Legendary Shadow

Chapter 33 - 3 in 1

The Clefable and Clefairys came dashing towards Liam and his Pokemon. They prepared to battle even though Liam wanted to run he knew that this would be a good experience for his Pokemon. Half was through Liam changed his mind when he saw all the Clefable starting to charge a hyper beam up. He quickly returned all his Pokemon except for shadow and had him use Shadow Movement with Liam on top and slipped through the walls into to the next cave.

As soon as they slipped out of the room the Clefables had attacked the and there was a huge explosion due to all the hyper beams being put together. The ceilings started caving in and the wall had also broken down revealing Liam and Shadow. The Clefable and Clefairys smirked because they tried to get away from them but in vain. Liam saw that this was not a battle that he could run away from so brought out Ditto, Pupitar and Dragonair to fight.

Ditto quickly transformed into a Clefable and started charging up a Hyper Beam and Dragonair started charging up his Aquafire, they both fired off into a group of Clefables. Pupitar and Shadow also fired off their most powerful moves damaging a whole lot of Clefairys. After a few minutes of battle Shadow and Pupitar had transformed into their devil forms but they were still tired because the Clefables and Clefairys were coming Non Stop and they even started to revive their fallen comrades so this was a losing battle for Liam and Co.

Liam knew they was in trouble he so asked Shadow if he could do anything about this because everybody was exhausted. Shadow told Liam that he does have an idea but it will be very dangerous and would put him out of commission for at least a week if he tried this due to his low level. Liam told him to do it because if he doesn't they were probably going to end up dead. Shadow quickly used up all his energy and summoned a huge black hole that connected to the Shadow Realm and he communicated with his master from the other side of the hole.

When Shadow got the okay he aimed the black hole at the approaching herd and as soon as they got close enough a huge beam of energy blasted them, causing them all to faint and a huge hole was created that linked to the outside of the mountain into a little Forest that was slightly burning from the attack. Liam and the others were beyond shocked at this firepower that came out of the black hole. As soon as the energy disappeared the black hole close then Shadow turn back into his normal form and passed out.

Liam returned him and kept the others out just in case he was attacked by another Pokemon. Liam ran out of the mountain and headed to Cerulean City to heal Shadow and the rest. Liam was still amazed by the firepower that he saw coming from Shadows Masters attack, now he was even more curious to know what kind of Pokemon that was training Shadow from the Shadow Realm but he didn't have time to think about that now so he quickly rushed to the Pokemon center and dropped his Pokemon off there.

Liam decided to take a rest because he was also tired. The next day Liam woke up feeling well rested but kept thinking about what had happened to them the day before and couldn't get his mind off that attack and wondered if one day Shadow would be able to use that same attack that made a hole in Mt. Moon. He turned on the television and noticed that there was news on the attack that happened yesterday and noticed that there was a huge hole in Mt. Moon and all he could do was laugh because he had caused that.

They were looking for the person that had destroyed a piece of nature but he wasn't going to turn himself in so he started doing this meditation and started cultivating his mind and body, an hour later he went to go pick up his Pokemon so that they could train together they headed back to Mt. Moon but it was so busy so he decided against that and headed to go see how Bill was doing. Along the way he battle trainers but this time team rocket wasn't around to disturb the peace around that area.

When they got to Bill's house he had quite the surprise waiting for him. Bill told Liam that his Eevee's had giving birth and that he had a lot of Eevee so he really didn't need anymore so he gave the Egg to Liam as a thank you for helping him last time with his experiments. As soon as Liam grabbed onto the egg his blood and soul was s.u.c.k.e.d which quite annoyed him because he felt weak after that. The egg also change colors which shocked Bill and he said "what was wrong with the egg and what did you do to it".

Liam quickly explained to him what happens every time he gets an egg which shocked bill because he's never heard of such a thing but he let it go and said that maybe one day he will visit Professor Oak to learn more about it. Liam spent the rest of the night over at Bill's place while his Pokemons were just hanging out with the Eevee family. Vaporeon was quite close to Dragonair as they were hanging out and Flareon was trying to teach Pupitar how to use a Flamethrower which was quite funny because Pupitar was actually blowing out some small smokes from his mouth.

Shadow was still asleep from exhausting himself from the summon that he had done the other day so he didn't come out which made Bill kind of sad because he also wanted to see how big he had grown. Ditto was also out and about playing with the Eevee's and doing some transformations and playing around making a little show for them, at the end of the night Liam went to sleep and it was quite a peaceful night.

Meanwhile deep down in the mountain area of Mt. Silver we could see a girl walking down a path where Pokemon were jumping at every corner to battle her and her Alakazam. This was none other than Abigail the one that used to work for team rocket but had escaped barely with her life in contact and had tried to also kill our hero Liam but had a change of heart after spending one night with him. She promised him that she would get stronger in order to save her sisters be strong enough to stand by his side in the future.

