Legendary Sword God Sect

Chapter 96 - One sided battle

Xinyi and Cloud both refused Nightin thought as they hurriedly explained "You definitely aren't his match alone!"

Nightin asked coldly, his tone sharp as his blade as Xinyi subconsciously stepped back "Do you think that you'll be of any help staying here?"

Cloud interjected in as he took out his weapon and said "But..."

"Shut up and listen to what I have to say right now, I want the two of you to take the transportation array closest to here and call for help from..."

Nightin instructed them to do something as he sent them away with a gale of wind while reminding "Make it fast, I won't be able to hold out for long."

Circulating his spirit energy to the limit, he slashed forward with his sword, his Samsara law enveloped the Phoenix sword as a scarlet slash surrounded by violet let pierced through the sky, its intention to kill its enemy was obvious.

"Haha haha, you're still a thousand years too early to challenge someone of my caliber!" The Stallion rider mocked as he stabbed forwards with his spear casually, easily shattering Nightin's attack.


"Don't ever underestimate your opponent fool!" Nightin sneaked out from behind the Stallion rider as he slashed forwards once again, his Life Sword was attacking from above while his Death Sword attacked from below it.

Force Field


Black lightning bolts surrounded them all of a sudden as all three swords were blocked, the Stallion the rider was mounting on wasn't simple as well, it was also a Saint beast which has yet to recover.

Death Mark

A spear condensed from energy struck down towards Nightin from above, black flames summoned from the air started to gather around it as it fell from the heavens.

Nightin laughed as he prepared his sword, if his twenty years was spent only one the nine recognised professions, then wouldn't it have been a total waste?

Divine: Rage of the Phoenix

Flames started to gather around his body as he fully stretched his arm out, yet the flames didn't even burn off the slightest bit of his robe, they were actually being careful to not damage it as they spiralled towards the sword in a tremendously fast momentum.

"This move, was inspired by Phoenix... I'll make use of this move... To rise to the top and prove that the Phoenix... Is bound to be the strongest race among the Divines!"

Nightin leaped out as he slashed towards the spear, fear wasn't a word in his dictionary anymore as the sword destroyed the gigantic spear crushing down on him.

Even so, his face turned pale as he hurriedly gathered spirit energy, that move alone had consumed up to eighty percent of his spirit energy.

"Haha fool, that was just a casual strike of mine and you are already this exhausted?" The Stallion rider didn't let go of any chance to mock Nightin, it was his hobby to destroy the pride and arrogance of every genius he meets.

Nightin once again circulated his spirit energy in a frenzy, he was squeezing out every single bit of spirit energy he still had within him, his Life and Death sword could sense their master's need for energy as they dispersed themselves into energy before residing back into his body to rest.

Nightin could sense the pair of swords intention as he thanked them before making use of all the spirit energy given, it seems like it's time for me to use that forbidden art. Nightin whispered in his heart as a black vortex started to gather around him and his sword.

The energy gathered destroyed all the surrounding trees, the ground was crumbled down and the surrounding air was actually being blocked off from them at this moment.

"True Divine Forbidden Art: Nine Deaths Mark!"

The next moment, nine sword waves scarlet red in colour filled the world a bloody red as Nightin who casted them fell onto the ground with a huge thud, the last bit of consciousness in his head was the only thing keeping him awake.

The Stallion rider truly felt fear for the first time, his Stallion could sense its masters thought as it opened its force field to the limit, the rider itself charged his spear as it pierced forward.


A gigantic crater could be seen laying on the ground, a stallion barely standing on its four legs, was currently carrying its master who's lying down on its body, they had survived through that attack

Nightin took out a scroll from his spatial ring as he held it in hand, it was one of the three nine grade scrolls he had created all by himself before leaving, he had meant to keep it as a triumph card against future foes, but it seems like time and luck isn't on his side this time.

What else could he do? His body was too weak to even move right now and if he were to just lie down there, death would probably be the only thing awaiting him.

The Stallion rider could sense the danger the scroll was bringing, it had to destroy this scroll before it's activated or he would be the one dead today.

"Lad, why don't we talk this out peacefully?" The Stallion rider took the initiative to lower his pride, it wouldn't be worth it for someone of his caliber to sacrifice himself to deal with such a weakling.

Just you wait, I'll take your life the moment you keep away that scroll of yours! The Stallion rider cursed deep down in his heart as the flames surrounding him and the stallion dispersed.

Nightin smirked as he held the scroll and prepared to open it, the scroll was one of great destruction and is known as the Meteor Shower scroll, the impact it brings about would even render someone above the Saint realm as trash.

Nightin asked as he walked towards the Stallion rider, fearless as he advances towards the danger ahead. His bravery alone was enough to make the Stallion rider retreat in fear, how could someone actually advance towards someone like him who was once at the Peak Saint realm?

"Just what do you want? How about this, I'll give you and your sect the chance to enter the evil force and join us on our conquering journey!" The Stallion rider hurriedly threw out attractive terms in an attempt to persuade Nightin, it would benefit him greatly if he can get someone of such strength and talent to serve him.

Ba Thump Ba Thump

Nightin could feel his heart pulsating rapidly at he clutched his heart with his right palm, cold sweat started to form on his skin as he asked himself, what's going on? Why am I feeling this excited when I hear news about the evil force wanting to recruit me?

Nightin was afraid of himself, what if he gives in to the temptation to join them, he was sure that there wasn't any sorcery used by the Stallion rider to bait him, the uncontrollabe excitement was probably just from himself.

Nightin tightened his grip on the scroll and coldly replied "Don't even think about me giving in to the temptation of strength! You can get rid of the mental bait on me as well!"

Mental bait? The Stallion rider paused for a moment before he understood what was going on, Nightin was actually one of the few who met the perfect conditions to join the evil force.

A evil grin formed on his face as he continued to persuade "Just what are you trying to escape from? This is where you truly belong, now put down your scroll and I might consider letting myself serve under you as your humble subject."

His voice was filled with a mysteriously seductive persuasion as Nightin once again felt his heartbeat increase, he felt like closing his eyes and accepting the new world waiting for him, but what would happen if that truly happens?

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