Legendary Shadow

Chapter 3 - Strange Egg

When Liam gets to the professor's lab he immediately notices the professor working on machine and recognizes it as the Pokedex so he accidentally lets out a shout professor that's a pokedex wow can I have one but the professor looks at him strange and asks how did you know what it was called cuz I've never brought it out before this is a prototype.

Liam immediately holds onto his mouth and thinks "what an idiot I am". He makes up an excuse saying "oh lucky guess I guess" he looks at him strangely and then he notices the egg and he quickly rushes over and grabs and it says "where did you get that from" Liam told him he got it in the storm last night he looks at Liam strange and asked "you went out there do you know how dangerous it was".

He told him yes and said "but I had to I saw it out there and I didn't want to leave it out there" so Oak quickly just lets it go and says" this is a fascinating I've never seen anything like it. I might have to call my friend out in Johto region to check it out do you mind if I send it to him", Liam said "yes that I feel like we're connected so I don't really want to leave it with anybody except for you because I trust you the most". Oak than goes on to tell Liam " I guess you wont me need a starter Pokemon anymore since you have one now this is definitely a Pokemon egg and whatever hatches from it might be quite rare.

Liam agreed with him so he does some testing, takes some pictures and sends it over to Professor Elm out in Johto region which he immediately calls us and man asks what kind of egg is that he's never seen that kind of egg and he's seen a lot of eggs since Johto region is very famous for breeding Pokemon, so he's seen all kinds of eggs but he's never seen anything like this.

The color, the shape of it, it's just strange that Professor Oak also doesn't know what it is so he just says "we just have to wait till the egg hatches to see what kind of Pokemon comes out of it", so Liam quickly leaves Professor Oak's place and goes and puts it safely in his room after that he meets up with Gary and Ash to help them clean the town up because there's still a lot of things to clean up.

There was tree branches everywhere at that time folks are all helping each other to get things cleaned up. Time goes by 2 months later Liam could be seen running around town with Gary and Ash pretending to be Pokemons playing around. At this point Liam hears voices all the time in his head talking to him, he always asks who is this but he never gets to respond back, sometimes it gets say "I'm hungry" sometimes it can say "I'm cold" sometimes it'll say "I'm scared" but Liam has no idea what to do.

He knows it's coming from the egg but there's nothing he can do about it so he just continues to watch over it sometimes it glows but he never notices that it's slowly growing. 3 months later a crack could be seen on it on this day Liam takes the egg to Professor Oak's place to see what will come out of this egg Gary and Ash are also present. Professor Elm flies in to take a look at this Pokemon that is about to come out into this world because he's also curious.

The next day the egg started to shine and it had more cracks on it and then it blinded the place with a bright light before a Pokemon came out of it. It basically looked just like the profile picture of this novel but it was navy blue instead of black , it was a shiny dark Lugia but even the Professors had no idea what it was but Elm had to look it up for a quick second and he saw that it could possibly be one of the legendary Pokemons in the Johto regions egg.

He quickly researches it and finds that there was a legend about a Pokemon that guarded the Sea called Lugia and it's had a picture of it and it look just like it but the color was different so he couldn't believe that it was it but he knew it was it, so Professor Elm immediately told them that it's a Lugia but its a shiny Lugia or maybe perhaps a dark Lugia he was confused at this point so Liam gets excited cuz he knows exactly what it is he said it's a dark Lugia he gets excited and says yes my first Pokemon is a legendary Pokemon.

Gary and Ash look at it funny and say this little thing does not look like a legendary Pokemon and when Lugia hears that it's shot a little fire at them and they quickly ran off scared. Liam laughs at them and quickly hugs Lugia he's excited to have a legendary Pokemon so now he understands why that God said he had a present for him.

Professor Oak gives Liam a pokeball and asked me if I'm able to catch him so I quickly take the pokeball and I tapped Lugias head with it and he gets excited and goes in it and I catch it and the Professors both look at me strange because I just caught a legendary Pokemon and the likes of that has probably never happened to them according to the records so at this point Liam is beyond excited to have his first Pokemon dark Lugia.

The professors do more tests on him and Liam was trying to think of a nickname for him. After they did all the tests they gave him back to me and said that he's in good condition and they provided me with some Pokemon food which Liam was grateful for because he had no clue what to feed him so lugia comes up to Liam and runs behind him and accidentally starts sinking into his shadow.

Liam freaked out thinking that oh my God what is kidnapping him but then he quickly comes out laughing which makes Liam laugh too and I'm like wow your a Shadow Pokemon so I quickly think of a name for him and I start calling him Shadow and he's excited about this name the Professors are in shock watching all of this because according to the legends Lugia is psychic and dragon type so this little Lugias type is beyond their understanding.

Liam starts thinking of how he could train him. He quickly tells the professors that he's going to go see what kind of moves he can do and the professor's follow him. Ash and gary were outside waiting and as soon as they saw Lugia they get scared but Liam comforted them and told them that he's okay he will not harm them so they come along with us and we had to go to a seclusion spot and we tried to get him to show us some of his moves but he still didn't know what was going on Liam told professor that we should give him some time he did just get born.

Shadow might still be trying to get used to this world so they quickly agreed and they all headed home. When Liam got home Maria was very surprised that he came home with a Pokemon. He told her the egg hatched and that it's his first Pokemon and he even caught it with a Pokemon ball she shakes her head and says "wow I've never seen that kind of Pokemon before" and Liam says "yeah it looks pretty cool too apparently it's a legendary Pokemon" .

Maria quickly gets shaking and says "well then you definitely can't tell anybody about this otherwise there's going to be people hunting and harassing you everyday all day for your Pokemon because nobody's ever caught a legendary Pokemon well at least that's what the record say" Liam quickly agreed, and said "I do have to be careful that's why I didn't mind catching it in the pokeball so I'll probably have to keep it in the pokeball most of the time but at least it has this ability to sink into my shadow so if it doesn't feel like being in the pokeball he can be in me. Maria is surprised by this ability and says "wow it's just like a ghost type Pokemon".

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