She went up to Mt. Silver known as one of the most dangerous mountains to train her Pokemon and herself on her way there she had captured a Larvitar and was still using a Butterfree and her Alakazam. They were battling non-stop every day trying to make it to the top of the mountain, when she was halfway up the mountain a Tyranitar had showed up and trying to kill them but they barely escaped due to some help from a stranger.

This stranger was none other than the trainer that had battled Liam and given him his first lost with a Pidgeot. This trainer was called Brown and he was the champion of the Johto region at one point until he retired now he just roams the lands seeking small adventures and trade. His Pokemon he noticed that there was some noise in the mountain on this day and decided to come down and check it out because this mountain was deemed dangerous and off limits to trainers that were not capable so when he saw that Abigail was about to get blasted by hyper beam from Tyranitar he quickly summoned his Pidgeot to intercept it by using its own hyper beam to divert the attack and then used Brave Bird to knock out Tyranitar causing it to faint.

Abigail quickly thanked them because she knew that if they hadn't came by she would have definitely have lost her life then and there. He asked her what she was doing here and she told him that she was here to train and get stronger because her family needed to be saved which touched his heart. He quickly introduced himself as Brown and she also introduced herself as Abigail. He offered to train her for at least two months and see where this goes and she was thankful and agreed.

He told her that it was going to be hard and that there couldn't be any slacking she thanked them and said "yes this is what I came up here for", so the next few weeks and months they trained hard on the top of Mt. Silver. In the blistering cold we can see Abigail meditating in the snow while shivering and all her other Pokemon were also meditating but Alakazam had a aura around him which protected him from the cold and after he saw that his master was shivering and slightly starting to turn blue he passed that aura on to her also but then he got pecked on his head letting him know that she should do this on her own.

Her Larvitar had evolved into a Pupitar and her Butterfree was no longer a normal type Buterfree but an extremely strong Butterfree. They continue to train for months and Brown had even found a mega stone for her Alakazam because during those months they had they're strengths upgraded and Abigail was able to use a psychic aura now, so her and Alakazam bond was extremely strong.

Brown also hooked her up with a keystone saying that they will be able to mega evolve now with their bond since they went through all this hectic training together. By the time two months came by Abigail looked way stronger and was completely linked with Alakazam. Butterfree couldn't improve that much after getting strong within the 1 month but Pupitar had evolved again into a Tyranitar due to the training and battling that Brown put it through. Tyraniter was officially now the strongest Tyranitar on the mountain and he had his pride to go with it.

Tyraniter had beat up every single Tyranitar within Mt. Silver and claimed it as its own, when Brown found out about this all I could do was laugh and tell him that a legendary Pokemon lives here so he shouldn't go flexing on this mountain for long or she might come out and teach him a lesson, but Tyranitar didn't care and kept flexing his muscles while blowing fire out his mouth.

They were finally going to have a mock battle. Brown just wanted to see how far she had gotten within these two months so Brown brought out his Pidgeot which confused Abigail and she asked him if he doesn't he have any other Pokemon and why does she only see Pidgeot all the time he replied with a "because Pidgeot is the nicest of his Pokemon the others won't go so easy once they come out and they would probably try to destroy anything within the range" , this caused Abigail to shiver slightly but then she regained her calm and brought out Butterfree to start the battle.

She quickly ordered a sleeping powder which Pidgeot quickly blew it away and then Butterfree used psybeam. Pidgeot just used steel wing to knock it away, Butterfree was getting annoyed at this point because he couldn't get any damages towards this battle so he then started using psychic but Pidgeot quickly used quick attack and knock them out. Abigail was surprised by how strong Pidgeot was. She then summoned Tyranitar and as soon as it was summoned a sandstorm started to brew around the mountain area which caused Brown to raise an eyebrow as he was impressed by the sheer power he was showing but as soon as Tyranitar was finished showing off Pidgeot had already struck his stomach blowing him right past Abigail with a Brave Bird attack.

When Abigail went to check on tyranitar he had fainted. What shocked Abigail is why Brown had not given him the chance to battle and Brown explain that he was too c.o.c.ky and that he had to show him what a lost was otherwise he would think that everything was pretty easy to beat so this quick TKO would help him further improve his skills and not get lazy. Abigail shook her head in agreement and thanked them for that and next she called out her Alakazam and Alakazam came out in a meditative state and as soon as he opened his eyes he caught Pidgeot sneaking up a quick attack on him and had stopped him right in front of his face with a psychic attack.

