Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 968 There is a fourth monster

What is that, and why is there smoke?

Moreover, the area is so far away from here, and the sound of the explosion is so clear, which proves that the original sound intensity should be deafening.

Seeing the rising smoke, Master Miaoshou felt a little bit in his heart, and a bad premonition emerged in his mind.

No, it's impossible, it can't happen!

He tried to drive this terrible thought out of his mind. But which one of the things that happened today is in line with common sense?

The three monsters appeared at the same time, and Zheng Qiu was surrounded by four young gods, including a little girl who was also a supreme being.

All this tells him that common sense is for breaking, there is no logic at all.

Thinking of this, he swallowed hard to keep himself calm.

He turned his head and said to Zheng Qiu: "Boss Zheng, when we were looking for monsters before, we also found the target through the rising smoke.

You said that position, will it..."

Master Miaoshou didn't say the last half of the sentence, but Zheng Qiu could fully understand what he meant.

In fact, Zheng Qiu himself had a similar guess, if the three polluters on the ground below were minions sent by the God Lord, and the God Lord wanted to invade the Yunxiu Continent.

Damn it, if you think about it from this angle, the God Lord will definitely not send two or three kittens to Yunxiu Continent, but send a large group if he wants to.

"Gu Ya, Gu Ya!"

Hearing Zheng Qiu calling herself, Gu Ya flew over with a smile, "What do you want me to do, brat!"

After she approached, seeing the serious and nervous expression on Zheng Qiu's face, her smile suddenly froze.

Gu Ya knew Zheng Qiu's temper, when he showed such a serious and nervous expression, it proved that things were troublesome.

So Gu Ya withdrew her smile, and asked again in a deep voice: "Zheng Qiu, what happened, what should I do?"

Zheng Qiu pointed to the thick smoke rising in the distance and replied: "I suspect that there are still polluters over there. The overall number of them may be more than what we see now."


Zheng Qiu took out the empty dissolving bottle and poured out a large handful of special colored heaven and earth crystals.

These heaven and earth crystals are light green in color and emit a faint fluorescence all the time. There are also sealing formations engraved on the surface of the crystals to prevent the divine power inside from leaking out.

After stuffing these strange heaven and earth crystals to Gu Ya, he warned: "I'll go there to check, and I'll leave it to you to command here.

Remember, lure the three defilers to the power formation, and then activate the formation to drain their power.

The extracted red divine power was immediately neutralized with these heaven and earth crystals. If someone was accidentally contaminated with flames during the battle, they could also be neutralized with the heaven and earth crystals.

Another point is that there are different types of divine power hidden in these heaven and earth crystals, you must also be careful when using them, and you must not touch them. "

Gu Ya picked up one of the heaven and earth crystals to observe. The light green color exudes a soft halo, which seems to have the ability to attract attention.

She knew something about divine power, some of which Zheng Qiu had mentioned.

The other part was told to me by the old man of Qianyunzong named Ming Zong when he was in Boundless Tianhe.

It turns out that this is the kind of power that surpasses the power of heaven and earth, and is closer to the original power.

There is an impulse in Gu Ya's heart, she really wants to master the powerful divine power.

But she also knows that this kind of thing is extremely dangerous, if not done well, she will play with fire and set herself on fire.

Moreover, Gu Ya also knew that Zheng Qiu obviously possessed divine power, but rarely used it directly.

Most of the time, Zheng Qiu still uses Qi Jin.

This shows that even if you have divine power, it is still very difficult to use it smoothly.

She stuffed the divine power heaven and earth crystals into her pocket one by one, nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will get rid of these three polluters, and use the energy-gathering formation according to your plan."

Zheng Qiu grinned, raised his hand and rubbed Gu Ya's head, she is still capable when she is not making trouble.

Gu Ya's complexion darkened in an instant, and she slapped Zheng Qiu's palm away: "Take your paw away, I am the Supreme Rin Shuang, don't you know etiquette!"

Zheng Qiu giggled, controlled the sedge under his feet, raised his body and flew quickly to the distance.

Watching Zheng Qiu leave, Gu Ya shouted to everyone: "Now I will command!

Continue to attack and drive these three ghosts to the energy-gathering formation..."

The Miaoshou Supreme looked at Gu Ya commanding the other three Supremes and the ten False God Realm guards, his eyes slightly narrowed showing doubts.

Rin Shuang Supreme, isn't that the name of Yu Linli, the master of Luoshuang Pavilion? Why is this little girl in the Divine Land Realm also called Rin Shuang Supreme?

He looked at Gu Ya's petite back, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt like a person, like Gu Xiao, the former owner of Luoshuang Pavilion.

Gu Ya, Gu Xiao, these two names are so similar.

Someone guessed in Miaoshou Zhizun's mind, could it be that the little girl named Gu Ya in front of him is actually the same person as Gu Xiao.

Or in other words, she is the daughter of Gu Xiao, and she was forced to rise to the divine place through the method of empowerment.

On the other side, Zheng Qiu stepped on the sedge and approached the place where the thick smoke rose.

After flying over three mountains, he finally got a bird's-eye view of the smoking area.

It was a large scorched open space, as if it had been ravaged by wildfires.

All the vegetation was scorched and burned, the soil was filled with black and white charcoal ash, and some tree trunks were still burning, releasing smoke and heat.

Sparse fires were scattered around the scorched earth. Since it had rained here a few days ago, the soil and vegetation were very wet.

Therefore, the flames around the scorched earth did not spread rapidly, and would not cause large-scale wildfires all over the mountains.

Zheng Qiu also saw a long scorched avenue beside the scorched land with a radius of more than fifty feet, which was also pitch black and covered with charcoal ash.

The avenue is eight feet wide and leads all the way to Qianjibao. It should be the traces of those few polluters.

Focusing his eyes on the middle of the open space, Zheng Qiu saw a polluter at a glance, the shape was exactly the same as the three that had fought just now.

Lizard-like black skeleton, upright body, two long bone blades on the forearm, and the burning flames all over the body.

The exact same polluters, sure enough, have problems, just like mass-produced soldiers.

We can't let this guy rush to the vicinity of Thousand Opportunities Fort. Three Defilers are already troublesome enough. If four of them converge, the difficulty of defeating them will increase exponentially.

Zheng Qiu removed the sedge under his feet, let his body fall naturally, and continued to accelerate the approaching speed with the help of the fall.

He has made up his mind to deal with the polluters alone.

This polluter was very vigilant, when Zheng Qiu was still twenty feet above its head, it judged Zheng Qiu's position from the sound of the wind.

Raise the forearm, aim the two huge bone blades at the sky, and the next step is to swing a crescent-shaped flame attack.

"Beautiful thinking!"

Zheng Qiu didn't want to give it a chance, so he took out a plant vine grass seed and pinched the seed coat, injecting energy into it to make it grow into a thick rattan.

Then he used the cane as a whip, and aimed at the defiler's skull first.

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