Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 947: Encountering a Monster in the Forest Investigation

The three disciples of Qianqi Silver Fort walked among the dense forests wearing magical armor suits.

They raised the metal plates on the collars to form an airtight helmet covering the entire head, and even the eyes were covered by two pieces of luminous glass.

The three of them were very careful, taking every step extremely cautiously, trying to reduce the rustling of stepping on the vegetation as much as possible.

Judging from their actions, it seems that they are searching for something, and the object of their search is very dangerous.

After a while, the Qianqi Yinbao disciple who was walking in the front stopped, raised his hand and pressed on the side of his helmet.

With a click, the visor of the helmet opened and popped up, revealing a young face with stubble.

He turned around and said to the two companions behind him: "There are no traces of battle in this area, that guy probably hasn't been here before, let's search in another place."

Apparently this man with a beard and a beard had the highest status among them, and the other two companions had no objection and nodded in agreement.

Inject energy into the armor, and the clothes of the magic weapon will immediately strengthen the effect, allowing the energy to burst out from the integrated metal sole.

Under the reaction force of the airflow, the three of them rose into the air and flew in another direction.

Anyone who traveled from the earth to the Yunxiu Continent would blurt out the word "Iron Man" after seeing the magic weapon clothes on Qianqi Yinbao.

During the flight, a clear female voice came from under the metal mask of a Qianqi Yinbao disciple.

"Senior brother Situ, what is the enemy that the castle master asked us to find?

Not only are we looking for it, but the elders are also looking for it. The matter seems to be very serious! "

It turned out that the disciple with the stubble on his face was surnamed Situ.

Due to the relationship of flying in the air, all three of them had closed their masks, and the wind was relatively strong in the sky, so they couldn't hear what they said directly.

Brother Situ touched the armor at the throat, and then his voice was amplified by the armor's loudspeaker equipment, and there was also a whistling electric sound.

"You guessed it right, this time it's really serious.

A monster appeared near Qianqi Silver Castle, and it had already destroyed two villages. Once this thing arrived at Silver Castle, the consequences would be disastrous. "

The junior sister still didn't understand, so she continued to ask.

"I've seen records about monsters, and according to the book, a Supreme Being in the Divine Realm can lead dozens of Divine Realm to subdue it.

Our Qianqi Yinbao fully has this ability, there is no need to panic like this. "

Brother Situ slowed down his flight speed, approached his junior sister and another disciple, and explained in a low voice.

"I eavesdropped on the conversation of the elders, and the monsters that appeared this time were very different.

I heard that the monster is not only huge in size, but also possesses wisdom, and can also release attack moves similar to those of a cultivator.

In addition to destroying two villages, that guy also wiped out a sect with more than two hundred people.

These are all secrets, and the castle owner and elders did not announce them because they were afraid of causing panic among everyone. "

Brother Situ's words made the two of them sigh, and their hearts were filled with tension.

At this moment, Junior Sister suddenly caught a glimpse of a flame rising from the mountain forest on the left, and along with the fire, there was a plume of thick smoke.

"Brother, look over there, it seems to be on fire!"

Brother Situ's heart skipped a beat. It had only rained yesterday near Qianqi Silver Fort, and the forest was very humid. How could there be a wildfire.

He immediately slapped his left arm, and the armor of the forearm popped up, revealing a shiny silver metal tube.

Showing the metal pipe to his junior sister and the others, he urged: "Put out the rain whistle and get ready for battle. It shouldn't be an ordinary mountain fire."

The three of them lowered their flight altitude early, fell into the woods and approached cautiously.

Soon, they heard the crackling sound of trees being pushed down, and the crackling sound of countless branches and leaves being ignited.

At the same time, I also felt the vibration from the ground, which was the result of heavy steps.

It is entirely conceivable that the thing that is about to be seen ahead is very huge, and it is by no means a common beast in the mountains and forests.

The three of them got together behind a cluster of bushes, parted the branches and leaves and looked forward quietly.

Ahead was a burning open space, the trees and weeds were charred and scattered on the ground.

The rainwater in the soil was evaporated by the flames, filling the air with the smell of burnt mud.

The ashes of the plants that had been completely burned were lifted up by the heat and danced in circles in the air.

The unburnt vegetation crackled and was emitting thick black smoke.

And in this scene of raging wildfires, there is a monster with a strange appearance that is slowly advancing.

It was like a standing lizard skeleton, flesh made of flames and red-hot stones, and its two forearms had long, sharp bone blades, like the two sickles on the forearms of a praying mantis.

Its size is huge, at least as high as a floor, and it may be one and a half floors if it stands upright.

It can't be wrong, this is the monster Qianqi Yinbao is looking for, a creature that cannot be explained by common sense.

As the monster in the shape of a sickle lizard kept moving forward, the charred black soil on the ground seemed to be attracted by some invisible force, rising along its legs and blending into its body.

The soil that was incorporated quickly burned red, and then formed hard lumps, filling the gaps between its bones.

Senior Brother Situ watched the monster walk forward slowly, and the green vegetation was continuously ignited as it passed, so he couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Damn it, this thing actually perfects its body on the way, making itself stronger and stronger.

The elders must be notified quickly, and the manpower must be gathered to take it down as soon as possible, otherwise things will only become more troublesome.

Let's go back! "

Brother Situ waved his hand, calling his junior sister and another junior brother to leave.

But just as they turned around to take off, Junior Sister suddenly stepped on a dead branch.

Kacha, the sound of dead branches snapping was so clear at this moment that the hairs of the three of them stood on end.

It's over, I'm going to be discovered by the monster!

Brother Situ made a decisive decision, grabbed the arms of the two with his backhand, and shouted: "Hurry up!"

At the same time, the three urged Qi to inject into the magic weapon armor, and the soles of the shoes suddenly ejected a strong air flow, pushing their bodies into the air at a very high speed.

However, the sound of Junior Sister stepping on dead branches has already attracted Weird's attention.

The sickle lizard-shaped monster turned around, raised the bone blade of its forearm, and slashed at the trajectory of the three flying.

Suddenly, three crescent-shaped flames arced across the sky and hit the backs of the three of them.

Brother Situ often works for Yinbao outside, and he is very experienced in combat.

He heard the sound of piercing through the air behind him, and secretly screamed that something was wrong, and instantly turned around in the air relying on the strength of his waist and abdomen to face the rear.

Lift the metal pipe on the armor of the left arm, and activate the rain whistle at the arc of the flying flames.

Da da da, da da da, a series of jujube-sized energetic projectiles shot out from the metal tube, hitting the three flaming crescents like raindrops.

As soon as the Qijin projectile came into contact with the flame, it exploded immediately, and the continuous projectiles produced a continuous shock wave, tearing apart the crescent-shaped shape of the flame.

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