Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 978 Falling back to the town to find cover

Just when Mo Junrong was about to increase his strength, he caught a glimpse of the bright blue light behind him, followed by a figure releasing taupe light.

It was Hong Rang, who was chasing Yunyou very fast.

Mo Junrong rolled his eyes and came up with an idea in his mind.

Fly around in a big circle and fly in the opposite direction, rush to Hong Rang as soon as possible, and let Hong Rang deal with Yun You.

After making up his mind, he changed the direction of flight on the left side of his body, drawing a long arc in the sky.

Yunyou didn't care which direction Mo Junrong was flying at all, and increased the output of the power of heaven and earth to skyrocket the flying speed in a way that would not change.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Mo Junrong quickly grabbed a handful of talisman papers given by the Destiny Palace and threw them back indiscriminately.

Each piece of talisman paper is infused with vigor, quickly producing various effects in mid-air.

Some condense into ice cubes, some form walls of fire, some interweave into large nets, and some create barriers, phantoms, phantom phantoms and other things.

The cyan light on Yunyou's body suddenly subsided, surging and spreading to her right hand like flowing water, and then thrust forward with palms together like a sword in hand.

A blue light flashed, and a flat beam of light rushed out from the tips of her five fingers, piercing through the barrier formed by the talisman paper with unstoppable force.

People in the entire Qinghe Town could look up and see a large pile of colorful fireworks appearing in the sky.

Then a cyan torrent rushed out suddenly, smashing the colorful fireworks into a path.

No matter what kind of talisman paper, in the face of such a strong force of heaven and earth, it is as fragile as window paper.

Mo Junrong twisted his body vigorously, and made a very large turn in the air, avoiding the follow-up attack of the blue beam of light.

He didn't expect those talismans to stop Yunyou, as long as he slowed down Yunyou's flight speed a little, that goal would be achieved.

Yunyou mobilized the power of heaven and earth to attack, so naturally she couldn't maintain the flying speed just now. When she increased her flying speed again, Mo Junrong had joined her junior brother Hong Rang.

"Junior Brother Hong, this person is Yunyou, the enemy of our Destiny Palace!"

Hong Rang immediately reached out to stop Mo Junrong behind him, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Brother Mo, I'm here to protect you."

After all, Hong Rang raised his hands upwards, as if he was lifting an extremely heavy boulder.

The grey-brown power of heaven and earth between the palms quickly gathered and entangled with each other, forming a whole shield-like aggregate.

But before Hong Rang could use his move, Yunyou stabbed his palm again, and another flat blue beam of light gushed out.

Boom, the light hit Hong Rang in front of him, blasting a large circle of air waves visible to the naked eye.

The cyan power of heaven and earth spilled out and materialized to form a strong air current, which continued to hit Hong Rang and Mo Junrong behind Hong Rang.

Under the collision of such a strong air current, the two of them couldn't stabilize their figures at all, and they turned somersaults and were blown backwards.

In these two attacks, Yunyou didn't use the magical weapon Yunshan Mist, and even lowered the attack power on purpose.

Now is not the time to kill Mo Junrong, but to capture him alive and force him to find out the whereabouts of Zheng Qiu's parents.

Mo Junrong also knew this in his heart, he already felt that Yunyou's moves were not powerful, even if he was hit, he would not lose his life.

In the first fight just now, Hong Yang seemed to have suffered a big loss. If he continued to fight like this, he would be caught sooner or later.

"Junior Brother Hong, why don't you use the powerful Fengming Earth Sha? Yunyou is very powerful, so don't be careless!"

"Senior brother, the Fengming Earth Sha move must be used on the ground, I can't use it in the air!

But there are so many ordinary people on the ground, I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid, just hit the ground.

Yunyou will never hurt people at will, we go to crowded streets and markets, so that her attacks can be restrained. "

But Hong Yang shook his head and objected: "No way, my Fengming Earth Sha has a wide range, and it will definitely affect ordinary people."

Hearing this, Mo Junrong was very dissatisfied.

Why is Hong Yang so refusing to listen to persuasion? He is clearly a cultivator but insists on doing chivalrous things.

Is now the time to do that.

Mo Junrong immediately reprimanded: "Then what do you want to do, are you caught by Yunyou?

Don't forget about the major events in the Palace of Destiny, if the arrangement of the palace lord and star officer is disturbed because of personal affairs, can you explain it when you go back? "

One sentence stunned Hong Yang.

That's right, protect senior brother Mo well, and help senior brother Mo quickly improve his realm, and complete the tasks that senior brother Mo asked.

All these are the orders of the Palace Master and the Zuo Zhang Xingguan. If he doesn't do it, it will be tantamount to violating the order of the sect, and he will be accused of rebellion.

Thinking of this, Hong Yang could no longer refuse Mo Junrong's suggestion, and immediately mobilized the power of heaven and earth in his body to communicate with the surrounding air, and quickly landed on the streets of Qinghe Town.

In the air, Yunyou saw Mo Junrong and the young man flying towards the street, a look of hesitation flashed across his face.

By doing this, Mo Junrong took all ordinary people and low-level practitioners on the street as hostages.

What should I do, should I continue to attack?

While hesitating, the power of heaven and earth in her body was still surging, the blue light flickered on and off, and the power of heaven and earth jumped around her body like a flame.

As the time for releasing the power extended, the power of heaven and earth began to naturally affect Yunyou again, bit by bit suppressing the thoughts and emotions in her mind.

And when her emotions began to fade, the goal of catching Mo Junrong in her mind became more and more clear.

This allowed her to release more power, further increasing the concentration of the power of heaven and earth, and also had a greater impact on emotions and thoughts.

The original hesitant expression on her face gradually faded away, and that kind of indifference, that kind of ruthlessness that was as stiff as a rock, gradually emerged.

On the ground street, Mo Junrong saw that Yunyou did not chase down, patted Hong Rang on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Look, she's now wary of attacking us.

My idea is much better than you bit the bullet! "

Hong Rang breathed a sigh of relief: "Senior brother Mo really has a lot of experience, and I can think of such a wonderful method. I have to study hard."

But as soon as Hong Yang finished saying this, he instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and immediately raised his head to look at the sky.

What, that female cultivator named Yunyou, the radiance on her body has more than doubled than before, this is definitely not a sign to stop.

"Senior brother Hong, she still wants to make a move, let's get out of here quickly!"

Hong Yang grabbed Mo Junrong's arm and ran towards the end of the street.

There were fewer people in that direction, and if Yunyou launched an attack, the casualties would be smaller.

Mo Junrong narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not speak.

He actually hoped that Hong Yang would directly use Fengming Earth Sha to fight Yunyou head-on.

But this kid is always worried about hurting others, so he refuses to use his ultimate move, so he still has to use Yunyou to force him.

In the air, Yunyou finally moved. She clenched her right hand slowly, and then slowly stretched it out.

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