As of now they had lost sight of that man, his lantern light has swallowed by the thick darkness of the tuner. Striding through the darkness, Crown Prince Lam do not sure which direction this tuner leads, but he guesses, maybe it run opposite to the direction from when he following the man. One of the guards concerning, but overwhelming with curious Crown Prince Lam still step forward. After 5 – 10 minutes or so, the tuner opens to a big cave, they cannot estimate how big that cave is, far from where they stand, there are wooden lantern poles arranged into a semicircle with a few lit lanterns on top of them. The lanterns shine punily, doing their best to withheld against the surround thick darkness of the cave, they light up a stone pedestal in the middle of the columns semicircle. With the two guards, Crown Prince Lam approaching the pedestal, this place looks like some kind of altar. About a few steps away from the pedestal is a small pond with tree roots, that 5 – 6 time bigger than a house's column, haft submerge in the water. Crown prince guesses these roots must belong to the gian cerpidar tree he saw on the surface.

The trio still overwhelming by surprise, and unknown to them, from the darkness of the cave, lantern lights appeared and silently creeping toward them.

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