Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 55 - The fallen saints

When Nightin opened his eyes once again, the moon had already swapped shifts with the sun. The peaceful moonlight shone through the glass window as they lightly illuminated up the pitch black area, making view a possible thing in the dark night.

Waverly could be seen sitting on the chair at the counter, her back was arched forwards as she rested her elbows on the counter table. In her hand was a book about mechanisms, it was merely the foundations which she has already memorised by heart, yet she was still studying it with all her effort.

Everytime she opens the book and goes through it again, she realises that there are actually many more secrets hidden within this book, she just needs to learn how to apply her concept into real life.

She may gotten her foundations for theory down, but she has close to zero practical experiences. She has made her mind up this time to do so after she returns to the upper realm. With her authority and position in the family, it wouldn't be difficult for her to have her personal forging room with the materials and equipments needed provided.

As for Nightin at this time, he didn't have the attention to divide towards Waverly. He felt like as though as if he had just experienced a long dream. In that dream, people knew him as the Holy Calamity who cultivates the Gale Blades of Death.

Wherever he goes, it meant the death of every Martial Saint in that area...


Back in the ancient era, it was the moment where the spiritual energy in the air was at its thickest. In that era, Martial Saints weren't a rare sight while Martial Emperors were quite common and can be found almost anywhere. Many cultivators had left the cultivation world just to head towards a even higher cultivation world.

At that moment, ten Martial Saints of that era committed a great sin. They actually ventured towards the number one forbidden ground of the whole world. The forbidden ground was known as the Wasteland of Hurricanes.

At the Wasteland of Hurricanes, strong gusts of wind were constantly blowing. Even Martial Emperors weren't even capable of seeing through the wind. The wind was surrounded by a mysterious force which will blind every cultivator who tries to probe it, they might even take that cultivator's life just to silence them.

The wind itself was a living entity which even Martial Saints feared, yet the true ruler of that place has never showed his true face. Many people only knew one thing, At the Wasteland of Hurricanes lived countless beings who call themselves demigods. Those demigods themselves acclaimed to serve a god who they know as Ninetails...

On that very fateful day, ten Martial Saints who are believed to be the strongest of that era, made the gravest mistake in the history of mankind. They actually attempted to venture into the Wasteland of Hurricanes.

Before heading towards the forbidden ground, they all had gathered up for a meeting beforehand. They gathered at the peach blossom mountain which was the number one beauty of nature that time, yet it has lost its previous glamour. It was nothing but a factory for metals right now.

One of the Saints who was known as the Saint of blazing flames took the initiative to burn up the vigour within everyone. Slamming his gourd of wine on the table, he seemingly shouted while speaking "Why should we care about those damn wind blades? We should just shatter them together!"

The Saint of the ocean continued by stepping in "Even if we manage to get past the blades of wind, who among us would be able to contend against a demigod?"

The Saint of Poison licked his lips as his pet scorpion laid on his shoulder. It had a small slender body with vicious claws and a deadly tail, its poison was strong enough to kill even the weaker Martial Saints. "Yo, we shouldn't think that far yet. We are going to face a whole group of demigods, not just one."

After a long three days and night, they have finally finished their long conversation as they headed towards the Wasteland of Hurricanes.

After appearing at the entrance, a strong gust of wind formed by two blades of wind spiralled towards them. The Saint of thunder immediately set up a lightning array which managed to block off the blades of wind and shock them, making them retreat backwards.

The wind blades were creatures with intelligence and wisdom which were comparable to humans after all, they knew that they weren't enough to deal with these Martial Saints and fell back.

After they left, the Saint of Peace exclaimed "Have we made the wrong choice to come here?"

Everyone went silent after hearing this, that wind blade just now had totally shocked them. If not for the Saint of thunder who had quick reflexes, they might have already died at the first stage of their conquest.

That wind blade just now actually changed directions countless times while dashing towards them without losing speed. Its speed was so quick that none of them were able to capture it, even the lightning array was just a fluke since it covered the whole area.

The Saint of Darkness interjected in "Do you guys think we should retreat? If we really want to explore this area, it would have to wait until the day we return from the higher ranked worlds."

All of the saints started to debate at this time of whether they should retreat. In the end, all of them voted to leave the area immediately except for the Saint of void.

The saint of Void slowly looked at everyone eye to eye before saying "It's not that I don't wish to return, but it's because that, one demigod is already here."

Everyone turned around towards the South as a tall yet slender body of about two metres appeared in front of them. It had bamboo like legs which were sharp at the end and had curved in razor sharp blades.

