Zhou Shao left disappointed, with a car full of garbage.

Oh, and ye Xingchen is in a good mood.

Originally, ye Xingchen finally cleaned up some scum for yesterday. He was in a good mood.

However, Zhou Shao's coming brought up her sadness -

How can she repay Chen tietou's more than 10 million yuan?

Mortgage a villa or a factory?

The bank is not a fool. It is impossible for her to mortgage the villa factory twice.

But in addition to villas and factories, ye Xingchen's most valuable thing is herself.

Looking at this domestic violence beauty, after she returned to the living room, she sat on the sofa and looked at the door. She didn't move for a long time. The high-speed railway was a little impatient. She raised her hand and wiped her mouth: "I said wife, maybe you can give me less pocket money in the future. Ten thousand nine, no, sixteen. After all, we are husband and wife. Now that you are poor enough to hang yourself, I will ask for another 20000 yuan, and your conscience will be condemned. "

Ye Xingchen's eyes finally rolled down and looked at the table.

The dishes and bowls on the desk are clean as if they had been licked by a dog.

Just when she was in a daze, the high-speed railway showed the true nature of food, which was called a storm.

Alas, I can't help it. Who let the high-speed railway not enter the water meter since yesterday morning?

Beauty in a daze, he eat, very harmonious ah.

Ye Xingchen suddenly wants to cry.

This breakfast was made by her after working all morning, OK?

As some scum said, she was almost poor to hang herself, but he still kept his pocket money in mind.

She really wanted to pick up the kitchen knife on the desk and split him in half!

Looking at her move, she hugged her hands and curled up in the sofa. She looked very pitiful. The high-speed railway was no longer easy to match. She said in a positive tone: "wife, isn't it just a million dollars? As for worrying you like this? "

Where's the knife!?

Eight million dollars?

Ha, this scum, how can you open your mouth.

Ye Xingchen doesn't know that the high-speed railway really doesn't match it -

for the demon soul, the king of mercenaries, less than $3 million is a small sum of money.

He used to ignore the Commission of less than five million dollars for every task he did.

Ye Xingchen, of course, didn't know this. He held back the impulse of wailing, stretched out Bai Shengsheng's little hand and gently weighed it against him.

High speed railway does not understand: "why, begging for food? Or let me see if your little hands are beautiful? "

Ye Xingchen's voice is a little hoarse: "please give me a small sum of money, poor little girl."

As soon as the high-speed railway stays, tell the truth: "I have no money -"

"then shut up! If you dare say one more word to me, I'll cut you to death! "

Ye Xingchen finally can't help it. He grabs the kitchen knife and splits it in front of the high-speed railway.

The high-speed railway quickly raised its hands to show that I am afraid of you.

"The scum of the dead who eat soft food, die abnormal, why don't you die."

After the kitchen knife was heavily photographed on the table, ye Xingchen got up and quickly went upstairs.

Seeing her back in her bedroom, the high-speed railway sighed, thinking that there might be something wrong with the girl's brain.

If there is no problem, how can she bewitch the high-speed railway and give up a happy life to die?

However, one thing is certain, that is, high-speed rail must have a new concept of money.

From the moment he made up his mind to wash his hands, he was no longer the king of mercenaries who regarded money as dirt, and he had eight million - not small money, but huge money.

If he wants to become the best soft rice king in the world, the first condition is to help Ye Xingchen tide over the current difficulties.

"Do you force me to call the wolf and borrow some money?"

As soon as the high-speed railway raised this idea, it shook its head: "no way. The night when I washed my hands, I swore in front of these birdmen that I would never touch a cent of bloody money again. Otherwise, I would not donate all my money to domestic charities. Well, how can I get some money to help this girl? "

After thinking for a long time, the high-speed railway finally made up its mind.

He decided to give up the great career of eating soft food.

Otherwise, find a real little rich woman -

Ye Xingchen, a poor man with a lot of debt, is not qualified to support him.

He just made up his mind, ye Xingchen stepped on a small high heel and walked down the stairs with a click.

That arrogant small appearance, or than all the world's beauty president added up, but also president.

With a dry cough, the high-speed railway stood up.

Just did not wait for him to open his mouth, ye Xingchen said faintly: "you come with me."

