Legendary Shadow

Chapter 68 - Charizard POV 2

I was wondering where we were going and he told me Charicific Valley which is located just outside of Violet City in the Johto Region. The Charicific Valley is a training facility for Charizard's. It took us almost a week to get to this place. I was super excited after he told me about the place and about how I had to go there to train.

I couldn't wait to get stronger so I could be an assistance to Master. When we finally got there they had some guards stationed there and they immediately noticed my father and welcomed him but soon as they saw me they roared at me and was very hostile to me.

I surprised by this and asked my father why they are not accepting me and he quickly told me it's because of the color of my skin. They have never seen one in regular form but they appear in legends as evil beings. They have to get used to my color before accepting me and if im not strong enough they probably would never accept me.

Strength is everything over here and if you're not strong they'll never accept you and will probably even kick you out. Father started introducing me to all his old friends, they all got mad at my father and wondered why he had gotten into a taboo relationship with a different Pokemon but my father simply laughed it off and told them that I was strong enough even stronger than the normal charizard's.

This surprised them and they went to get their children to test out my father's theory. We relaxed then I enjoyed all kinds of foods that I had never tasted before. The environment was also pretty good for me and I enjoyed my time there, it's just that their attitudes with me wasn't very nice and I didn't feel very welcome here but I knew that I had to prove myself.

They had arranged for a battle with one of my father's old friend's son. The battle started and we both took to the skies they had all the elderly Charizard's around to witness this battle. There was a lot of Charizard's cheering for the other Charizard while most of them booed at me. I didn't pay them no mind and this Charizard started to approach me and used Flamethrower.

I also used my Flamethrower which was weaker then his because he had been living here and training longer then me, so he was beating me back with his. I quickly released my Flamethrower and dodged his attack but he saw what I was going to do and slightly turned his Flamethrower and it hit me in my shoulder.

I was a little hurt from this attack but I shock it off and approached him with full speed. I had to admit that this guy was powerful, we both used Steel Wing and crashed into each other, as soon as we crashed into each other we both used Mega Punch and hit each other in the jaw.

He got mad that I had gotten a clean hit on him but I had also gotten hit so I didn't pay him no mind. He started to charge up a Fire Blast which I noticed and quickly flew up into the sky disappearing from his sight. He got mad at this and canceled his attack and flew after me.

As he was flying up he couldn't see me so I didn't back down. I was driving down while I activated the move Overheat as flame energy covered my body and I dove right into him knocking him back down into the ground causing small crater. When everybody saw this they started cheering for me but this guy when the dust had cleared up did I noticed he blocked my attack with a Mega Punch.

He used Mega Kick right on my stomach knocking some air out of me. I struggled to keep my conscience due to the pain that I was in. I didn't want to fail my father and that kick was beyond painful. I stayed conscious by using a Flamethrower to burn all the pain away as I did that the guy had gotten burnt pretty well from the Flamethrower but he s.u.c.k.e.d in the Flamethrower surprising me.

After activating it all the pain that I felt had disappeared and I felt like I had gotten stronger. The Charizard that I was facing did not notice this and still got close to me, he came to brag about winning by putting his foot on me as he thought I had fainted but started to sense a strong Aura coming from me.

I had charged up a blast burn and unleashed it right in front of him blasting him out of the stage and into the wilderness everybody was shocked by this and they noticed that my flames had even changed color. At this point most of them have fear in their eyes, even my father was surprised by this outcome and had no clue that I had this kind of power within me.

He was very proud and at the same time scared at what the other Charizard may do to me after such a powerful display. He knew that he would have to answer to these guys eventually about what kind of powers that I possessed even though everybody had fear written on the faces I still won the battle.

They eventually came out of the shock and started cheering for me, it felt good to win that battle and I felt like now I didn't have to answer to anybody anymore and didn't get any more dirty looks. My father had schedule a meeting with the higher-ups and chiefs the next day and explained everything to that he had seen.

The stuff he had seen with Professor Oak during the time Shadow was around so he knew a little bit of what I possessed and tried his best to explain it in order to satisfy their curiosities. During the month I continue to train, I had battles with different kinds of Charizard's everyday since I was well accepted after that battle.

Everybody did their best to teach me new moves and to help me overcome my weaknesses. They had a place where we were supposed to dip into water for a few minutes in order to learn how to cope with water attacks. I could feel that I was getting stronger.

It was time for me to leave because the two months was up and everybody was sad to see me go. I had to return back to master, I thanked everybody for all the patients and training with me and we had a going away feast at night. When I was leaving the chief had given me a Flame Orb which boosted my fire attributes.

He told me that these were orbs from this valley and every 50 years one would come out. I quickly accepted it and ate it the chief was shocked and told me I wasnt supposed to eat it just hold it but I didn't hear him as I could feel alot of pain and burning sensation.

I s.u.c.k.e.d up the pain and thanked him while walking to over to my father and spend some time with him before I left. He told me that next time we meet he will take me to go see my mother which I was excited about. Next day I left and journeyed back to the place where Master told us we would be meeting him.

On my way there I met strange looking bird but the power that this bird was emulating was quite shocking. I avoided her by all cost, this Pokemon was none other than the legendary Pokemon Zapdos. Zapdos didn't even glance at me and made her way past me.

Eventually I got to the meeting place where I saw Master there waiting for me. I quickly went and hugged him but I accidentally tackled him in to the ground. He was also excited to see me and told me to get off, as I rose up from him. He started to ask me how my training came along and I told him that it was a success and that I have grown stronger and I told him everything that happened during that time until I saw another one of our friends approaching us.

End of Charizard POV

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