Legendary Pharmacist

Chapter 992: The Second Meteor Falls

In the vast space, there is still a meteor flying.

This meteor is also composed of black-red rocks, in the shape of a shuttle, with red light and flames constantly emerging from the pits on the surface.

Even in space, these flames continue to burn, and it seems that there are countless fuel and oxygen pouring out of the boulder.

The flying speed of this boulder is not particularly fast, and the inside is also hollow. The size of the space is close to the bedroom where ordinary people live in Yunxiu Continent.

At this time, the three-foot-square space seemed very crowded, and a pair of fiery soul skeletons combined with bird claws and fish bones were tightly attached to the inner wall of the rock.

In the middle is a huge oval worm, stretching and contracting, wriggling like a caterpillar the size of two cows.

But it is definitely not a caterpillar, because its surface is made of a special layer of hard skin, which is filled with flames and lava.

One end is a huge mouth made of more than two hundred sharp teeth, and the other end is a large hole with four long claws.

At this time, on the back of this huge bug, there is a five-foot-long flame snake.

Although the little snake has no blood and muscles, it is composed of empty bones and flames, but it is covered with a layer of scales, making it look like a complete creature.

The little flame snake seemed very excited at this time, raising its tail to pat the big bug from time to time.

This big worm is the soul mother, capable of endlessly producing fiery souls.

This time the general handed over the soul mother to it, which is the greatest trust in it.

The flame snake looked up at the inner wall of the rock, and there was a symbol engraved on the inner wall, which was now dimmed.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the surrounding flames suddenly gathered towards the symbol, and then completely lit the symbol.

The little flame snake straightened its head, and the two small flames in its eye sockets danced excitedly, sending out a clear mental wave.

"The outpost has been built, there are no enemies, and the place I personally selected is indeed an excellent landing point!

Speed ​​up, seize the time to land this landing meteor, and conquer the cloud sleeve is just around the corner! "

Following its mental fluctuations, a blazing soul raised its claws behind the inner wall of the rock, and knocked on the rock wall twice.

The whole boulder suddenly shook violently, and more flames spewed out from the dent, accelerating the speed of the landing meteor through space.

A long line of fire pierced the clear sky and fell straight to the ground. After a while, the flames flashed, and clouds of smoke and dust rose into the sky.

Yes, the second landing meteor landed successfully, exactly one hundred and twenty feet away from the first meteorite.

With a click, a lot of thick smoke came out of the meteorite, the stones on all sides were thrown away, and a lot of blazing souls flew out of it screaming.

In the end, the landing meteor cracked a bigger gap and completely divided it into two halves.

The giant molten worm with a body the size of two buffaloes wriggled out of it and slowly moved to the ground.

On the back of the giant worm, the little flame snake looked around and immediately emitted mental fluctuations.

"This depraved land is full of filthy things, and they must be cleaned by the fire of destruction before they can enjoy the glory of the God Lord.

All blazing souls, purify everything around them, collect materials and provide them to the soul mother.

The general is waiting for my triumphant return! "

The spiritual power radiated out, and all the blazing souls were ordered at the same time, immediately acted, and flew out in all directions.

In less than half a stick of incense, two blazing souls returned. They brought burning bushes and red-hot stones and threw them in front of the soul mother.

After a while, the third blazing soul brought a handful of sand that started to melt, and threw it in front of the soul mother as well.

The little flame snake flew to the ground, used its tail to stir the things brought back by Blazing Soul, and then became very angry.

"Stupid, really stupid!

What is the use of bringing these things back, this is charcoal, this is called sand.

The rock can still be smelted, and other things have no processing value at all.

You are going to find ores, find metals, and find living things!

Understand, find these things, and these can be transformed into blazing souls! "

Those fiery souls shook their fishbone heads and looked at each other, as if they didn't quite understand what the flame snake meant.

This made the flame snake very depressed: "Damn it, these fiery souls are so stupid, they can't even do the most basic things well."

Although it cursed and complained, there was nothing good it could do.

Blazing souls, as the most basic troops, are constantly producing and sending them to fight. They only have fighting instinct and the most basic spiritual feedback.

They will unconditionally obey the orders issued by polluters higher than themselves.

But if the content of the order is too complicated, beyond the scope of the blazing soul's comprehension, they cannot be completed.

The flame snake turned around on the ground thinking, making Chihun's search for materials seem unreliable, and he did not bring a scythe-like sentinel with him this time.

The quickest way to get a lot of ores, metals, and living things is from humans.

The little snake flicked its tail on the ground, floated up to the sky, and looked down at the earth.

There are no villages or towns in this desolate area, and there is no suitable place to attack.

It suddenly felt very headache, its own expedition plan was not considered thoroughly, and now it has fallen into a dead end.

In order to avoid being attacked by powerful human cultivators, I chose an unpopulated location where the meteor landed.

But now after landing, materials are needed to produce the blazing soul, and the place where humans live is the best place to collect materials.

What can I do, do I want to take the blazing soul and soul mother on a long journey to find the human settlement?

At this moment, it saw a dozen rays of light passing by the mountain peak in the distance, approaching itself.

They are human cultivators, that's great, these humans have weapons and ores in their hands, and they are also living creatures.

As long as these humans are killed, the first batch of production materials for Blazing Soul will be available.

Then I can lead the initial growth of the Blazing Soul Army to find a place with more human beings.

The little snake quickly fell back to the ground, commanding Chi Hun to dig a big pit, and buried the soul mother in it first to ensure the safety of the soul mother.

Then command the blazing souls to disperse, one by one burrowed into the soil, and fell into a dormant state at the same time.

When the blazing soul is transported by the landing meteor, it will fall into a dormant state.

In this state, the flames on Blazing Soul's body will converge and condense, and finally hide in the bones of the fish head.

Observing from the outside at this time, Chihun is just a pair of cold and strange bones, without any signs of activity.

Only those very powerful practitioners can find out the abnormality after careful identification.

There are a total of fifty-five blazing souls here, and the number is very small, so the little flame snake decided to use an ambush method to catch humans by surprise.

It coiled up its body by itself, tightly fitting the scales together, blocking the firelight from within.

At the same time, I found a big rock and quietly hid in the dark place on the side.

Soon the streamer from the sky flew to the top of the head, and there was a whistling sound in the air.

A total of twelve practitioners landed from the sky, raised their weapons and looked around vigilantly, and continued to move forward after confirming that there was no abnormality here.

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