"Where to?" the high-speed railway asked

"The company."

"What are you doing in the company?"

The high-speed rail said, "you wait. Ye Xingchen, I have to talk to you about something. "

"You saidGo to the door of Ye Xingchen, stop and turn around, coldly looking at him.

"I decided to leave you. You give me back my things. "

"You're leaving me?"

Ye Xingchen's eyes flickered and asked, "why?"

The high-speed railway took a deep breath and said seriously, "you are too poor to support me."

Ye Xingchen goes to work with the high-speed railway to prevent him from taking the opportunity to escape.

He can go away, but he has to spit out all the money he took away!

Can ye Xingchen just said to take him to the company, some scum put forward to go.

Steal her money, but also have a special face to say, she is too poor to support him - how can he not die!

Ye Xingchen couldn't bear it. He bent down, raised his feet, and smashed a little high heel.

It's not easy for high-speed railway to catch such "flying shoes" with little technical content.

"It stinks. Ye Xingchen, why don't we keep a little feminine demeanor and don't be aggressive? "

The high-speed railway weighed the little high heel, threw it at her feet and sighed: "Alas, how many times do you have to let me say it before you believe that I'm not -"

as soon as he said this, ye Xingchen kicked off another little high heel, stepped on a pair of snow feet and ran up the stairs.

"I wipe, she won't really go to hang?"

Just as the high-speed railway stares at the bedroom on the second floor, worried that the poor man will be upset, ye Xingchen rushes out with something in his hand.

She fell on the railing and smashed things down.

You don't need to look at the high-speed railway. Just through the wind, you can tell that one of the things that fall is his black thorn.

The other one is his ID card.

But I don't have that USB drive.

This black thorn was handed down to him by the high-speed railway teacher, and it was definitely the most important thing he valued.

For high-speed railway, he can make his own ID card at any time as long as it takes a little time.

But that USB drive, that's a Pandora cartridge.

Once the contents of the USB flash drive are revealed, it is bound to set off a bloodbath.

After collecting the black thorn and ID card, the high-speed railway looked up at Ye Xingchen and asked, "where's my USB drive?"

After ye Xingchen smashed these two things, he pointed to the door and trembled.

She is really fed up with this scum, would rather not pursue that 10 million, but also let him go quickly.

But she was so angry that she could not say a word.

Seeing that she was dying of anxiety, the benevolence of the high-speed railway was broken again. She quickly went upstairs and gave her a light thump on her back: "do you have a hidden disease of epilepsy? Shall I take you to the hospital? Don't refuse. That's what I should do. "

"Get out of here, get out of here."

Ye Xingchen was finally able to speak. He raised his hand to open him, and tears came down: "I didn't see any USB flash disk. Even if you see it, you won't leave that disgusting thing behind. "

In her opinion, some scum's USB flash disk must be some dirty pictures that are not suitable for children, just like the USB flash disk she played when she whipped him yesterday.

She was right.

However, compared with what the high-speed railway asks for, Zhang Lianghua's USB flash drive is as pure as snow lotus.

Looking at her tearful whereabouts, the high-speed railway can be sure that she really didn't get bored with the USB flash drive and kept it for a long night to enjoy alone -

so, where's the deadly USB flash drive?

Think of the night before last, he was drunk in the bar, and was hired by Ye Xingchen private detective frame back, can't say, USB disk lost somewhere?

If it's lost, it's a good thing.

Anyway, when the high-speed railway "picked up" the USB flash disk in xianglou Europe Branch, it didn't intend to make a fortune by using that device. It was just a temporary itch -

the high-speed railway was afraid that someone would let the content leak after picking up the USB flash disk.

When Mr. Chen repaired a broken computer, it set off a storm in the entertainment industry. What's more, the heroine in the USB flash drive involved rich women from five continents?

Once the content leaks out, it can definitely cause a bloodbath.

If you can't find the USB flash drive, the high-speed railway must never leave Castle Peak.

After a long silence, the high-speed railway decided to bow to reality: "OK, OK, don't cry. Since you don't want me to go, I won't go

Ye Xingchen suddenly raised his head and said in a dumb voice, "go away, I can't afford you."

The high-speed railway is really boring. He raised his hand and smashed it heavily on the railing, roaring: "then you can work hard and make more money!"

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