Before they could even made a move, the demigod had already arrived in front of the Saint of wind in an instant before stabbing its blade through his heart. The blade pierced through the heart before crushing it to fragments which can never be restored, his mind was totally destroyed as well. As for his soul, it was actually absorbed by the demigod, which meant that reincarnation won't happen for him anymore.

This sent a shudder down everyone's spine. The Saint of wind was known for his extreme speed, yet he wasn't even able to react when the demigod approached for him. The battle wasn't even a fight, it was a one sided slaughter this time. They were the pigs stuck in the pen, trying their futile best to escape from the confined and trapped area.

All of them seemingly in unison all dashed towards eight different areas in a bid to shake the demigod off. No one including the demigod has noticed that the Saint of void had already went into hiding. He had taken the risk to enter another void before escaping into another time realm, which is exactly a few thousand years into the future. It's time for the new ten saints to arise, who would be the chosen ones?

The demigod didn't even struggle to chase after them, it didn't even attempt to. Raising its arms up, it swinged it around in the shape of a cross above its head as the shockwave spread out, cutting all the eight saints in half.

Of course, this was just a legend which was rumored by some wandering cultivator, no one knows whether its the truth of just a lie to all. One thing for sure is that, ever since that day, the ten great saints have mysterious vanished. With their disappearance without any legacy left behind, it resulted in the first reason for the downfall of the cultivation world.

After that, it would be the battle between the evil and good cultivators which destroyed the world and its spiritual essence, making this world a lowly cultivation world.

When Nightin returned to his senses, the short moment felt like an eternity for them. He felt like as though as if he was the demigod who killed all the eight great Saints. He understood one thing, the law in his hands right now are the ones who have brought about the fall of this world.

If the ten great Saints were still alive, the evil path wouldn't have stand a chance against the good path. The long yet perilous battle have caused great destruction and damage to this world which even after thousands of years, the world has still yet to recover.

Many people blame the demigods for bringing about this calamity, yet all they demigods truly wanted was peace. They never blamed themselves for their greed and so called high pride.

Waverly had just finished reading until she saw Nightin's aura right now. It actually gave her a sharp fear, she had a weird feeling. It's like as though as if Nightin was Asura yet the savior and protector of this world.

Waverly shuts her book close and slid it to the side of the table. Arching her body slightly forward, she turned off the table lamp. Unknowingly, an night has passed quietly for her. Standing up, she walked to the side of the counter and poured herself a cup of aromatic Jasmine tea. A simple luxury tea which even mortals enjoy, is what she loves most.

Nightin looked at Waverly before calling out, this time with a serious tone which made her subconsciously pay full attention. "Have you heard of anything about the great calamity?"

Waverly wrinkled her eyebrows as she placed her hand on Nightin's forehead while saying "Little brother Nightin, you don't seem to be having a fever. What happened to you?"

Nightin rolled his eyes as he smacked Waverly's hands away while shouting softly "You're the one with a fever! Since when did I become your little brother! You should be caring about that idiotic younger brother of yours!"

Waverly immediately jumped up as she shrieked "This is bad! Father is gonna kill me this time!"

Nightin broke out in what seems like a smile "What happened?"

Waverly started to push her two index fingers towards each other in front of her chest, her face was blushing red as she said "I accidentally sent my younger brother back to the upper realm, I forgot to gave him a new set of clothes beforehand..."

Nightin was nodding his head and listening until Waverly said this. He could swear that he has just met the most vicious woman he can ever meet. Who the here would send a man back for everyone to see naked.

That wasn't just a humilation to him, it would be no different from taking his life. Especially for a arrogant youth who's filled with pride and confidence, it might cause a small crack in the heart of his cultivation.

The worst thing is that a woman actually did such a thing to her younger brother, who the hell would do that. Even though she seems apologetic, she doesn't seem to care on top of that.

Nightin could imagine the plight Heater is in right now.

[Upper realm, Voyager family]

Heater landed on the ground with a loud thud as some smoky dust rose from the group and covered him up. Heater felt cold as a gust of wind blew the smoke away. When Heater looked back, he could see that he was totally naked and had landed in the middle of the town square.

People were looking at him and gossiping, adults were looking at him with their eyes burning in rage. Young women were turning away while the mature ones while talking about him. All the men were making use of this chance to comment on him while the young children were all looking at him in curiosity.

Heater could swear that if there's a hole for him to dig into right now, he would enter that pit immediately...

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