's energy attached to the small hammer suddenly exploded at this moment, revealing a huge gray-black air mass.

The air mass collided with the air column, and the airflow formed by the impact swept to the west in all directions. The disciples of Rueqing Suixinzhuang who had not yet left fell in pieces like cutting wheat.

Seeing that all the disciples in the village fell into gourds, Ge Wuqing raised his hand again, pointing his fingertips towards the sky.

Whoosh, the small black hammer shot straight into the sky, rolling up a series of air vortices, leading the chaotic airflow of colliding air masses upward.

He took a look at Li Mojian. At this time, Li Mojian supported his knees with his arms, panting heavily, and his robe was tightly attached to his body.

Already completely drenched in sweat.

There was a relieved smile on the corner of Ge Wuqing's mouth. It seemed that Li Mojian's move was a huge burden on his body, and the move could not be adjusted at will, and it took a long time to perform. Generally speaking, it was a dead move that could only hit wooden stakes.

Soon, a black light fell from the sky, still drawing a big arc, and flew into Ge Wuqing's hand, it was the small black hammer.

The suzerain glanced over the little hammer, envy showing in his eyes, this little hammer is a magic weapon, there is no danger of disaster.

I heard that Wu Wang Calamity can fly freely in the air, and can also be controlled from a long distance. Now I have seen it with my own eyes, such a divine weapon that flies back to its master on its own initiative is almost like a living thing.

After all, the magic weapon is a magic weapon, so spiritual, Ge Wuqing is really like a tiger with wings added to it, no wonder Ge Wuqing was able to retreat unscathed when he challenged the Yunxiu sects.

"Master Ming Kong."

Ge Wuqing brought the wine bowl in front of the suzerain with a smile, interrupting his thinking, "As expected of the suzerain's apprentice, he has the ability to mobilize the power of heaven and earth in the Qi Condensation state, and the range is so great, I admire, admire .”

The suzerain looked in the direction of the ring, and gave Li Mojian a look, signaling him to come back quickly.

Then the suzerain took up the wine bowl and replied: "The bad apprentice is not good at learning, and he lost Zhuangzhu Ge's ring. My master will punish him with a bowl."

The disciples of Jueqing Suixinzhuang who were dressed in red at the side of the arena dispersed one after another, and then some townspeople came out of the tile-roofed houses on both sides. They took brooms and shovels in their hands and dismantled the damaged arena, cleaned and carried it to the corner of the yard together with the debris.

Then disciples wearing various costumes filed out and continued to perform in the cleared space.

After pushing the cups and changing the cups, after drinking for three rounds, the atmosphere on the banquet table gradually became warmer, everyone was talking and laughing, and joy was everywhere.

When Ge Wuqing picked up the porcelain bottle and poured wine into the suzerain's bowl, he suddenly said, "Sect Master Mingkong, you and I have a very happy conversation. I have a suggestion, I don't know..."

"Vendor Ge, but it's okay to say."

"After this congratulatory banquet, you and I have made good friends, but Yunxiu's world is impermanent, and the friendship at this moment cannot last long. I want to build a bridge between the two schools, so that Jueqing Suixinzhuang and Qianyunzong can continue to be friendly from generation to generation. .”

Qian Yunzong's business is all over the cloud sleeves, and it is good to have one more friend. Ge Wuqing proposed friendship from generation to generation, and the suzerain is of course extremely happy.

He waved the paper fan and said with a smile: "Since Master Ge has come to this matter, I must have a plan in mind, so let's talk about it."

"It's easy to say that the way to make friends between generations is to marry you and me."

Hearing the word "marriage", the suzerain already guessed what Ge Wuqing meant, but he pretended not to know, and asked, "Marriage? How do you get married?"

A tinge of unhappiness flashed in Ge Wuqing's heart. He could see that Ming Kong Sect Master already knew what he wanted to say, but he just refused to answer and insisted on speaking clearly. If so, let's put it on the table.

"Sect Master Ming Kong, I think Miss Zi Lin and adopted son Ge An are about the same age, why don't we, the foster father, be a matchmaker and take advantage of this festive day to make a marriage contract for them."

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