
Chapter 10 - My Plans

Why didn't i terminate Ban, little Arthur and David Rice. Well if you studied Economics you would know. Utilise every resource inhand to derive maximum benefits.

The only one I can't truly control is Ban, but he doesn't know i have a permanent kill switch for him and i would like to keep it that way. What i am going to ask him to do is steal and excavate something which will be truly extreme if it is Marvel comic verse.

As for why i want to collect samples of major characters and be in their vicinity. Its because the truly scary people aren't shadows but those who hide in plain sight. Also to refresh my mind on the threats each possess. So i jump to a location that has all or at least a part of the Mutants.

Xavier's Institute for the gifted, such a sham. This institute later on will be attcked every Friday endangering not only students but also teachers. How the hell is this an institute, its just another army camp.

I stay in the backside of the prestigious building that will later on house the first generation of X-Men or has it started already. I need a sensory skill to help me mark locations and the best would be the Uzumaki's sensory trait. It does give an extra benefit of knowing energy signatures and also be able to sense emotions.

( Ability Recreated )

Uzumaki Sensory Trait - ??? Rank ( It depends on users strength )

A sensory trait that allowed the Uzumakis to not only sense emotion and chakra but also differntiate between each signature of life force. This trait grows stronger with the users strength. Range - Limitless ( Can be precisely controlled )

[ Please note the range of the sensory trait grows with strength, and Legion is pretty much illogical in that department ]

With this i can be considered the strongest empath in this whole timeline. I then walk around the school and stand at the entrance. This is one prestigious mansion, man is my biological dad loaded. Its pretty sad he doesn't understand the human heart. If he did he would be more wise.

I search for somewhere to enter or someone to talk to, like where is the security guard of this place. With the massive gates here i thought someone would be manning it. Suddenly in a nearby plate Hanks face shows up.

Oh he isn't in his beast form, he inquires "Who are you ?". I reply back "A Mutant", this widens his eyes. I can understand most Mutants themselves are scared of their identity. Right now i think all the major casts are in High School and Cassandra is deputy head-mistress.

Well it was father's wish to make Scott his leader of Mutantkind. Scott when he was young and orphaned, Ess.e.x added a suggestion in his mind which later bacame the trigger for the secret obsession he had for Jean.

Talk a load about retconning someone and giving a vague historical reason. I mean you don't reach top 10 hated hero without a good reason. Well his main problem is before he can process the situation he has already concluded the outcome and starts taking action which usually leads to a load of bullcrap.

See i told you Xavier isn't omnipotent, he is just stupidly strong in the mind department, which he clearly should lack. But back to the topic, the gates are opened and now i can enter. Look there are kids playing around using their powers.

I can understand why Genosha was flocked by 16 million Mutants. Rarely using powers you were granted is like being aware you have hands but being unable to lift it. It tortures the mind, which is half the reason villainous Mutants exist.

As i walk near the basketball court, a ball comes flying, when it is about to hit me, a hand catches my shoulder totally off guard and then i feel the loss of sensation from the world. Which makes me panic but before i can think on the next step i see the ball passing through my head and going on without any damage to me or the ball.

The black haired girl then shouts out to the children playing "Don't use your powers so caeelessly, someone could get hurt". Look its Kitty Pryde.

I shove the hand off my shoulder, the sensation of being lost to the world still clear in my kind. I was gonna dodge the ball anyway. Let me keep the Uzumaki trait in pasive state. I start hearing, no feeling the emotions erupt around me.

Its like the world suddenly gained even more colours just more well defined now. I dont like Shadowcats power, since its like Kamui took too many drugs. I mean Kamui had a clear cut weakness but Kitty's power in the later stages allowed her to permeat through time and space.

She can even consciously touch another and grant them the permeation ability until she leaves body contact of that person. Since i have the Jumping ability, it allows me to sense and create warp gates. As such i can always escape but its weakness is it leaves a warp signature.

Do you know how it feels to lose all sensatiion of warp gates as if i had been forcefully transported in Another Dimension. Now i know how the Saint seyas felt. Currently I won't let her touch me, she was a sleeper agent for Emma Frost anyway, who was in the subconscious being controlled by a parasite of Cassandra, who could fight all the first generation mutants and still escape.

Damn then why are there two Cassandra, its because one isn't from this timeline itself. Later on Cassandra awakens to the dark side and leaves the institute. After which she again re-initiates the Sentinel plan and controls many major leaders of the world.

Such an annoyance, why don't they just nuke the whole mutantkind. Oh right they did that with Genosha in the other timeline from where the parasitic Cassandra has escaped from. Argh f.u.c.k it, why can't anything be simple in this world.

I sense Kitty being sad and well anxious and many other stares of anger from the surroundings. Well i did shove her hand in public, i might be labelled as a mutant hater. Well who cares, i dont have time for people who won't even be alive in the future and arent even side characters with screen time.

So i just stay a bit further away from Kitty. Seeing this the atmosphere sours but Kitty anyway says "Ahem, the professor has asked you to meet him in his office. I am to guide you there". Nothing can be anymore awkward until Scott and Jean enter the gates.

