Legendary Shadow

Chapter 44 - Thief

After getting all the details of his mission. the lady asked him to show her his face but Liam told her that it wasn't necessary so she went a further and started to feel on his body. Liam stiffened up and wanted to call shadow to blast her away, but there was cameras in the office so he didn't want to give away his identity yet.

She grabbed him hard in the family jewels making him flinch in pain, just when she was about to peel his mask off Eevee's eyes started to glow red causing the lady to stop and laugh uncomfortably and she dismissed Liam who had quickly ran out the office. This lady sat in the office remembering the touch she just felt and it made her horny for more.

Liam had no idea that he just turned on the most lethal assassin in the Kanto region Blades. Giovanni had called her over to do some business with her so he had stationed her with John to wait until he was ready to make use of her in the upcoming takeover. Meanwhile they had Liam go through some more training.

They were basically teaching Liam how to be a ninja which surprised him. At the end of the day they told him his mission will start in a few minutes and is expected to be in Saffron City in at least 2 hours, so they gave him a stealth uniform which was basically a all black uniform and he headed out, but before he left the city he had given orders to shadow to steal the bag that he had given to the manager and everything in that safe.

Shadow gave the okay and headed out using Shadow Movement to get into the building very quickly before he ran out of energy. Shadow got past all the security through the Shadows and when he got into the manager's office there was nobody there, so just when he was about to slip through into the safe something had stopped him.

The safe seemed like it had some kind of anti ghost materials made from it so he decided to destroy the door with brute strength but the door would not budge. Shadow decided to use a move that Giratina had showed him called Shadow Force. He gathered a lot of Shadow energy and then became like air completely disappeared right into the safe.

The safe was shaking hard which alerted Blade and she come into the room and checked, when she saw that the safe had some dark electricity around it she was startled because she knew how powerful the material was she didn't have the key to the safe so she quickly called John but he didn't pick up because he was in the middle of a meeting with the other bosses.

Liam asked him if he had gotten the job done and shadow quickly told him that he did causing Liam to smile. Shadow then told him that he will be out of commission for at least a three days after using his most powerful attack twice in a row in one day.

Liam knew he had one shot because he knew that John wasn't around so there shouldn't be any problems. Them Shadow told him and everything that happened which caused Liam to be surprised and shocked. Shadow than went back into the Shadow Realm to rest and gather more Shadow energy with his teacher.

When Liam got to Saffron City he stayed in the dark shadows and checked everywhere around the city and avoided any kind of contact with anybody including Officer Jenny and her patrol force. Liam finally made his way to where the building that they were going to get in to after making a note of all the security that was around the city he couldn't get inside the building so he contacted Blade and told her that he accomplished the mission but he can't get into the building.

She told him that's fine and that it was just a checkup to make sure that nothing had changed before they went in for the bigger mission, and that the big boss himself was in town for this operation so she told him to return right away in which he made his way back to Celadon City.

Blade was freaking out because she couldn't get into the safe and knew that something was happening there and she would be in trouble when John came back, so she just stayed in the office and kept contacting John until midnight when John finally made his way back to the office and was surprised to see her there that late he asked her what's going on and she told and that there was something strange going on with his safe.

He quickly opened up the door and was screaming when he saw that it was completely empty. He was beyond pissed because that safe was built with billions of pocket dollars and on top of that the material, rare items, Pokemons and money that was in there was worth trillions of pokedollars.

After seeing this and screaming he just passed out causing the Blade to sign think to herself that she doesn't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit. Liam did not know what he had got from his plans or what he had done to affect his new bosses but he went straight to bed as soon as he got back to the Pokemon lounge and slept like a baby.

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