018 Sisters

Shen Qingru's face did not reveal any expression, but her heart was on guard. Indeed, Shen Muyun's hand that was holding the Feng Lu tea slightly shook, and she did not look steady at all.

With a bang, the jade bottle shattered into pieces and fell to the ground. The gazes of everyone in the hall were attracted by this sudden accident.

Shen Muyun let out a miserable cry. Even though she had dodged a bit quickly, there were still some tea that splashed on her body. Some of the tea landed on her face, it was so hot that she could not help but scream miserably.

The servant girl quickly came up to wipe her hair and then brought her to the next room to change. Shen Muyun looked down and saw that her new red plum dress was covered with dark brown tea.

"How could my sister be so careless?" Shen Qingru's faint voice sounded by his ear. To Shen Muyun, this voice was filled with schadenfreude.

Shen Muyun couldn't help but glare angrily at Shen Qingru. Her eyes were filled with hatred: "Shen Qingru, I gave you my well-intentioned respect, but you deliberately dirtied my clothes, and made me look bad in front of everyone. What exactly is your intention? "

Shen Qingru was surprised: "Where did little sister come up with this? My clothes were given to me by my grandmother, and I didn't dare to damage them in the slightest, lest I hurt my grandmother's doting heart. "Just now, little sister took the initiative to respect me. I saw that little sister's hands were a bit unsteady for a moment, and was afraid of ruining the clothes that grandmother bestowed upon them. Thus, I helped little sister stabilize her grip."

"Who knew that little sister would be so weak. She can't even hold up this tiny jade bottle." Shen Qingru sighed lightly.

The noble ladies in the hall heard that Shen Qingru's words seemed to have some hidden meaning, and they started whispering to each other.

"Why can't he even hold the jade cup steadily? From what I see, that Shen Muyun is obviously doing this on purpose."

"It seems like Miss Shen stole the limelight from Second Miss today, that's why Second Miss was so angry. If she doesn't steal the chicken, then she must have eaten the rice, for sure, she would lose her face in front of others." Murong Qingyun naturally would not miss this opportunity to ridicule Shen Muyun.

Shen Muyun looked at Shen Qingru with hatred, and grinded her teeth so hard that they were about to shatter, yet Shen Qingru laughed leisurely: "Younger sister shouldn't you go and change your clothes, could it be that you want to continue being rude in front of your esteemed guests?"

"Little sister's words and actions represent our Prime Minister's Estate. If you continue to be rude to others, and Grandmother continues to berate you, I'm afraid little sister cannot take responsibility."

Shen Muyun looked at Shen Qingru with a sinister gaze, wishing she could tear her apart on the spot. However, Shen Qingru was still smiling merrily, it was so angry that Shen Muyun felt a faint pain in her stomach, and thought to herself: Why don't you be proud for a while, little slut, let me see how long you can be proud of yourself. "

Fortunately, your mother had already set up an inescapable trap. Today, I will make sure that you, a little bitch, will lose your reputation and never be able to raise your head again. Shen Muyun gritted his teeth as he thought.

Immediately, Shen Muyun followed her personal mama to his room to change clothes, while Shen Qingru stayed in the hall to chat with the noble ladies.

Amongst the noble ladies, with Murong Qingyun taking the lead, the few people who didn't like Shen Muyun's way of doing things, now that they saw Shen Qingru's elegant and generous way of doing things, and her clever way of making the normally arrogant Shen Muyun suffer a loss, they could not help but be overjoyed.

The other noble women who were on good terms with Shen Muyun had just met Shen Qingru today, and seeing her every move, they knew that she was a lady from a noble family, and was definitely not someone who did not understand etiquette, and was not knowledgeable. While talking to her, Shen Qingru spoke in a soft tone, and was extremely gentle and kind. Her knowledge was also quite extraordinary, and she couldn't help but have the feeling of being friends with her. Some of the more impatient ones had already started calling Shen Qingru their little sister, and had even agreed to come to her residence to admire the flowers and make them poems.

Towards these invitations, Shen Qingru agreed with a smile on her face. Now, she knew very well that appropriate communication amongst the noble women was beneficial for her reputation. In the past, these were all Shen Muyun's patents. She could only hide in her room timidly, secretly envying Shen Muyun for her ability to move freely in the circle of noble women. Who would have thought that Shen Muyun actually said so many bad things about her in the noble women's circle, causing her to bear the reputation of being "stupid and uncourteous".

After that, when Xiao Qiyu secretly made friends with her, she simply thought that the "smart and outstanding" Shen Muyun was much better than her, this "stupid and uncourteous" Shen Muyun. However, it was precisely because of this' stupid yet uncourteous' that she relied on a scheme to give Xiao Qiyu the throne, while the 'exceptionally smart' Shen Muyun lived a life of disgrace in the cold palace in the crown prince's mansion.

Maybe the only thing she was foolish about was to entrust all her sincerity to this wolf-hearted b * stard, Xiao Qiyu. This time, she wanted to see if Xiao Qiyu still had the ability to ascend to the throne of a Nine-Five.

Shen Qingru's face remained indifferent as she continued to chat and laugh with the noble ladies. On her seat, she unknowingly drank a few cups of the iced green plum wine.

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