Okay what the heck, did my luck run out. Next time i am creating an ability related with luck. Well here goes nothing, "Please lead the way but do keep away from me. I do not enjoy the sensation of your touch".

This confused them even further, so i just ushered her "Can you hurry up ?". That must have broken her trance, she did f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y smile and seething in rage took me to my destination. Scott and Jean are confused and start inquiring the kids.

Well they have odd thoughts about me, so they followed me after a while to the Professor's office. As i enter Scott rushes ahead of me and stands beside the Professor, Jean with him, Hank on his other side, Wolverine on the couch and Kitty with Hank.

So i blurted out what came in my mind first, "Hey am i in the right place, why does this setup feel suspiciously scripted out". Wolverine stares eyes wide open, Hank starts choking on air. Didnt know someone could do that.

Well this setup is done for all occasions in which some super powered mutant or character has come for negotiation.

Shruggingly i take my seat, while they are still feeling slackjawed by what i said. The Professor breaks out of his musings first and asks me "What are you here for ?". Lemme see a light prodding in my mind for answers.

I stare back at him and say "Don't do that again, unless you want to go insane". With my piece done the Professor looks surprised by the fact that i could feel his mental prodding. Scott thinks of something else entirely, misunderstands and is ready to fire a beam at me.

"Oye scout boy, if i wanted anyone dead no one would know what hit them until their deaths".

Which is truly the case for me. I can just create planetary level weapons and obliterate the whole f.u.c.k.i.n.g planet. But i wont do it, too many complications to look forward to.

I suddenly feel a more stronger and forcefull prodding in my mind. Well this must be Jean, when she suddenly clenches her head and howls in a sorrowful manner "Aaaaaargh".

"I did warn you". Well she won't go mad, since i dont want the Pheonix force after my a.s.s.

"She is the host of the Cosmic entity, the Pheonix force, so consider it my mercy". Again without understanding Scott fires the beam at me and boy does it come at light speed.

It is about to hit me on the c.h.e.s.t, when i suddenly stand up tilt to the side and say "Too one sided, lets even the odds". Before they can understand what i said. Indomitable Will hits them at full force, knocking all the younger students out.

I dont like the good guys they always think they are in the right, which makes fighting them crappy. I just tune up the will power and the whole room is near collapse when i hear a shout from the Professor "Enough".

I shut my Indomitable Will and look around and see Wolverine with his claws out, boy do they look sharp. Beast in his blue and furry form, brandishing his fangs at me.

Then he says "Accept an apology from me for my misbehavior and misconduct on our part".

" I don't mind they won't be able to kill me anyway". Wolverine hears this and says "You have a healing factor bub ?".

"Well yes, and also my mind is quite heavily protected. No one enters it without permission". Hey by the way where is Kitty, oh there she is on the floor sleeping peacefully.

Wolverine glances at the Professor who calmly replies, "I was just touching the surface thoughts, so i could know why you were here". Are you a f.u.c.k.i.n.g pervert father.

Anyway i reply back "No tresspassing even with your eyes". Which is to say no reading surface thoughts. So we sit there in a stalemate. Until Storm barges in shouting out, "Whats happening here Xavier ???".

"Why did i feel a pressure i never felt before. Are we being attacked by someone or something dangerous ??". Oye that something dangerous is standing right here, dont just go and ignore me.

When she sees all the X-Men looking at a certain direction. Only then does she notice me standing a few feet beside her.

She is immediately alerted and takes a step back after which she scans the room for answers. I am not in the mood right now for anymore explanations.

Logan calls her to the side and recaps the events. Well she is feeling exasperated, what does this happen often or something. Oh ! She is angry but not at me. Well i dont like the dumbass, weakass superman myself.

I did like his big brother Havoc more than him anyway. After what looks like she understood the situation and the mood has been calmed down. Scott looks at me for answers which i wont give.

"I was here to observe how a mutant saving institute works. Guess i expected too much". I turn around to leave but not before thinking in my mind 'Loot all Mutants in a range of 100 km of their blood by the quantity of 20ml'.

'Store in inventory', i will need to add the stasis function as well.

( Function added )

( Time Stasis )

( Pls note Time is frozen in the inventory )

As i am about to leave i am stopped by the Professor's voice "And what do you think of the institute ??". "Honestly it is nothing more than another Mutant training facility".

This shocks him, why because he has invested blood, sweat and tears to make this place a haven for all mutants.

He looks broken down, just in time when Scott interferes saying "What right do you have to judge this place ??. When we were down and being hunted, the professor saved us, when we lost control of our powers the Professor was there to guide us".

"I do not know of you but i believe that the Professor wasn't wrong and his dream will one day be true". I look at him like he is the biggest fool i have ever seen.

I ask him "Where were you when others were hunted. Oh right trying to please the government. Well how is it going ??". This fact is true that Xavier was trying to appeal to the masses to support and understand us Mutants.

What i said stumped all of them but still Scott replies back "The Professor was trying to stop them, make them understand our stands as humans, our powers".

"Well i asked how is it going ??", hearing the apathy in my voice must have even shaked Scott for he could not understand where he was wrong.

I just say "Have you ever read about Gandhi, an admirable man practices non-violence and also abides by it". This confuses them, as to what i am trying to point out.

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