Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 960: Introducing the Supreme to Surprise Everyone

Terrible, this is simply too terrifying, the physical strength can be so strong.

The practitioner with the strongest physical strength on the Yunxiu Continent is a practitioner who practices body training techniques and chooses the path of beast training.

But for that kind of animal body-refining cultivator, it is already the limit to be able to defeat the Qihua realm with physical strength, and it is impossible to make a god-level elder like the elder of the puppet sect lose his fighting power with a single punch.

All the Qianqi Yinbao disciples looked at Zheng Qiu as if they were looking at a wild beast.

No, beasts don't have such a strong physical strength, only those dragons and dragons in the Boundless Tianhe have such amazing strength.

His own elders were attacked, and those elders sitting on the side seats stood up in unison, staring angrily at Zheng Qiu.

After looking at it, none of the elders took action without authorization and launched an attack on Zheng Qiu.

Just now Zheng Qiu knocked away a God Realm with one punch, the elders already know how powerful they are, so they are still willing to step forward and make a fool of themselves.

They are glaring now, just waiting for the master of the castle to express his position.

Master Miaoshou stood up and put away the surprised expression on his face: "Zheng Qiu, I kindly kept you here to participate in the banquet, but you actually bite back.

Not only destroyed the banquet items, but also injured the elders, did you want to taste the wrath of my Qianqi Silver Fort? "

Zheng Qiu touched his ears, turned around and asked Kan Chi and the others: "I seem to have heard a dog barking just now, did you all hear that?"

Kanchi and the others nodded cooperatively, then stood up and walked behind Zheng Qiu, showing their support.

Master Miaoshou's cheeks flushed instantly, this kid actually dared to call himself a dog, it was so audacious!

That day in the Yunyun Tianlao Mountains, he didn't bring many elders and disciples, so he couldn't catch Zheng Qiu.

But today it is in Qianji Fort, Qianqi Yinbao's own territory, and it is absolutely capable of taking down this little bastard Zheng Qiu.

Master Miaoshou returned to the throne at the highest place in the hall, stretched out his hand to grab the handrail, and twisted a purple-red gem on it.

Hearing a series of clicking sounds, the original windows and metal doors around the main hall were all dropped with steel plates and sealed.

Sunlight could not penetrate from the outside, and the hall became pitch black.

But the darkness lasted only a short time,

The dome above the main hall began to pour down soft light. It was the light stones inlaid on the ceiling, which were quite large and numerous.

Under the illumination of a large number of lamp stones, the hall is bright again. Although it is not as bright as the outside on a sunny day, it is still bright on a cloudy day.

Sealing the central hall, Master Miaoshou haha ​​said: "Hahaha, I have completely sealed the central hall, not even a mosquito can pass through.

I would like to see what special ability you, Zheng Qiu, can escape from this impenetrable space. "

Zheng Qiu looked around and observed, and sure enough, he couldn't see any gaps, and every place was sealed tightly.

The shrink to an inch spell is amazing, and can quickly reach very distant locations.

But the principle of this spell is different from that of the teleportation array. The teleportation array can send people or things into a completely enclosed space, but it can't shrink the ground to an inch.

Shrinking the ground to an inch will not completely remove the user's body, but only allow the body to fly at an extremely fast speed under the guidance of the power of heaven and earth.

Therefore, Zheng Qiu can't get in or get out of a completely enclosed space, there must be a big enough opening.

Facing the threat from Master Miaoshou, Zheng Qiu remained very calm, with a strange smile on his face.

He stepped aside, pointed to the person behind him and said: "I heard that you are called Miaoshou Zhizun, right, a good name, not bad, not bad.

Today I also invited a few Supreme Beings from the Divine Land Realm to come over. Since they are all Supreme Beings, it is better to get acquainted with them. "

He pointed to Gu Ya: "This is Supreme Rin Shuang!"

Then point to Kanchi: "This is the Supreme Silver Star.

" Then point to Mingkong Zilin and Shao Wei: "This is the Supreme Tianhe, and this is the Supreme Vajra. "

Every time Zheng Qiu reported a name, everyone in the room would be stunned for a moment. It felt like a heavy hammer was hitting their fragile hearts one after another.

It makes the chest heavy, makes it hard to breathe, makes people doubt everything the eyes see and ears hear.

Oh my god, why is this happening? The four people who followed Zheng Qiu were all supreme beings of the divine realm.

Has Zhizun become so worthless? Four of them can appear at a time, and they all obey Zheng Qiu's comfort.

Beside the throne on the high platform, Master Miaoshou was strange and puzzled.

He had never heard of these supreme titles, and he didn't know where Zheng Qiu got them.

Of course, when Zheng Qiu introduced the four Supreme Beings of the Divine Realm one by one, the Castle Master couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, the four Supreme Beings introduced by Zheng Qiu just now must be fake, they should be deliberately scaring himself.

As long as I make a move, those false lies will be exposed, and the four so-called supreme beings in the divine realm will also show their feet.

Master Miaoshou encouraged himself in his heart, and walked down the steps step by step, approaching Zheng Qiu and his companions.

The atmosphere became more and more tense, and the air was full of oppressive smells. It seemed that flames and electric arcs were flying around, exuding danger and death.

The elders of Qianqi Silver Fort saw that the situation was not good. The owner of the castle obviously heard that Zheng Qiu had introduced the four supreme beings, but he still wanted to make a move.

They don't know where the castle owner's confidence comes from, can they really fight four with one?

Or is it that the castle master saw something tricky, knew that there were problems with these four people with the title of supreme, and deliberately wanted to attack?

The elders couldn't figure it out, but they all knew what they should do now.

They urged the disciples to quickly put on the magic weapon metal suits, and at the same time set up a formation, so that those with high cultivation levels stood in front and those with low cultivation levels stood behind.

Before the celebration banquet, the disciples did not return to their respective residences, but went directly to the central hall.

They took off those inconvenient instruments and metal clothes, and temporarily piled them on the shelves in the corner of the hall.

At this time, everyone went to get their clothes, you pushed me, squeezed and stomped, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

After being commanded by the elders, the disciples quickly put on their clothes and moved in an orderly manner to form a formation.

Before waiting for the formation to play, suddenly, a sizzling electric current came from a fine steel gate.

However, because Master Miaoshou used the knob on the throne to close the gate, and his authority was higher than that of the outside world, the gate did not open after shaking slightly.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang, there was a rapid knocking sound outside, and it was very loud.

Supreme Master Miaoshou and the elders in the hall all showed surprise, who else would come at this time, and they seemed very anxious when they heard the knock on the door.

After a while, shouts came from outside, which solved everyone's doubts.

"Castle Master, Elder, something is wrong!

Open the door quickly, the banquet will stop for a while, something big has happened!

Castle master, elder..."

Hearing this voice, it turned out to be the disciple guarding the passage outside. He didn't want to guard the entrance of Qianji Castle, so why did he come knocking on the door?

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