Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 59 - The battle between duos

Winston ignored the crowd's amazements and comments as he asked Black Bear in a voice filled with killing intent "You god damn black bear, do you have the guts to challenge us in a duo battle in the arena?"

Black Bear broke out in laughter as his body arched back and fro, his hand was clutching his stomach as light reflected off his bald head. "Hahahaha! What did you just say?"

Winston was about to repeat what he just said, but got interrupted by Nightin who decided to interject in. "I'll repeat it again on our behalf, the two of us will challenge you. If you're afraid, you can bring along a helper!"

Black Bear smirked as he questioned "Are you sure that I can call for someone to help me? If that's the case, we'll meet four hours from now at Arena 37."

Black Bear turned around as he left, his strong yet tall stature filled with the aura of dominance made everyone gave way to him. He may be arrogant, but he has the qualifications and strength to back him up.

This is the cruel world, true strength wins you the respect of others even if you're in the wrong, no one would dare to offend you. If you're weak, it doesn't matter whether you're right, you'll never be recognised by others.

Winston walked towards the man at the registration area and asked "Can I ask what's the allocated battlefield for Arena 37?"

The man coldly replied "Due to the newly updated rules from 47 hours ago, I won't be able to let you in on the information. You'll however be granted access to enter the arena in advance if you would like to."

Winston politely replied "Yes, that would be helpful for us."

The man passes him a oceanic blue token which was carved out of sea stones, it was a rectangular token with the number 37 carved in the middle of it.

Winston turned back to look at Nightin and said "Hey brother Nightin, we should take a look at the arena first. Who knows what Black Bear has up his sleeve."

Nightin nodded and signalled for Winston to lead the way.

Winston walked ahead as they entered a pathway with exactly a hundred portals from number one to one hundred. Walking up onto the 37th portal, the two of them stepped in as they got transported to a new arena.

Winston sighed as he told Nightin "This won't be a easy battle for us. Black Bear has intentionally chose the battlefield of greenlands, it is a battlefield which only has open space."

Nightin scanned around his surroundings and all he could see was the barrier and the grass pasture beneath him. The whole arena was huge, but it would only take cultivators of their strength ten seconds to go from one end to another.

Nightin replied with a voice void of any emotions, no fear could be heard from his voice "If it's a open battle he wants, he has one!"

Back in the ship, the news had already spread like wildfire into the ears of everyone. It has been a month since Black Bear last fought, everyone was curious about his battle.

This wasn't the shocking news, it was the fact that two youths challenged Black Bear to a duo battle. One has to know that every fight in the arena is a life and death battle, defeat means death in there.

A old man at the bar started to gather everyone together by shouting "If you're interested to hear some spoilers on what might be coming up next, you can gather over here! The price would be one sea stone!"

A few people in the bar who were drinking almost spurt out their drink after hearing what the old man had said. Even if it's a big piece of news, none of them would be worth a sea stone. Not to mention that it's a sea stone for each person to listen!

A hot blooded and rash youth slammed his drink on the table bar and said "Old man, what do you think you're saying! One piece of news for a sea stone, that's just daylight robbery!"

The old man merely chuckled and said "Young lad, you should keep silent if you aren't sure what's coming your way. You won't want to die from offending people you can't afford to."

The youth wasn't willing to listen as he drew out his sabre and sliced it through the air, forming a clean cut of energy wave towards the old man.

From the aura alone, the youth definitely had the strength of a high grade Martial Spirit. Even though he isn't the most talented geniuses, he'll still be treated as a first class talent.

Everyone was expecting the old man to back out in fear or run away with some treasure he had scammed, but all they saw was him drawing out a symbol in the air.

Many people were looking at him in confusion, but someone who knew what was happening shouted out "It's an array, that old man is an array master!"

Around that old man was an array meant for defense, to defend himself from the incoming attack. The array was a energy barrier which is grey in colour, that old man was a grey tier array master.

In this world, array masters are divided into the five great levels. They are respectively known as white tier, grey tier, blue tier, purple tier and gold tier.

In the cultivation world, ninety percent or more array masters are stuck in the white tier, around nine percent or lesser are stuck in the grey tier. As for blue tier array masters, there are only lesser than them of them, the purple tier arrays are already a legend not to mention the gold tier.


The sabre wave was instantly destroyed as it shattered into pieces. The old man laughed as he said "Young man, I'll let everyone in on a secret in exchange of your spatial ring."

The youth wanted to retreat right away, yet he realised that a suction force was pulling him towards the old man. He had laid out an array above the other, something which only the stronger grey tier array masters can do.

