Legendary Shadow

Chapter 38 - Devil Charmander

When everybody woke up the next morning Liam decided to head back to Cerulean City from Bills place, to have another battle with Misty since he felt like he was strong enough now and didn't want to come back to Cerulean City anytime soon. He got back to the city after saying his goodbyes to Bill and his Eevee's.

Liam decided to relax in the city and wait for Shadow to wake up. One day Liam was sitting in the park just relaxing when the egg Professor Oak had given him started to hatch as black glow came out of it and then a Charmander was spotted coming out of the egg. Liam was surprised by this and thought that it makes sense since it was Charizard that dropped it off.

Charmander was black just like Larvitar and Liam remembered what Professor Oak had told him about how Shadow effects the Pokemon eggs and DNA, so he introduced himself and all the other Pokemon. The others didn't feel too comfortable with it but Pupitar was pretty comfortable with it and they quickly bonded due to having similar aura's.

Pupitar was very close to Charmander and started teaching him how to use flamethrower even though he barely knew how to use it. The next day Shadow had finally woken up while they were in the middle of training and as soon as he had came out Charmander was in his face and for some weird reason Shadow wasn't mad until he saw his tail.

This confused Liam but he brushed it off and just welcomed his best buddy back and asked him if he was okay getting a" yes" from him. They told him that he would take him to see Nurse Joy just to make sure everything was okay Shadow just shrugged and said" okay" . The next day Liam went to pick up Shadow and the rest of his Pokemon that were dropped off at night then went to go challenge Misty once again.

Misty had brought out Starmie and Staryu again and Liam decided to use Pupitar and Dratini since it was a double battle they quickly wiped the floor with Misty's pokemon and then Misty sent out her Lantern this time and shadow came out to battle with Lantern.

Misty was surprised at how big he had gotten in that short amount of time. They started off the battle with Lantern using Thunderbolt in which Shadow also used his Thunderbolt crashing into each other and as they were clashing Shadow then used flamethrower at the same time as the Thunderbolts causing Lantern to receive a burn status.

This surprised Misty because she had never seen such an attack before causing Liam to quickly corrected her by saying "it was just a combination attack kind of like a fusion so the electricity was expelled from Shadows body while unleashing fire from his mouth combining them to become an electric fire attack" .

This shocked Misty greatly and she said she didn't know that she could even do that, so then she tried it on her Lantern by making Lantern use a Thunderbolt while using a Hydropump but it back fired causing damage to Lanturn. Shadow used Quick attack causing Lanturn to be pushed back to Misty. Misty got mad and asked him why it didn't work and Liam told her that it would take time to master that attack.

Shadow used Shadow Ball and Lantern used Water Pulse to push it back, they eventually exploded causing a mist to appear. Lantern couldn't see anything so Shadow used this to his advantage and used Earthquake on him which was super effective due to his electric type and this caused him to get knocked out.

Misty then brings out another Pokemon, level 60 Starmie and right away uses psychic to pull Shadow out of the mist then he used Hydro Pump to try and blast Shadow, while Shadow was being pulled towards Lanturn, Shadow also unleashed his own Hydro Pump but Starmies Hydro Pump was stronger therefore blasting him away.

Shadow struggle to get up after that but eventually stood on his feet and flew into the air saying that he was still okay for another round. Starmies gem just glowed and he started spinning with Rapid Spin Attack and Shadow used Shadow Movement causing Starmie to pass right through Shadow and then Shadow used Dragon Rush which did quite a lot of damage to Starmie.

As soon as Starmie was about to attack, Shadow unleashed a powerful Thunder attack which Starmie tried to dodge but forgot that the vines were still attached to it so the Thunder had struck it with the help of the vines. Starmie fainted making Liam the victor. Misty was salty about this but she had no choice but to accept the loss.

Misty thanked them for the great battle and asked Liam if he was doing anything tonight. Liam was surprised by this question because he never really saw Misty as the kind that would take it to the next level but Misty quickly shook her head and said "it's not a real date it's just hanging out so don't worry I know you probably have a lot of girls that are gawking over you".

Liam just laughed and accepted her invitation, that night they went to a ocean themed restaurant one of Misty's favorite place to eat and Liam really enjoyed himself. Misty was acting shy and blushing most of the night. They eventually ended their dinner and had taken a quick walk around the city.

Liam dropped Misty off at her home but Misty was too shy to invite him in so Liam just said "goodnight" and went back to the Pokemon lounge to rest. Misty regretted that she didn't take it to the next level but thought in her head that maybe next time she would have the opportunity to, not knowing that it would be a long time before they met up again unless she left the city.

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