Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 963 Do your best to stop delaying time

This is a very difficult task and a very dangerous one.

The three monsters in front of them were almost identical in size and appearance to the one that was killed in the explosion, and their strength was obviously similar.

Master Miaoshou knew how strong these monsters were. Even if he and the elders tried their best, they would at most kill one of them and seriously injure the second one.

But there were three of them in front of them, which already surpassed the limit that all the strong in Qianqi Silver Castle could win.

Master Miaoshou led the elders to crawl between the woods, quietly exercised their skills to increase their strength level, and prepared to surprise the monster.

With his index finger, he pressed on the cheek of the magic weapon armor.

With a slight hissing sound, the communication function of the helmet was connected to the armor of other elders, and the voice of speaking was transmitted into each elder's helmet.

"Our Qianqi Silver Castle is famous for making and using magic weapons, but our own cultivation is definitely not a display.

The next battle is related to the life and death of our Qianqi Silver Fort. I hope everyone can show 200% of their strength and work together to defeat the powerful enemy.

These monsters are big and heavy, and we want to slow them down as much as possible.

Later, I will take the elders of the puppet sect to launch an attack to divert the monster's attention.

The rest attacked the ground under the monster's feet, and blasted out the deep pit with steep edges as fast as possible, confining them to this area.

Once enough time has elapsed, we blast the pit out a slope.

Release the monsters one by one in a step-by-step manner, and let them go to the Dragon Roar Cannon position by themselves.

In this way, we have enough time and enough opportunities to kill the monsters one by one through the dragon roar cannon salvo. "

The elders nodded after hearing this. This is indeed a good idea. A salvo from the Dragon Roar cannon can kill one monster at a time.

As long as the monsters are separated and sent to them one by one, the Qianqi Silver Castle can win this battle.

Forty feet, thirty feet, twenty feet, the monster smashed down the big tree and flattened the bushes, getting closer and closer to Master Miaoshou and others.

They are separated by strong magic weapon armor,

You can feel the heat wave coming from outside.

Just as the monster approached within ten feet of them, Master Miaoshou raised his arms and shouted: "Attack!"

Accompanied by the voice, he immediately released the power of the divine realm, and the powerful force of heaven and earth rushed out from the soles of the shoes, pushing his body straight up like a cannonball.

The walking steps of the three monsters obviously paused for a moment, probably because they were startled by the sudden attack, and they were a little dazed for a moment.

This short moment of stupor is the best opportunity for Master Miaoshou.

He raised his left arm, and the armor of the forearm bounced off to reveal the metal pipe of the rainpipe, followed by a series of jujube-sized light bullets from it.

These small lavender balls of light sizzled, rapidly expanded in the air, and transformed into arc balls with a volume similar to that of a bull's head.

Obviously, this is not a bullet of Qi Jin, the light bullet emitted by the rain flute is actually the power of heaven and earth.

That's right, the armor worn by Supreme Master Miaoshou and the elders is a magic weapon.

Like magic weapons like swords, users can rely on their own strength to greatly enhance the attack power of magic weapons.

Therefore, Master Miaoshou did not fill the rain flute with rain powder or special ammunition, but directly injected his own power of heaven and earth into it.

Bang bang bang, a series of thunderballs hit the monster, and the arcs flickered and scattered, constantly blowing up the flames on the monster.

The other elders were not idle either, and the elders of the puppet sect also flew into the sky.

Relying on his own cultivation in the divine realm, he shot a large number of projectiles with the power of heaven and earth through the rain flute.

The attack power of these Heaven and Earth Power bullets far surpassed that of Qi Jin bullets, and it was too difficult to parry for a moment, and they would only stupidly raise the bone blade to block.

The force of heaven and earth projectiles are extremely powerful, and in less than four breaths, the red-hot rocks and soil between the strange bones were blasted clean.

Without the resistance of those earth and rocks, the projectiles smashed through the flames and slammed firmly on their black-painted bones.

At the same time, the elders of the War Armor Sect and the Equipment Sect jumped onto the treetops and used rain whistles to bombard the ground under the feet of the three monsters.

In an instant, earth and rocks flew, and the rocks and soil on the ground were continuously lifted up to the height of a two-story building.

As the ground was blown away layer by layer, the bodies of the three monsters began to sink, from ankles to calves, and finally to thighs.

On the top of the mountain in the distance, Zheng Qiu and others watched the battle with great interest.

Seeing that Master Miaoshou took advantage of the ambush, Zheng Qiu laughed and said, "I didn't expect Qianqi Yinbao to be quite clever, this method is good, and it can indeed restrict the actions of polluters.

It's a pity that these polluters have intelligence, and it is estimated that they cannot be trapped simply by digging pits. "

Zheng Qiu guessed right, Master Miaoshou led the elders to attack crazily, beating the monster until it staggered, as if it would fall down at any moment.

But the bones on the monster's body don't know what kind of material they are made of, but they are extremely strong, forcibly withstood the continuous bombardment of the projectiles from the force of heaven and earth.

Master Miaoshou tried to hit the electric arc ball continuously on the same part, one, two, three, until the twelfth electric ball hit, only a fragment the size of a fist fell down.

But fragments of this size are a drop in the bucket for a one-story-high body.

After suffering so many attacks, the three monsters also began to wake up, as if the group of humans in front of them couldn't help them.

They found that their bones were hard enough to withstand a large number of attacks, and humans had no way to extinguish the divine fire bestowed by their masters.

This time, the monster's courage became stronger in an instant, and he raised his head and let out a piercing hiss, raised his forearm bone blade and started to fight back.

"The monster is going to fight back, be careful!"

Master Miaoshou reminded the elders loudly that the elders have rich combat experience, so they immediately dispersed and flew in the air, keeping the distance between each other to avoid the attack.

Huhu, Huhu, crescent-shaped flames flew out one after another as the bone blade swung, some were dodged by the elders, and some were blown to pieces by the projectiles.

The elders put up all their energy to fight the enemy, and it was strange that they couldn't gain an advantage for a while.

But this situation cannot last forever!

As the battle time prolongs, people will always make mistakes, and once they make mistakes, it will be an irreversible situation.

"Hold on, don't relax, we have to wait for three incense sticks!

The elders of the Equipment Sect also came up to help, suppress the monster's counterattack, don't relax! "

The electric ball projectiles shot by Master Miaoshou are the most powerful, only two of them can blow up a flame slash, so he rescues everywhere in the air to help the elders who are in danger.

Hearing the order of the castle master, the nine elders of the Equipment Gate stopped bombing the ground and controlled the armor to fly into the air for air combat.

More projectiles of the power of heaven and earth poured out, temporarily suppressing the monster's flame attack.

Master Miaoshou counted the time with his fingers, and a moment later a surge of joy welled up in his heart, which lifted his spirits.

Enough, enough time for three sticks of incense, they have already delayed success.

Then just go to the second step, release the monsters one by one, and let them go to the Dragon Roar Cannon position to die.

(Thanks to Mr. Qiaoba and book friend 20190529235518386 for the monthly pass o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

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