Legendary Shadow

Chapter 17 - S.S. Anne

Next day after the battle Liam went to go get some supplies from the Pokemart and head to the S.S. Anne for the party Bill told him about. He showed his invitation when he got there and entered the ship. It was very big and very fancy from the inside. He was getting all kinds of stares because he wasn't dressed for the occasion, but he ignored them and went to treat himself to some food and drinks.

Gary shows up out of nowhere and ask right away for a battle. Liam ignores him, making Gary get angry. " Gary you have to stop approaching me with battle intent every time you see me because there's no way you will ever beat me and I'm supposed to be you're friend at least say hi or see how I'm doing before asking for a battle". Gary grins and takes out a pokeball " battle first talk later you know the drill". Liam gets annoyed and sends Shadow out, " bring out all your Pokemon to face shadow or you will regret it".

Gary grinds his teeth and sends out all his Pokemons.

Pigeotto lvl 30

Raticate lvl 25

Warturtle lvl 35

Kadabra lvl 30

Machop lvl 20

Liam is impressed on how far and strong Gary has gotten. They move to a battlefield where they had a crowd gathered around to watch this battle. Everybody was excited because they were not expecting a Pokemon battle and thought it would just be a eating and chatting event. Gary started the battle by ordering Pidgeotto, Raticate and Wartortle to do a quick attack and they all went in rushing towards shadow.

Shadow used his own quick attack knocking them all back to Gary. Gary and the crowd was shocked but than Gary sent a mental order to Kadabra to use teleport and than psywave at a close distance while making Machop rush in with a karate chop. He made Warturtle use a water gun to blast Machop in the back giving him more momentum and just as the two attacks we're about to connect to Shadow, Shadow used shadow movement and sinked into the ground last second.

Kadabra cancelled his attack but Machop was riding a water gun so he couldn't stop causing him to run into Kadabra making him faint. Shadow appears behind Machop and uses flamethrower to finish him. Than uses shadow movement to appear behind the rest of Gary's Pokemon, using thunderbolt knocking them all out.

The crowd erupted with applause, loving the epic battle they just witnessed. Gary was so mad all his Pokemon just lost to one Pokemon but he remembered who he was facing and grinned. " Glad you haven't been slacking my one and only rival Liam". They than left to go hang out and discuss the battle they had. Liam gave him some tips on how to make his Pokemon stronger.

After seeing such a heated battle on his screen the captain announces that he will hold a competition the next day, and that the prize will be a Pokemon egg his friend Professor Elm gave to him on his visit to the Johto region,and he was told it was a rare Pokemon. Everyone was shocked and excited that they had a chance to win this Pokemon until they looked at Liam and remembered his battle.

They were dispirited after that because they knew their Pokemon weren't up to par with their training and were all for show and fashion. Gary also frowns after seeing how Liam was smiling. "Gary why are you sad you have all that Pokemon and I only have one so I can use that Pokemon egg Liam quickly stated his case".

Liam than went to his room on the ship to rest and shadow entered the shadow realm to do his daily training with his mysterious master. Next day the tournament started everybody had gathered to the battlefield on the ship. It was a huge platform with benches on the side for the audience to watch the entertainment while being served glasses of wine. There was only ten trainers that signed up for the tournament disappointing Liam because he wanted to battle more people. The first match for Liam was against a rich lady with a Jigglypuff he quickly defeated her and moved on to the next round.

Gary had joined in on the tournament too and his first match was against a tomboy looking girl called Ashley. She was using a rare chikorita, when the battle started chikorita used razor leaf and Gary went ahead and made Wartortle use withdraw causing him to withdraw into a shell, its defense went up so the razor leaf barely did any damage. Ashley then went on to use poison powder, Gary quickly ordered Wartortle to use water gun to Dodge, then he ordered warturtle to use water pulse on chikorita and just as the water pulse was about to hit chikorita Ashley ordered her to use vine whip to launch herself high in the air and used bullet seed which did a critical hits on Wartortle.

Warturtle got right back up and then used bite while chikorita was still in the air, and she couldn't Dodge it so it hit her causing her to flinch and then warturtle used tackle causing even more damage to chikorita. All of a sudden chikorita started to glow and evolved into a bayleef shocking everybody. They were surprised that a Pokemon could evolve in the middle of a battle, but Liam and Ashley knew that chikorita has been withholding from evolving for a while because he was a high level 25, so during the heat of the battle she was able to successfully evolve. She becoming stronger and then right after released powerful solar beam which knocked out Wartortle causing Gary to lose.

Gary was mad at the outcome but there was nothing he could do about it so he became a spectator as battles went on. The finals where was Liam versus Ashley. The battle started with Shadow using Shadow movement to disappear into the ground. Bayleef was confused and looking all over for him but could not find him. Ashley told her to stay calm and listen for any movement. Shadow popped up behind her using flamethrower which critically affected her knocking her out.

She struggled to get back up but then shadow finished her with the Shadow Ball causing her to faint and Liam won the whole tournament. Ashley was proud that she had made it to the finals and that chikorita finally evolved so she didn't think of it as a loss. Liam quickly shook her hands and told her she did a great job and motivated her to get stronger, and told her bayleef is very strong.

Next they brought out the Pokemon egg to Liam and he received it with joy. Soon as he touched the Pokemon egg the same thing that happened to him with shadow happened to him again. The egg pricked his finger for blood and s.u.c.k.e.d some of his soul power. He was surprised because he felt like this would happen every time he got a Pokemon egg.

Liam was walking on the port when he noticed a Pokemon head pop out of the water. He took a closer look and it was a Dratini. He got excited at the thought of having a powerful Dragonite. He quickly ordered Shadow to battle him. Shadow used Thunderbolt which stopped Dratini from escaping but since he had some dragon characteristics and was a high level 28, he quickly try to make an escape by diving into the water.

Liam would not let him escape that easily so he ordered Shadow to go after him and drag him back on the surface. Shadow dived then following Dratini deep into the water. He used quick attack to tackle him since he was already very injured from the Thunderbolt. He fainted so Shadow dragged him back up to the surface. Liam threw pokeball at it and caught it after it struggled a bit. He was happy because this was his first time catching a Pokemon in the wild, he quickly took it to the Pokemon center to get it healed along with shadow and relax for the rest of the day with the Pokemon egg.

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