Legendary Shadow

Chapter 24 - Shadow Aura

Our young hero Liam could be seen once again in the Diglett Cave meditating and recalling his battle with Gin Oak. All his Pokemon were out also meditating, Shadow could not focus because of the last battle he suffered a backlash and started having nightmares about Lucario. Due its fear he hasn't been able to progress and even training in the shadow realm was a problem. His master was worried about him so he told him to take a break out of the shadow realm for at least a week before coming back.

After being told that he was even more frustrated and didn't understand why his master would send him away instead of helping him grow stronger but he knew he messed up because that last attack that he did his master had warned him not to use it anytime soon until his body was strong enough to withstand the drawbacks from it, but it didn't listen and still used it because of his pride and wanted to show off in front of a strong opponent.

Dratini who had a good battle had leveled up quite a bit after the battle and was showing signs of wanting to evolve but he held on hoping that they would have another battle that simulate him to do just that. Ditto was also frustrated by his weakness of having lower stats than the original Pokemon he transformed into so he was trying to also think of a way to boost his stats.

Arbok was the same as ever, wasn't very motivated to train and just wanted to stay the same and laze about, so Liam had given up any thoughts on investing in him and just wanted to meet his trainer one day and return him. While meditating Shadow could not control his emotions due to the anger that he was feeling so his aura started to grow thinking about the fight once again.

He was so engulfed with anger that even his skin started to change colors and became black with the evil look to it. This aura had spread on to the others making them quickly flea but Liam and the egg next to him wasn't so lucky due to Liam being in a deep meditation state he didn't notice that shadows aura had also envelop egg until Ditto cried out to him waking him out of it.

He got shocked and quickly ran back accidentally forgetting the egg causing the egg to turn black. Liam quickly connected with Shadow and he woke up to find that a small crater had been created around it. Shadow apologized to everybody and saw that his body had changed colors and was shocked. He also felt that his strength had increased a lot but he had a lot of negative emotions, so he decided to clear up his mind and calm down that's when his color had changed back into the navy blue.

Liam was surprised at this change of events and asked Shadow how he triggered that change and what he was feeling. He quickly told him that he was feeling angry at the loss that he experienced to Lucario. Liam asked him to get angry again which confuse shadow but he followed the orders and his aura started to spread out again and his color change back into black with his strength boosting up.

Liam was surprised by this change but acknowledged it as a newfound strength or ability that has been unlocked. He tried to look on the Pokedex for any details but it showed up as unavailable. Liam was already happy that they were able to achieve a new ability so he didn't mind it too much. He told Shadow to calm down again which turned his color back into navy blue. Ditto, Arbok, and Dratini were looking at Shadow with fear in their eyes thinking what what's wrong with this guy.

Larvitar was so small, black reptilian Pokémon with rock hard skin. It has small, chubby arms and legs. It has a blunt spike protruding from its head. Its body is covered in a black armor with few diamond-shaped holes on it. It has a red diamond-shaped c.h.e.s.t plate. It was was shiny Pokemon which excited Liam but little did he know that is really wasn't because of shadows aura it had affected the egg changing its DNA and made it into a new species giving it a new type, the Devil type.

Liam had no idea that because of shadow they had just created a new type of species so Liam quickly introduced himself and the other Pokemon and end up cutting the training short heading back to Vermillion City to make sure the baby was okay. He dropped them off with Nurse Joy to get them checked out. After he left the Pokemon center and he went to the Pokemon club once again because he was bored and didn't have anything to do.

The president talked and he was listening until he got tired of listening to him talk and left to the bar to have dinner there and just relaxed for the rest of the day until night and then headed back to the center to get some sleep.

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