This surprised Brown because Pidgeots quick attack was extremely quick. This showed how strong Alakazam had gotten and the link that he shared with Abigail. Alakazam couldn't hold on to Pidgeot for long and Pidgeot broke out of the psychic attack and flew up into the air. Alakazam quickly usey Psybeam to try to hit Pidgeot in the air but Pidgeot kept dodging it until one of the beams had clipped its wing causing it to slightly slowed down and land on the ground a little out of breath.

Brown was surprised that Alakazam was given Pidgeot quite the fight but then he remembered that Pidgeot had fought two other Pokemon and brushed it off. Abigail then started to mega evolve Alakazam which it gained quite the boost and Brown nobbed his head in approval of this change. Abigail quickly used hyper beam to blast that Pidgeot ,but Pidgeot got right back into the air and dodged it.

Brown had enough of this battle and after a few minutes of going back and forth quickly ordered Pidgeot to finish this and once he said that Pidgeot just started to Glow with a golden color and when Alakazam had attacked him he simply disappeared and Alakazam could not find him and then he felt an immerse pain in his back because Pidgeot had used his strongest move sky attack which blasted Alakazam away and cause him to faint.

Abigail was out a breath and disappointed that she couldn't beat this Pidgeot that has haunted her and her Pokemon for all two months while they were training. She quickly bowed to Brown thanking him for his guidance and Brown bowed back slightly thanking her far allowing him to teach her, then made their way down the mountain to go celebrate the fact that they had finally finished their training. Abigail dropped off her Pokemon at the Pokemon center and went to a restaurant with Brown.

Brown asked her what's her next move and she had told him that she was going to find a certain boy that she had met along the way. Brown asked if that was her boyfriend and she blushed saying she would be privileged if that was the case, which Brown knodded in understanding. They finished their dinner and after said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Abigail wondered where Liam could be and at the same time she was watching the news saw that there had been an attack at Mt. Moon and felt that it had something to do with Liam but wasn't too sure so she decided to head down thier to check it out and see if she could find him.

Meanwhile at Pokemon League Prison we can see our s.u.c.c.u.b.u.s sisters Sandra and Vivian locked up in a prison cell. They were both sharing a room due to some connections Giovanni had made for them when they first had entered. Everyday was a struggle for food and they weren't able to see sunlight for a whole month before they were allowed to go out and work doing some field cleaning duties and Pokemon care duties.

There was a few fights that they had gotten into but it was nothing serious but they certainly missed the life that they had before and wondered how Abigail was doing. They had gotten word that she had escaped from Giovanni's clutches and was nowhere to be seen so they were a bit worried about what might have happened to her. They were trying to break out and also missed their Pokemons Arbok and Ditto but there was nothing they could do about it and hated Liam to the guts.

If they knew that their youngest sister was in love with the same guy that put them in those cells they would have vomited blood by now. On a certain day while they were hanging out they noticed that a new guard had been posted on their block and it was a male they had never seen around that area and the time that they've been there so they quickly cooked up a plan to seduce him in order to let them go.

First they did research on the landscape around the prison and they explored around any chance that they got and noticed that there was some tunnels but they had Diglett's and Dugtrios guarding them which they didn't mind as long as they could get a hold of this prison guard they would be able to use him to get through it. Every day they played a nice girl act and tried to be as nice as they could to this new guard the guy was called Doug.

Doug got the job through special means due to his homos.e.x.u.a.lity and not liking girls and having a boyfriend he was able to get the job that he wanted because they knew that he could not be seduced by the woman. They even had to put him through a test where a lady tried to seduce him and they try to see whether his pants would bulge but it didn't so he immediately passed. It was quite the weird test but it was effective and they had gotten rid of quite a lot of perverts that tried to work in the woman prison.

They immediately put him on the schedule and he started right away throughout the months he got pretty close to Viviana and Sandra and one day they had gotten him into a private room where they started to seduce him hard until he had a bulge in his pants and they knew right away that they had won this battle they were going to be free soon so they tried to do extra by stripping themselves down and also stripping him down then giving him a good service.

After that they took his pokeballs and made sure that he was knocked out and they headed down the tunnel with his keys luckily. He had a water Pokemon among those pokeballs that he carried around. It was a Seadra and a Muk, they made quick work of the dugtrios and diglets in the tunnel whenever they saw them and were able to escape and had also gotten new Pokemons.

They quickly made their way out of the area and thanks to Seadra they were able to pass through Rivers undetected and made a clean getaway. They ended up in Viridian Forest where they hit the old hideouts to get their thoughts together on what their next plan would be instead of sticking around. The next day they decided to move on and headed to the Johto region to train and get stronger in order to get their revenge on Giovanni and also to look for their lost Sister Abigail who had just walked into The hideout to see if anybody was there but didn't spot anybody as soon as she went in through the front Sandra and Vivian went out back and had just missed her.

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