Legendary Shadow

Chapter 105 - Elite Four 4

Bruno seemed like he had earned a rival after spending some time with Liam. It had been 3 days since Liam has been hanging out with Bruno. Liam had forgotten the time due to the training and how much he had gained. One of the announcers came to tell Liam. The next opponent is ready for him. Apparently, Kong lost his match while Ash and Gary won there's.

Kong tried to play his poison games but it was all in vain compared to Agatha's poison types. She was not new to poison and was able to counter any kind that Kong threw at her and eventually defeated Kong & his Ninjask. They were both put to sleep and tortured in their nightmares. Agatha had gotten tired of Kong's smart mouth and decided to teach him a lesson by not holding back.

Kong was a little traumatized after this experience but it helped him to calm down and not look down on anybody again. His training progressed by quite a lot after this encounter with Agatha, it made him realize how weak he was as he strived to get even stronger. Kong couldn't go back to his old Dojo so he decided to go and train in the next region which was Johto.

Liam had finally arrived before Agathe as he introduced himself. Aga had also introduced herself, they were very nice to each other as they started the battle. Agathe sent out her Golbat first while Liam decided to go with Dragonite since everybody was already used to seeing him. Dragonite had already gained a lot of levels After experiencing so many battles.

The battle started as Golbat used Wing Attack so I decided to use Wing Attack too as they both crashed into each other. They backed off from each other. Golbat used Confusion Ray which was able to confuse Dragonite as he started hitting himself. Liam tried to wake Dragonite from it but it was no use they didn't have that connection as he had with the Devil types.

It was very difficult to get him out of that slump as Golbat had even joined in to beat him up, by the time Dragonite had come out of the confusion he was beaten to the plump has he had fainted. Dragonite didn't even get the chance to showcase his new moves before he was taken advantage of. Dragonite was very frustrated after that battle and told himself he has to train his mind some way in the future.

Liam decided to take it up a notch as he summoned Charizard, Agatha raised her eyebrows and laughed and said: "I'm going to beat up this Pokemon as well". Liam could only shake his head because he knew that the same strategy won't work the second time. Charizard wasn't having any of that as he got right into the battle flying towards Golbat and using Flamethrower at the same time.

Golbat tried to dodge it but got a little burn on his feet as it started to spread all over his body. Agatha told Golbat to use whirlwind to spin the fire right off him while sending a mini-tornado towards Charizard. Charizard simply used Slash Attack and slashed apart the mini-tornado and sent another Slash Attack towards Golbat but he quickly dodged it and used Confusion Ray confusing Charizard.

Liam quickly snapped Charizard out of it through their connection. Agathe was shocked that Charizard was able to break free that quickly because nobody has been able to break free from her Golbats Confusion Ray that quickly. Charizard instantly got pissed as he sent a Fire Blast on Golbat knocking him out of the battle stage.

Liam quickly woke him up through their connection as Charizard used a Flamethrower burning Haunter up. Agatha was surprised that Charizard had once again come out of her special effects right away and thought that this trainer is very special. He's able to make his special looking Pokemons get out of the slumps very quickly. Haunter seemed like he was about to faint after receiving a full blast a Flamethrower to the face but what pissed Haunter off the most was that Charizard had not stopped his attack.

Charizard kept burning him and burning him, he felt like he was about to burn away when Agatha quickly returned Haunter. She said, "you're quite an interesting lad let's see how you do against the rest of my Pokemon". She then sent out her Arbok as she came out shooting a Smokescreen causing the whole field to go dark.

Liam gave a command to Charizard he was allowed to let loose in this battle causing Charizard to get happy as he thought finally he can go all out and not hold back. Charizard quickly unleashed his devil form and found Arbok right away he made quick work of Arbok by using Wing Attack first then slashing him down into the ground and finishing Arbok off with Fire Blast.

Agatha could not see much but she felt something was wrong so she quickly told Arbok to disperse the smoke but Arbok had fainted so Charizard quickly used Gust attack blowing the smoke away. Agatha saw that Arbok had fainted with a lot of burns and got annoyed but was glad Liam wasn't one of those soft trainers that like to pull punches.

Agatha said this is my final pokemon and you gonna regret making me use him, Gengar appeared from her shadow and it seemed to be a very strong one. Liam knew that she would summon Gengar and was prepared for it. Liam returned Charizard and sent out Ditto. This was the first time he was going to use the new and improved Ditto in a battle.

Ditto used to transform and transformed into Gengar but this Gengar was a rainbow color surprising Agathe. She was starting to get annoyed with all these non-normal Pokemons that Liam was using and decided to turn it up as she told Gengar to go all out, as soon as she said that it seemed like the atmosphere had changed as everything in the room started to turn purple and it seemed like the whole room was spinning and Gengars eyes were glowing as he turned his nightmare into reality.

Dittos' eyes started to glow too as he returned everything back to normal. Gengar was so shocked because even other Pokemons weren't able to do what he did. Gengar got a little annoyed as he charged towards Ditto.

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