Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 982 Seriously Ill Female Cultivator Visits Lingcui

Of course this Qianyun Sect Outer Sect disciple was happy. Ever since Lingcui Mountain became famous, more and more cultivators visited this place.

With more people, the business will naturally improve. He can sell nearly a hundred maps every day, as well as dry cloud weaving embroidery of various colors.

When providing services to cultivators, he will also sell some pills by the way.

He has learned some alchemy techniques by himself, so he deliberately bought some medicinal materials from Lingcui Mountain to refine them himself, and earn some extra income by the way.

Today this sky boat brought quite a lot of passengers, there were actually twenty of them, as long as I work harder, I can earn a lot.

He led the crowd into the station, while taking out maps to sell.

At this time, he found a female cultivator in the crowd who was dressed very roughly and had a lot of bandages on her face.

The female cultivator walked with a limp, and her left arm was always tucked in. It seemed that the left half of her body was seriously injured.

It's okay to be injured, the injured cultivator must have come to buy medicinal materials, and I can sell her pills to her.

In the hall of the post station, after selling the maps, the disciples of the Outer Sect immediately took out a large wooden box and ran to the female cultivator.

He patted the table: "Girl, sit down, it seems that you are here to buy medicinal materials in Lingcui Mountain, are you treating your injuries?

Look, I have already refined pills here, with all kinds of effects, you just choose. "

When I walked in, I found that the robe on the female cultivator was just burlap, and it seemed to have a strange smell, as if something had been burnt.

Moreover, she had a big hood over her head, so she couldn't see her specific face clearly.

The only thing that can be seen is the watery right eye and the yellowed bandages wrapped in layers.

The female cultivator glanced at the wooden box when she heard what the disciples from the Outer Sect said, but she didn't intend to open it to check.

The disciple of the foreign sect quickly added the introduction: "Miss, don't worry, the quality of these pills is absolutely guaranteed, and all the medicinal materials are used from Lingcui Mountain."

As he spoke, he opened the wooden box and took out a piece of paper, which was a shopping list.

"Look, this is the receipt for buying medicine from Lingcui Mountain.

It can prove the raw material source of these pills,

Excellent quality, childlike and honest..."

The disciples of the foreign sect tried their best to sell it, and finally persuaded the female cultivator.

She twisted her body slowly, stretched out her right hand to flip through the porcelain bottles and silver pots in the wooden box, and read the name of the pill on the surface.

Her movement moved the robe and pulled up the left side of the garment.

What was exposed under the clothes was still a thick bandage, the color was older than the one on the head, and the bandage style should completely cover the left side of the body.

The disciple of the foreign sect couldn't help but gulped. What kind of injury did this girl get? She actually wanted to wrap most of her body tightly with bandages. It looked so scary.

The female cultivator rummaged for a while, but she didn't seem to find the pill she wanted. She shook her head and stood up slowly, limping towards the gate.

It seems that the girl's injury is quite serious, and these pills can't heal her.

The disciple of the Qianyun Sect Outer Sect sighed, and packed the wooden box again.

Watching the female cultivator slowly walking towards the gate, he suddenly noticed that this girl seemed to have no cultivation base.

No, she knows pills, she is definitely a cultivator.

The only explanation is that the injury was too serious and the cultivation base was lost.

A good person will do it to the end, how long will she have to wait until she reaches Lingcui Mountain while walking like this.

If you can't make it to Lingcui Mountain, it will be bad if you die on the way.

So the disciples of the foreign sect hurried forward to stop him and said: "Girl, I see that your injury is very serious, it seems that you have lost your cultivation.

Although Lingcui Mountain is near Fengshou Town, there is still a long way to go. It is too dangerous for you to walk this way alone.

How about this, I will contact Lingcui Mountain, they have a pick-up service, they can pick up people with disabilities and go directly there. "

The female cultivator stood in a daze for a moment, then nodded in agreement, turned around and walked back into the hall, bending her legs and torso with difficulty and sitting on a chair.

The disciples of the Outer Sect ran out of the hall and flew down the mountain with the light on.

Fengshou Town is next to it, and there is a hut on the outskirts of the town near the peak of the post station.

There are guards of Lingcui Mountain stationed in the hut. As long as you tell the other party the situation, the guards will arrange the pick-up service.

After notifying the guards, the disciples of the foreign sect returned to the station to continue selling various things.

Time passed little by little, and the number of people in the hall became less and less, and finally there were only two or four passers-by who had transferred to the sky boat, and the seriously injured female cultivator.

About an hour later, two practitioners wearing short-sleeved tunics walked in from the door. They all carried weapons on their backs, and their clothes were embroidered with patterns of herbs of different shapes.

One of them reported himself as soon as he came in: "We are the guards of Lingcui Mountain. The guest with limited mobility is going to Lingcui Mountain?"

The disciples of the Outer Sect immediately went forward and brought the two guards to the female cultivator: "She is going to Lingcui Mountain!"

Another guard took out a pen and a booklet, and said, "Our pick-up service requires a fee, and you can pay for the service first.

But you have to leave your name and mortgage, and it will be returned to you after paying the fee. "

The female cultivator stood up unsteadily, and replied, "My name is Qiao Chen'er.

But I don't have any money now, and I will definitely pay the full amount when I am cured. "

The guard frowned. Hearing the other party's voice, the woman named Qiao Chen'er seemed young.

Could it be that she is a cultivator who has never traveled far, and she wants to pay on credit as soon as she opens her mouth. I don't know that businessmen are very taboo about this.

Unless it is a very familiar regular customer, there is no shop in the whole Yunxiu mainland that dares to ask people to pay on credit casually.

After all, practitioners are not ordinary people, and there are more debts than stars in the sky, and even Qianyunzong needs a lot of money and goods.

The guard hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Girl, I think you are indeed handicapped, but the fact that you are on credit cannot promise you.

How about this, do you have any tokens to prove your identity, it is fine to keep the tokens with us temporarily. "

Qiao Chen'er shook her head: "No token, nothing.

I stay in your Lingcui Mountain, and I can be a hostage or a servant.

When my sect sends the money, you will let me go! "

The two guards looked at each other like, what, this girl is trying to sell herself.

But Lingcui Mountain has no shortage of people now, and Qiao Chen'er wants to bet herself on the mountain, depending on whether it is worth the price.

"Qiao...Qiao Chen'er, right, what level are you in now?"

"God Transformation Realm, but I can't use my cultivation right now."

The two guards raised their brows, with a hint of joy on their faces.

Not bad, she is actually a young girl in the God Transformation Realm, and the sect behind her must have some strength, so she won't have to worry about not paying back the money she owes.

The guard put away the booklet, and at the same time exercised his energy to release energy, forming a swirling airflow to support Qiao Chen'er.

"Girl sit tight, we're going to Lingcui Mountain now."

The streamer rose from the station square, crossed the sky of Fengshou Town, and finally fell to Lingcui Mountain.

In less than two incense sticks, two guards brought Qiao Chen'er outside the Hall of Jishi.

At this time, there were people coming and going at the gate of the main hall, nearly a hundred practitioners came in and out, many of them were holding shopping bags full of medicinal materials, their faces were full of joy.

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