Legendary Shadow

Chapter 59 - Longer Wait

Just when Liam was about to leave Shadow had warned him that he had left some fossils back at the lab. They had almost left the fossils behind, so he went to go check to see if they were done resurrecting. When Liam got there the scientist told him that it was not ready and that it will be ready and in a few months they estimate around 2 to 3 months.

This shocked Liam because in the game it took less than 30 minutes to resurrect them but then he remembered that he wasn't in the game anymore, so he asked why it took so long and they said" it's a long process and they're still not used to doing it.This is after all a whole Pokemon that are we resurrecting from a fossil, so it's very complicated and a long process".

Liam said" okay that's fine" and decided to head out. He really wanted his Omanyte and Kabuto so that he could start training them while he's free within these three months. Liam left the island and headed to Fuchsia City and on his way he had met up with Articuno who surprisingly came to say hi to Shadow.

This outcome surprised Liam and he wondered why a legendary Pokemon such as Articuno would come that close to him but then he remembered that Lugia had once appeared among the three legendary birds and had even battled with them to calm them down in one of the movies but he didn't think it would be like this.

Shadow spent a day with Articuno at her island while Liam was just hanging out with Mewtwo training. Articuno started teaching Shadow how to use ice type moves and Liam thought this was a great opportunity to learn from one of the best ice type Pokemon, so Liam didn't mind the delay to Fuchsia City.

They ended up staying on the island for a week, and during that time Liam and Mewtwo had bonded on another level. They could start feeling and reading each other's thoughts, and Mewtwo started to get more comfortable around Liam after reading most of his thoughts and feeling most of his feelings and Liam also started to gain a psychic aura.

This made Mewtwo feel more comfortable around him and he also felt stronger every time he was with Liam. Shadow also gained a lot of ice knowledge, and was able to use Ice Beam, Ice Wall and a few other new moves that Articuno thought him. Articuno thought Shadow one of the most powerfulest move called Sheer Cold.

This move drained all of Shadows ice energy after using it and weakened him a little bit. The island had gotten colder this time because of the practice of this move and Liam and Mewtwo couldn't wait to leave but it was also good for his training and meditations.

The all-around cold-weather of the island gave Liam and Mewtwo a mental boost and concentration in meditation. When they were leaving Articuno was sad to see Shadow leave but she asked him to come again whenever he was free. Shadow agreed, Articuno said goodbye to Liam to, she had gotten to know Liam through Shadow and had became quite close to Liam.

Mewtwo return to his pokeball and Liam hopped on Shadow to continue the journey to Fuchsia City. They did a couple of battles along the way with some swimmers that were in the ocean just relaxing and after a few days they arrived in Fuchsia City where Liam decided to get a hotel room to relax after dropping off his Pokemon to get checked out.

After the long training in the wilderness he relaxed that day in the hotel and had even called room service to bring him some food and give him a massage. A beautiful lady had came to serve him and had even given him a happy ending for extra charge. Next day Liam went to pick up his Pokemon and he went to go check out the Safari zone to see if he could spot a Kangaskhan then catch it.

Liam decided to sneak a Ultra Ball with him into the Safari Zone by using Shadows Shadow Realm. Liam dropped off all his empty pokeballs and Mewtwo which he was scared to even do that just in case they might replace it or try to steal it, even though he knew that they would not do that but he ended up dropping it off and taking Shadow with him because Shadow can hide in the shadows.

Once Liam got inside he had a time limit so he had to rush up a little bit so he ran around looking for Pokemon. he met all kinds of Pokemons like Nidoran and even spotted a Dratini but he wasn't interested anymore in that so you let it go, he spotted a Chansey and wondered whether he should catch one but he changed his mind due to having a Mewtwo.

Mewtwo could use use recover to heal if needed. Liam then continued on until it was almost time for him to head back and normally when you don't go back on time they charged you a fee which he didn't mind paying but he just wanted to be respectful towards the owners. Liam finally spotted a Kangaskhan and brought out Shadow to use a quick attack on him.

Due to Shadow being such a higher level than Kangaskhan who was only a level 35 he knocked him out quickly and headed right back into the shadow before anybody can see anything. Liam took out an Ultra Ball and tapped him with it and had caught him he then headed out because the time had expired and decided to go check out the gym because it was still early in the afternoon.

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