Legendary Shadow

Chapter 46 - Team Rocket Blasting Off

The next day John had reported to Giovanni about what had happened to him which also shocked Giovanni because he knew that John had been saving a whole lot of rare things,money and Pokemons and he even planned on robbing it in the future, but somebody else had beat him to it so he was also pissed about it, but not for long because he knew he would make way more money and become way more powerful from the plan that he was about to do.

Just as Giovanni was thinking about his heist he got a report that some kids had made their way into their the hideout by accident and had started battling and defeating all of his workers and was heading straight towards his office which pissed him off even more because he had forgotten most of his Pokemon at his gym due to having most of his managers around, but his executives were not around and were tending to other businesses.

These kids wear none other than Red, Green and Ash who heard about all the bad things that are happening and had decided to check out the spot. Ash had met red and green and they decided to travel and train with each other because it wasn't safe out there anymore and they were all from the same area. They had gotten stronger and had captured new pokemon.

Ash 15yrs

Pikachu lvl 50

Pidgeot lvl 45

Charizard lvl 50

Butterfree lvl 40

Venusaur lvl 45

Blastoise lvl 45

Charizard lvl 45

Raticate lvl 35

Gyarados lvl 45

Victreebel lvl 40

Espeon lvl 45

Snorlax lvl 45

Green 15yrs

Venusaur lvl 40

Wigglytuff lvl 35

Clefable lvl 35

Seadra lvl 35

Ditto lvl 30

Ash's Pikachu had scan the place and discovered that there was a lot of electricity built up in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the game corner and blasted the hidden door open and started battling all the Team Rocket grunts.They quickly swept through all of the Team Rocket members and arrived before Giovanni.

Giovanni only had his level 70 NidoKing with him so he sent him out to give him away in order to escape because he knew that he couldn't take them all on at the same time NidoKing used Earthquake which caused everybody to be distracted as he slipped through a secret hidden door and returned NidoKing to his pokeball within the chaos.

The kids were mad that they had let them getaway but there was nothing they could do about it and just left. They had a different air to them this time around and all they can think about was battling Liam one day. After the whole situation they left the city to go and relax a bit at Pallet Town and to visit their family members.

Liam had arrived at The hideout after the whole commotion was done. He quickly gathered all the Pokeballs that he found around before Officer Jenny and her PAW patrol squad had came, and escaped as soon as he noticed that Officer Jenny and them were making their way over to his side.

Liam was dressed in all-black so he was able to slip by them easily and went to report to John what he had found. Liam told him that the hideout was completely empty and that Officer Jenny and her squad had raided the place. Liam didn't know that Ash, Green and Red had been the ones who did that to the place, but he was glad that it was taken down.

John had a bad feeling about this city Celadon and wanted to leave right away because one thing after another was happening in it so he didn't want to be involved with this city and asked his higher-ups if he could transfer to a different city but they denied him and told him that they need him there more than ever now after what had happened he begrudgingly stayed in the city.

Liam had gotten tired and decided to leave Team Rocket for now and made an excuse that he had to go and train. At this point John didn't care anymore and had let him leave. After Giovanni had escaped he went back to his gym in Viridian City to gather all his executives and his other Pokemon in order to strike Saffron City.

He was told that some of his other businesses were getting hit a mysterious lady so his mood wasn't good at all these days and he took it out on all the females that he had with him. Those females were very frustrated and sore during that week due to their boss also being frustrated and venting outs his anger on them.

The next day Liam decided to go get his 4th badge which was with the Celadon City gym and the gym leader was Erika a grass type specialist. Liam decided to use Charmeleon and Dragonair for this battle since Shadow was not around and he didn't want so expose him too much to the public, so he had arrived at the gym and Erica's apprentices battled with him.

They all lost horribly due to their Pokemons level being so low at around 30s. Erica finally came out for a battle and they decided on a 2 on 2 battle to make it quick and efficient. Erica brought out a Vileplume and a Weepinbell while Liam summoned Dragonair and Charmeleon. The announcer started to announce the start of the battle" Erica of the Grassy Green Forest versus Liam the Dark horse of Pallet Town let the battle commence".( yes I'll do that with every gym lol)

Erica immediately had Vileplume and Weepinbell use Sleeping Powder on Charmeleon and Dragonair they both just dodged the attack by using flamethrower which burned all the powder away and the flame continued on and hit both of the Pokemons Vileplume and Weepinbell causing great damage.

Vileplume and Weepinbell then got angry and both used Razor Leaf which started cutting Charmeleon and Dragonair. They tried to dodge it but there was so much of it coming from both those grass Pokemon but it wasn't too effective since they both had hard skins. Charmeleon and Dragonair both use Flamethrower once again to burn down the Razor Leaf.

While they were burning down the leafs Vileplume and Weepinbell was charging up for a Solar Beam, before Charmeleon and Dragonair could notice there was a beam heading straight for them they tried to dodge it but the beam was too big because Vileplume and Weepinbell had combined it together which knocked them both down.

Liam noticed that these two were too powerful together so he ordered Charmeleon and Dragonair to fight separately. They started to separate from each other which caused Erica to frown just when Erika was about to give an order for Vileplume to use Sleeping Powder again Weepinbell started to evolve.

She glowed and then turned into a Victreebel. Erica was clapping her hands due to this epic battle that she was fighting and was happy to see her friend had grown stronger. Liam on the other hand was not too happy about this and was worried that they might not be able to win this battle.

Liam got serious and asked Dragonair to use Aquafire while Charmeleon was to sneak and be ready for a powered up slash attack. Dragonairs Aquafire was a huge explosion of watery fire. Vileplume and Victreebel both dodge it, just when they were about to unleash another attack Charmeleon have came behind Victreebel and gave her a deep slash and followed up with a slam attack, slamming victreebel into the ground making her faint.

Erica was surprised by this and didn't notice that Dragonair was in the air charging up for another Aquafire and then unleashing it on Vileplume who was under him also making her faint, making Liam the winner. Erica was disappointed by this battle and asked whether she could have one more battle which Liam was excited about but then remembered that Shadow was still unavailable.

Liam asked her what level is this Pokemon that she's sending out and she told him it was a level 60 Bellossom and that he's allowed to use all his Pokemons against her one by one. Another battle started just like that with Dragonair going first.

Erica summoned Bellossom and as soon as she came out a sleeping powder was released which almost got to Dragonair but he used Twister to blow it away. Bellossom found out she wasn't able to catch Dragonair off-guard so she quickly used Razor Leaf on him. It looked like a storm of leaves that came hurling towards him.

Dragonair decided that he should probably dodge it since he was a lower level than her due to the speed of the Razor Leafs he wasn't able to dodge all of it and got hit Bellossom laughed at Dragonaires futile attempts of a dodge and made fun of his scar that was located on his left eye Dragonair had gotten back in his solo adventures when he was out in the sea.

This caused Dragonair to get Mad and he started to evolve into a Dragonite. This shocked both Bellossom and Erica because they knew how strong dragon types were and Dragonite was one of the best. Dragonite came out roaring into the sky blowing a big blast of Dragon Breath on to the ceiling and then looked back at Bellossom and smirked.

Bellossom didn't mind him and still continue to laugh because the scar was still there and she knew that she was still a higher level and could defeat him anytime so she wasn't that intimidated. She quickly used Vine Whip to slap Dragonite around until he grabbed one of the Vine and used Flamethrower which traced down the Vine all the way to Bellossom causing her to burn in a super effective way. She retracted her Vines and was breathing heavily from that attack.

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