Legendary Shadow

Chapter 7 - Mt. Moon

The next day when Liam woke up and went to pick up Shadow from Nurse Joy. As soon as he released Shadow he was overcome with joy to see Liam. Liam let him know that he did a great job yesterday and they won the battle thanks to him so he quickly flew into my shadow feeling like he was home again Liam chuckled at his antics and thanked Nurse Joy. Liam left the Pokemon center and decided to stay in Pewter City for a few days just to look around because there was a museum around so he went to check it out and when he got there a crowd there.

Liam asked what's going on and they said they're going to do a contest which he was not interested in because he spotted Jesse, James, and Meowth, so he goes around looking at items they had on view in the museum. Liam heard a noise outside and saw Jesse,James and Meowth blasting off and he laughed because he remembered Ash telling him that he had stalkers from team rocket so when he finally saw them blasting off he just had to laugh once again and shake his head.

He guessed they were trying to steal Pikachu by using this contest. He never got why they was so interested in this Pikachu. After everything was cleared up Liam went down to meet up with Ash and then they went to grab something to eat together. Ash was telling Liam about his adventures so far and about how he used Mankey to defeat Brock. He didn't know that fighting moves are super effective against rock types and Liam scolded him about it because they taught them that in school.

Ash laughed about it and said "well I really didn't listen that much in school" and Liam said "yeah I can tell". After they went their separate ways. Liam headed back to the trainer lounge and kicked it for the night. The next day Liam got some supplies and started heading towards Mt Moon. On the way he met several trainers and had several battles having Shadow take care of all the battles. After going through all the trainers Shadow leveled up to level 26.

Shadow had also grew up a little bit and height at first when he came out of the egg he was as big as it newborn baby but now he was as big as a 3 year old. Liam couldn't carry him as much as he used to because he was much heavier now but he really didn't carry him that much because he was mostly in his shadow. They had finally gotten to the Pokemon center where they met a man selling Magikarps and tried to sale them to Liam but he quickly rejected him and told him that he could just fish for one of his own but deep down inside he knew Ash would probably get suckered in this mess so he warned him that if he meets a guy called Ash and he sells it to him or tries to sell it to him he will look for him.

He saw his eyes change to red got scared and said "sir yes sir". Liam quickly headed to the Pokemon center and got the Pokemons healed by the time this was all done it was evening so he went to go relax in the Pokemon lounge and called it night. Next day they finally made their way to the foot of Mt. Moon and as they were about to enter Liam felt some kind of strange vibe like something was watching him but when he looked around he didn't see anything, so he asked Shadow if he feels anything and he quickly told Liam that there is a Pokemon that is watching him from the sky but he is way too strong for him to approach.

If it's that strong he will just keep it moving and try to avoid it so Liam quickly got inside the cave. They found a lot of items like a rare candy and moon stones. He fed the rare candy to Shadow making him level up once more so now he's a lvl 27. They moved on meeting some trainers and battling with a lot of Zubats, They also met some Team Rocket members which they quickly defeated, after all that battling Shadow had reached level 29 because of all the wild Pokemon that he had to fight and Arbok joined the fight also and leveled up to 32 after training in Mt Moon for a few more days.

They finally got to the end of the mountain and Liam could see the exit, but as he was going he tripped on something and he saw that there was two fossils there. When he picked them up, immediately a trainer comes out of nowhere and tries to battle him for both of them saying that they are both his even though Liam found them. Liam quickly made short work of him with Arbok.

Liam took both fossils and left him crying, he asked Liam if he can let him have one at least but Liam ignored him and left. After exiting the mountain they went through some more trainers and they finally arrived at Cerulean City. It's a much bigger City compared to the other cities he went to. Liam immediately went to the Pokemon center to get his Pokemon checked out.

... Meanwhile in Viridian City at the Viridian gym deep down in the bas.e.m.e.nt where there was nobody around except for a few Team Rocket executives and the gym leader they were giving him a report about what happened with Vivian. The division in Viridian Forest lost all their business but the gym leader did not mind it because he knew they were going to get caught at some point of time. He had told them to stop at some point because they had already made the amount they needed but because the money they were making was so good they did not stop.

He had already gotten what he wanted from there which was the first batch of Pokemon that they had gotten and the funds for him to push on to his next project. He was kind of disappointed that Vivian got caught because at some point she was his play thing but he quickly shook that off. He gave his next orders to his executives to check on the other business sites and his ultimate plan which was located in Saffron City.

After the meeting was adjourned, he dismissed everybody after taking a look at the report he saw the name Liam on there but he did not see any info about what Pokemon he used to defeat Vivian. He knew Vivian had a high-level arbok so who could possibly defeat her coming from a small town like Pallet Town. He wasn't going to dwell on it for too long so he focused on his other plans.


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