Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 98 Zheng Qiu vs Ge An in the open space

The incense was lit, and the blue smoke rose slowly.

Seeing that Ge Wuqing agreed to the competition, Mingkong Zilin let go of Zheng Qiu. When she took her hand away from the back of Zheng Qiu's neck, she pulled out two thin golden needles from the neck bone.

When the gold needles were pulled out, Zheng Qiu shuddered and immediately regained his mobility. It turned out that Mingkong Zilin used these two gold needles just now to control Zheng Qiu and make him nod obediently.

"Mingkong Zilin, you... woo..." Before Zheng Qiu could say a word, the master Ming Zong beside him covered his mouth.

"Stupid boy, shut up!" Ming Kong Zilin made a silent gesture, raised her head and asked Ming Zong, "Old man Ming Zong, do you really have a way to make this kid beat Ge An?"

Master Ming Zong thought for a moment, then nodded: "It should be possible."

Then he let go of Zheng Qiu and pulled his apprentice behind the banquet table.

"Master, what are you?"

Master Ming Zong grabbed his apprentice's shoulders and said solemnly: "Zheng Qiu, now the burden of Qian Yunzong is on your shoulders, you don't need to worry about why, you just need to remember one thing, it is better than Ge An!"

Mingkong Zilin added from the side: "Stupid boy, my future is in your hands, you must not sell me!"

At this time, the other elders of Qianyunzong also gathered around and asked in low voices.

"Ming Zong, are you sure you want Zheng Qiu to compete with Ge An?"

"Ge'an has the lowest level of aura, how does Zheng Qiu compare?"

"Ming Zong, do you have a special method?"

"Ming Zong, do you need our help?"

Zheng Qiu himself had no confidence in the competition, so he had a bitter face: "Master, I can't beat Ge An, how can I win?"

Master Ming Zong shook his apprentice vigorously, and said in an orderly tone: "Don't lose confidence, you will definitely win, believe in yourself, you will definitely be able to."

Then he glanced at Ge Wuqing from the corner of his eye, and found that Ge Wuqing was talking to his adopted son Ge An, but his eyes flicked here from time to time.

So he whispered to the elders who came over, "Time is running out, Ge Wuqing is looking over here, please help me block it."

The elders naturally understood Ming Zong's meaning, and a few of them chatted nonsense, pretending to be discussing, but intentionally or unintentionally, their bodies lined up like a wall, blocking Ge Wuqing's sight.

Master Ming Zong looked into Zheng Qiu's eyes and cast a trusting gaze: "Zheng Qiu, you have to listen carefully to every sentence that follows, and follow the steps I said later..."

The incense became shorter and shorter, Master Ming Zong finally finished the whole procedure, he asked worriedly: "Do you remember?"

Zheng Qiu nodded: "I remember."


Master Ming Zong took out two sheets of white paper from the wooden box hanging on the apprentice's waist, quickly drew two different spell patterns on the paper, carefully folded them and stuffed them into the apprentice's cuffs.

Then he greeted the rest of the elders: "Quick, quickly take out your heaven and earth crystals, all of them! Just gold, brown, and purple."

The elders flipped through their pockets one after another and stuffed three colors of heaven and earth crystals into Ming Zong, among which Ming Chengxi carried the most heaven and earth crystals, more than fifty of these three colors alone.

On the other side, Ge Wuqing instructed Ge An in a low voice: "That kid named Zheng Qiu can cast spells, and the speed of casting spells is still very fast, but his cultivation is far inferior to yours.

Remember, the more powerful the spell is, the more difficult it is to draw, the more time it takes to cast it, and the more powerful the heaven and earth crystal is consumed. You have to attack with all your strength, attack continuously, and don't give him any chance to breathe.

It would be best if he could break through his defensive spells, and it didn't matter if he couldn't break through, as it could quickly consume the heaven and earth crystals on him. "

The incense burnt out quickly, Ge Wuqing stood up straight, and shouted down: "The time is up, let that boy named Zheng Qiu come out and start the competition in the open space."

Master Ming Zong hurriedly divided the heaven and earth crystals, stuffed them into Zheng Qiu's sleeves, and said: "Zheng Qiu, remember what the master said, don't panic,

Follow the steps, you only have this one chance. "

"Are you ready? Do you still want to compare?" Ge Wuqing walked down slowly.

"Okay, get ready!" Elder Ming Zong asked the others to disperse, and led Zheng Qiu to Ge Wuqing himself, "Master Ge, the child is ready, you can start the competition."

Ge Wuqing stared at Zheng Qiu, swept his eyes up and down several times, and found nothing unusual.

With a wave of his hand, he announced: "Ge An, Zheng Qiu, you two will compete in the sky, the sword has no eyes, life and death are fate, you can't admit defeat, you lose only when you fall."

The suzerain Mingkong Aoqing's brows twitched, and he thought to himself: "It's a life-and-death contest, Ge Wuqing wants to take this opportunity to scare the chickens to warn the monkeys. I hope Mingzong can find a way to save his apprentice's life."

Standing on the open space, Zheng Qiu looked at Ge An, who was taller, more handsome than him, and far surpassed him in cultivation.

Ge An exudes a faint sense of majesty, which brings great psychological pressure to Zheng Qiu. Although he knew that this sense of majesty was formed by the power of heaven and earth in the energy deliberately distributed, but the pressure was not fake.

Zheng Qiu also heard what Ge Wuqing said just now that swords have no eyes, and life and death are fateful, which made him even more nervous. This is a life-and-death contest, if you miss, your life will be confessed.

His calves were weak, and cold sweat kept coming out of his back, but he firmly remembered what his master said, and he couldn't show any timidity.

Ge An on the opposite side was also observing Zheng Qiu, and he found that this boy named Zheng Qiu had a pale face and was very nervous, but he stood up straight and showed no sign of shrinking back.

Ge An guessed that Zheng Qiu had a strong back move. In order to be safe, he decided to use his kung fu first to increase his strength to the level of brilliance before launching an attack with a weapon in his hand.

"The competition begins!"

As Ge Wuqing's words fell, Ge An immediately stepped off the horse, waving his arms to raise his energy. A faint blue light mist emerged from his body, then slowly solidified, and began to turn into flames, covering his whole body.

On the open space, Ge An started to exercise his kung fu, and Mingkong Zilin's body at the banquet table also had a blue mist, but this time the two were far away, Mingkong Zilin was less affected, and the light mist was only a thin layer , is vaguely unclear.

While Ge An was exercising his skills, Zheng Qiu took out a pen and paper from the wooden box at his waist, concentrated his energy, and drew the curse patterns of the sword-blocking earth figurine curse as quickly as possible.

When he had just finished drawing the curse pattern, he looked up and saw that Ge An opposite him had already put on a blue flame suit, which was a sign that his skill had risen to the state of brilliance.

Ge An pulled out a small gray hammer from the belt on his back waist. The shape of the hammer completely imitated the Wu Wang Calamity in Ge Wuqing's hand.

Zheng Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, the development of the situation was exactly as the master expected. If he didn't show his timidity, Ge An would not dare to attack rashly. He would definitely use his kung fu to increase his strength first, thus delaying the time to draw the first curse pattern.

"The heavens are in all directions, the gods have orders, the clay is made of figurines, and it is my shape. Water and fire are hard to get close to, and swords and soldiers don't touch clothes!" Before Ge An could make a move, Zheng Qiu chanted the incantation formula aloud, and threw the paper ball out first.

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