Legendary Shadow

Chapter 99 - Thanksgiving Special


Liam could be seen returning to Pallet Town due to the holiday Thanksgiving. He wanted to spend the holidays with his family and friends. He arrived at Pallet Town smiling and taking a deep breath and exhaling out. Pallet Town always had a special smell of home to him so whenever he came back he always took it in.

After contacting Professor Oak and his mom Marie and told them how Thanksgiving works they agreed to meet up to start this new tradition in this world. Oak had called all his trainers and family to come back and join them for the special occasion. Red, Green, Gary, Yellow, Ash and Daisy had shown up.

The dinner was going to be located in Liam's house so after they all settled in they made there way to Liam's house in the evening. Liam had requested a turkey from Oak but he had no clue what that was so Liam had to search far and wide to eventually find one and bring it home to be cooked.

Finding the right ingredients for the foods were tough but eventually Liam had it all settled in after using his previous life experience to make the food. Everybody had arrived at Liam's house as they sat around waiting for the dinner to start. Ash and Gary decided to have a battle while they were waiting to entertain themselves. It was going to be a two on two battle with them only using two Pokemons.

Whoever loses both Pokemon loses the match, so the battle began as Red was the ref for the match. Ash sent out his Pikachu and Pidgeotto while Gary sent out his Nidoking and Pidgeot.

Ash was surprised by the power Gary's Pokemon were emulating and thought Gary had grown way stronger then his previous self.

Gary smirked when he saw the match up and taunted Ash a little bit saying "this is going to be a easy match" Ash got a little annoyed but quickly brushed it off as he gave red a signal to start the match. Red " Ash from Pallet vs Gary from Pallet Town may the match begin". Pikachu hopped on Pidgeotto as they made a team work effort to bring down Nidoking and Pidgeot.

Pikachu jumped off Pidgeotto and used Thunderbolt on Pidgeot but Nidoking came in front and blocked the attacked making it ineffective as Pidgeotto caught Pikachu. Pidgeot who was behind Nidoking was using Agility to boost his speed and thanks to Nidokings defense Pidgeot was able to focus until he was charged up.

Pidgeot disappeared from his spot as he used Quick Attack and knocked Pikachu right into Nidokings charged up Hyper Beam. Pidgeotto tried to save him but Pidgeot had also charged up a Hyper Beam and unleashed it behind Pidgeotto causing them both to faint at the same time.

Ash was so sad he lost so easily he made a promise to himself that he would train harder to one day beat Gary. Dinner was ready as everyone joined a table full of food while holding hands to say a quick prayer. After the prayer they all got down and dirty eating all the food they had never tasted before.

Liam was explaining the event to them and how they were supposed to tell each other what they were thankful for. After eating to their hearts content Gary who was feeling very confident after beating Ash challenged Liam who had easily gave him a rude awaking by crushing him in a few seconds. Gary was very annoyed by this but he accepted defeat as everyone came together to enjoy each other's company.

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody


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