The latest website: The atmosphere is very quiet, you can almost hear a needle drop.

Everyone was very nervous, because just now that was the strongest weapon that Qianqi Yinbao could take out.

After about three sticks of incense, the smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun gradually dissipated, and the sunlight finally reached the ground.

Looking up, the ball of light produced by the salvo of the eighty Dragon Roaring Cannons just now has turned into a giant mushroom cloud.

The clouds are pure white, with many other hues mixed in.

The entire mushroom cloud rises from the ground, and it is unknown how high it is, and it may have far exceeded the height of normal clouds.

The mushroom cloud is so huge that it occupies more than two-thirds of the field of vision, and it is roughly estimated that it has expanded to tens of thousands of feet.

Looking at the land in the distance, the mountain peak just now has completely disappeared, not even the collapsed and broken gravel hills are left.

There was no green vegetation or protruding rocks to be seen on the ground, only a large pit with a radius of more than 3,000 feet remained.

The scope of this big pit is larger than the Qianji Fort where the Qianqi Silver Fort is located. It can completely fill up two cities like the Great Wilderness Ancient City, and the edge almost touches the mountain peak under everyone's feet.

Everyone was dumbfounded. Such power may have already surpassed the limit that the Supreme Being of the Divine Realm can achieve, and reached a height that cannot be touched by human beings.

Master Miaoshou hesitated for a moment, jets of air flow from the soles of his feet soared into the air, and flew cautiously towards the center of the explosion.

He wants to confirm whether the monster is still alive and whether there are any wreckage left.

Scanning the ground while flying, the soil and rocks on the ground were strongly squeezed by the impact of the explosion just now, and they were forcibly pressed into a flat and curved hard stone slab.

In addition to these extruded hard stone slabs, he also saw glass fragments scattered everywhere on the ground, which should have been formed by the high-temperature burning rocks of the explosion.

I glanced over and over again, but couldn't see anything except stones and colored glaze.

Even when that kind of tree was burned, there was no charcoal left.

From this point of view, the explosion caused by the salvo of eighty Dragon Roar cannons had completely wiped out the monster.

Whether its black bones,

Or those flames that are difficult to extinguish, none of them can stay.

Such a result put Miaoshou Zhizun in a good mood.

Without the help of Zheng Qiu, our Qianqi Yinbao can kill the monster by relying on our own strength.

He flew back to the Dragon Roar Cannon position, raised his arms and shouted: "The monster has been killed, not even a speck of dust is left.

Thanks to everyone for their efforts, today, the victory belongs to Qianqi Yinbao! "

After the voice fell, the crowd burst into overwhelming cheers. Everyone hugged and jumped to vent their emotions.

Miaoshou Zhizun straightened his back, his face was full of pride, Qianqi Yinbao relied on his own strength to resist the monsters, such a record is enough to brag about for many years.

With a wave of his hand, he announced: "The people from the War Armor Sect and the Equipment Sect brought the Dragon Roar Cannon back to Qianji Fort, and the people from the Puppet Sect stayed here to clean up the battlefield and see what can be recovered.

Two hours later, everyone gathered in the central hall of Thousand Opportunity Fort, and we held a celebration banquet to celebrate today's hard-won victory. "

The excited crowd moved in an orderly manner. The elders of the War Armor Sect and the Equipment Sect instructed their disciples to dismantle the metal pipelines and erase the energy-gathering formation.

Then load the Dragon Roar Cannons of various sizes onto the cart and push them all the way back to Qianji Fort.

The cultivators of the puppet gate flew into the huge pit formed by the explosion, and carefully flipped along the ground, looking for puppets or equipment fragments that could be recovered.

Joy was in the air, and everyone was smiling from the bottom of their hearts.

In this mood, everyone worked very energetically, completed all the tasks within an hour, and returned to the Fort of Thousand Opportunities to gather.

Since the celebration banquet is going to be held, all kinds of delicacies and fine wines are naturally indispensable.

Regardless of elders or disciples, they all took out the good things in the warehouse and set up tables to share.

Master Miaoshou even took out the extremely precious Baiguo Yiqi wine and put it on the largest table.

Two hours later, the celebration banquet was held on time.

The Miaoshou Supreme occupies the upper seat, the elders occupy the side seats, and the rest of the seats are for the disciples to sit at will.

Master Miaoshou poured himself a cup of Baiguo Yiqi wine, raised the cup and stood up to signal to everyone: "Everyone, Qianqi Yinbao's victory over the monster today is due to everyone's hard work.

This battle is everyone's battle, and victory naturally belongs to everyone!

Come on, let's hold up our cups and fill up our favorite wines to celebrate this victory. "

Master Miaoshou raised his head and drank the Baiguo Yiqi wine in his cup. Seeing this, the elders also stood up one after another, shouting praises loudly, and also drank the fine wine in the cup.

Of course, the disciples would not just sit still. Under the leadership of their senior brothers and sisters, they stood up, addressed the elders and the castle master, and drank fine wine.

Just after drinking two cups, the metal door of the main hall suddenly rose, and a disciple who was stationed outside ran in.

After seeing it, Master Miaoshou said to the nearest elder.

"Today's victory belongs to the entire Thousand Strange Silver Fort. Everyone should share in this joy, and the disciples stationed at the gate of Thousand Chance Fort should not be missed."

As soon as the elder heard this, he immediately understood the meaning of the castle master, and immediately ordered others to bring wine to the disciple who ran in.

But the disciple took the wine glass and didn't drink it, but rushed forward to salute the Castle Master: "Castle Master, Situ Fengxiu, the big brother of Zhanjiamen, is back!

Accompanied by Zheng Qiu and the person brought by Zheng Qiu. "

Master Miaoshou frowned slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Qianqi Yinbao defeated the monster by virtue of its own strength, and there was no need for Zheng Qiu to come to help, let alone promise Zheng Qiu any benefits.

An elder from the puppet sect at the side seat said: "Since Zheng Qiu brought someone here, we can't just drive him back and tell Zheng Qiu that we don't need his help.

He is the famous Boss Zheng, how shameless he is to rush back directly! "

After saying that, he laughed out loud, and the other elders also laughed when they heard this.

Zheng Qiu didn't come at the right time, he couldn't help at all.

Another elder from the Equipment Sect smiled and said, "Since Boss Zheng is here, why don't you invite him to come in and sit down.

Let him take a good look at the strength of our Qianqi Silver Castle, and feel the atmosphere of celebration from top to bottom of the Silver Castle.

Of course, this victory is the victory of Qianqi Yinbao, he can only watch, there is no way to drink! "

"Hahaha, yes, let him see, drinking is not allowed!"

"Good idea, good idea! You can't drink it just to watch it, and you can't participate in the celebration. I don't know if he can sit still."

Master Miaoshou didn't object to the elders' ideas, and waved his disciples to invite Situ Fengxiu, Zheng Qiu and others to come in.

Zheng Qiu and others arrived at Qianyun Zong Station in the area of ​​Qianqi Silver Fort in a Tianzhou boat. They followed Situ Fengxiu to take off from the boat platform where the Tianzhou was docked, and went straight to the location of Yinbao.

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