Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 53 - Negotiations

Nightin calmly looked at them before turning around to face Waverly. Letting the knife who was still blazing with flames dance around within his hand, he asked Waverly "Waverly, what happened? Why are there two scientists observing me as a test subject all of a sudden?"

Waverly blinked her eyes as she asked "You don't know what you just did?"

Waverly couldn't understand how such an idiot actually had such high innate talents, she herself was starting to doubt everyone who said that she's a demon who won't find any opponents among her generation. Her meant to be the goddess of her era feels just like a pathetic joke to her right now!

In front of her eyes right now, she was witnessing the rise of someone who has already thrown her miles apart despite bring younger. Even for her to enter the second stage of mental strength, it would take her at least another year to do so. By then, she would already be twenty two while Nightin would only be seventeen years old.

Waverly could see the bright future which Nightin would have ahead of him and decided deep down that the Voyager family had a chance right now. If the Voyager family wants to rise up, their only choice would be to join Nightin in his adventures.

It was a gamble which could concern the future and fate of her family. There aren't a lack of geniuses in this world, but how many of them could truly survive through the countless ordeals and growth? If they succeed this time, it meant a great future ahead of them while failure means absolute death for the whole family.

Waverly pointed to the tower of mental strength and asked Nightin "Hey, how many layers did you light up just now?"

Nightin honestly replied without the intention to hide it from her "Seven. I lit up seven layers of that tower."

Nightin didn't know why, but he has the feeling that Waverly would be someone he can truly trust. Even though they might not be that close, he had a feeling that they would be comrades. Allies who can deal with life and death situations together as they reveal their back to each other.

Waverly broke out in a bitter smile as she started to tell Nightin "Do you know, even I'm only capable of lighting up six layers."

Nightin may seem calm on the surface, but he keep cursing himself for being an idiot deep down. He was only intending to show that he has the talent to exceed Waverly, yet he proved that he has already exceeded her unintentionally.

Nightin who was still at the third realm or Martial Spirit asked Waverly at this time "Waverly, is mental energy and strength that important?"

Waverly was fuming with rage when Nightin asked her this question, is it was anyone else with her cultivation, they would already have smacked him to death.

Waverly started to explain to Nightin everything that she knows about mental energy. About how mental energy is actually the barrier which prevents Martial Kings from taking that last step. About how mental energy could be used to detect traps, increasing the difficulty for one to become an Assassin.

The more Nightin listened, the more shocked he gets as clouds which were fogging up his mind started to disperse. In place of the clouds were golden clouds this time which held much more weight.

Nightin truthfully thanked Waverly from the bottom of his heart this time. If not for her willingness to share about her knowledge and experiences with him, he would have taken many wrong turns on the path of cultivation.

To a young genius like him, time could be said as the most precious thing. Every second and minute here matters when they're still young. It's rumored ever since the ancient era that if someone steps into the Martial Saint realm before the age of thirty, they would have a chance to contend with the demons of that era.

If someone manages to breakthrough to the Martial Saint realm before they hit twenty eight years, they would be able to contend against cultivators outside this world.

As for Waverly, she has decided to step onto a different path of cultivation as well. She wanted to cultivate through being a Forgist, everytime she crafts something, she always feels spirit energy entering her body ever since half a year ago. She realised that whenever this happens, something which took her three days to craft would be equivalent to three months of cultivation for her...

Nightin decided that it was time to cut to the chase as he asked "Waverly, I truly thank you for helping me out this time. But pardon my rudeness as I still want my reward."

Waverly pouted her lips once again before taking out the scroll and opening it up: Waverly, you can go ahead and make the decisions. Father has great trust in you."

Waverly was surprised by her father's sudden action, one has to know that her father only had high hopes for her brother, she had always been treated as air since young.

After careful consideration as she placed her middle and index finger below her mouth, she told Nightin this "After the family's decision, we've decided to award you with any treasure from the fourth floor so as long as you need them. That's the relationship our family wants to establish."

Nightin turned around to scanned the treasures without replying, Waverly was a smart woman who could understand his intentions.

After walking around, three different treasures caught his attention as he took them without hesitation.

The first treasure was something known as the meridian cleansing pill which is usually useless for those at the Martial King and above realms. This is however a heavenly treasure for those who have yet to step into the Martial King realm. For him, this could be described as a priceless treasure. It would help him to overcome his current slow cultivation speed problem.

The second treasure was a martial technique which he will make up for his lack of a mental attack.

Classless rank:Piercing eyes of death

With a single stare, opponents with a weak mental strength or fortitude would suffer instant death while those with stronger minds would be affected for a short moment. One has to know that between battles against evenly matched opponents, one slight mistake would be fatal.

As for the third and final treasure, it was a ordinary orb with the simplest wind element contained within it. One might ask,what made it deserve its place in the fourth floor. The reason is simple, it can help a cultivate awaken a intent or law depending on the cultivator within the three days within the orb's world.

Nightin had only chose this orb with one goal in mind, his third Divine Law. Like Cordelia told him, even something as simple as the wind element has no limits to it. He just has to dig its potential out fully.

Waverly frowned her eyebrows as she puffed a side of her cheek while saying "Are you sure that you just want these three items? They're the ones with the lowest price here."

Nightin nodded as he said "I understand what you mean, but these items I have chosen right now will benefit the most at my current stage."

Waverly could only reply as her hands spread out to the side like a blooming flower as she said "Very well then, as for the level of relationship established?"

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