"Everyone here, hand me over your spatial rings right now! I'm the second Arena master Voldemort and will be helping Black Bear with his upcoming battle!"

Back in the arena, Nightin and Winston were standing opposite of Black Bear and Voldemort.

Winston summoned out a water dragon and whispered to Nightin "Bro, I'm a Magist, don't expect me to be engaging in close combat, I'll support you from afar."

Black Bear took out his axe as he shouted towards the two of them "You two tiny punks, are you ready to face death?"

Nightin nodded as he flashed out his sword and pointed it towards Black Bear while saying "Your life is mine!"

After losing Cordelia, Nightin wasn't the simple boy anymore. He knew that in order to protect his friends and loved ones, being ruthless is a must.

Nightin scanned both Voldemort and Black Bear with his Samsara intent, this is one of the reasons why everyone fears the Samsara intent, against the samsara intent, hiding your secrets isn't possible.

Before anyone could react, he jumped towards Voldemort and slashed towards him by circling in from the right, forming a beautiful arc in the sky as he charged his sword throughout.

Nightin could see his sword inching closer to Voldemort's neck, he could see it slicing through his skin at the next moment.

Voldemort didn't even flinch as a array grey in colour appeared in front of him, the sword was stopped in place and before Nightin could fall back, a strong force reflected his own attack towards him.

"Argh!" Nightin clenched his tooth as he resisted the pain, as a swordman, he has stepped onto the path of offense and speed, defense had always been his fatal weakness.

Stabbing his sword onto the ground, he stopped himself from flying away, he was however already injured internally from his own attack.

"What just happened, wasn't the array only for defense?" A youth exclaimed out when he saw this scene, what he said was exactly the thoughts of most people here spectating the battle.

A heated battle between two talented youths and two experts of the older generation might be disgraceful, but this is what makes the battle interesting, everyone was expecting to see the youths win even though the chances are low.

"This...Voldemort isn't just a grey tier array master, he's infinitely close to the realm of a blue tier array master."

"That's right, what he's just done is the double array formation where he stacked them together, that's something which only blue tier array masters can achieve!"

Back in the battle, Winston had summoned out a water dragon behind his back, the dragon had a long tail and two small yet sharp claws, above its head was a ring oceanic blue in colour.

"Heaven tier, Dragon's breath!"

The dragon opened its mouth as it sprayed out a strong blast of water, the ground splitting apart wherever the tiny beam went, the ground and air were cut open like tofu as the headed towards Black Bear.

Black Bear smirked as he raised his axe and sliced it towards the beam. He was a first class axe master and had awakened the Earth Bear intent of the Advanced stage.

"Heaven tier, overbearing strength!"

Bringing forth the strength of the Earth Bear intent as his muscles tightened, the axe in his hand glowed with a earth colour glow as he slashed it forwards.

Instead of the clean cut to the ground this time, the ground was rumbling apart just like rock pieces as they fly up while dashing towards the water beam.


"Damn! I can't see anything!" A cultivator of the low grade Martial Spirit realm shouted out as he dashed backwards quickly, just the shockwaves from that one attack was making him feel immense pressure.

"Is this even a battle between Martial Lords and a Martial Spirit anymore?" A strong wandering cultivator of the middle grade Lord realm shouted as he formed a barrier made up of spirit energy to protect everyone.

After the impact, everyone retreated to the back of the arena as they watched the battle there, just the shockwaves alone were enough to injure even the high grade Martial Spirits who had let their guard down.

Right when Winston thought that the first clash was over, a strong gust of wind sent all the dirt pieces which were sharp as rock flying towards him.

Winston who had reacted late immediately blasted a beam of water towards the ground making himself fly backwards, making use of the momentum and chance, he condensed out a water orb this time as he sent it towards them.

"Heaven tier, Dragon's strike!"

Nightin looked at the orb of water as he dashed forwards, leaping towards the orb who was piercing through the air, he raised his sword and gathered his Gale Blade law into the sword.

"Mystical technique, Firestorm hurricane!"

A mystical technique doesn't have any ranking limits it, the strength of it depends on the cultivator and their comprehension towards it

A strong gust of wind pushed the water orb forward while splitting it into two parts towards Black Bear and Voldemort, dashing towards them at a sudden increase in speed, something which they had never expected.

"Boom!" "Sizzle!"

A huge explosion occured and caused a huge crater on the ground, Voldemort and Black Bear were nowhere to be seen.

"Huh? That's all?" A young cultivator sighed, he had expected a battle of a much greater scale, filled with much more excitement as both sides placed their life on the line without any regards.

"Wait? There are some energy fluctuations in the air, Voldemort had actually did it!"

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