
Chapter 26 - Begin

When i opened my eyes everything was dim to see, the f.u.c.k is happening. Oh right i am in a soul state. Lets see, i was launched into a random universe. Before anything else i need a body. Let me select one that has lost all will to live, it must not have a shred of it. In fact the more uncapable it is the better.

Lets see, oh look at that insanely dim lit soul. Lets see your history. Tried committing suicide, is harrased by girls, bullied by everyone, is in a huge debt, has nothing that sets him apart, is a fatso, relatives hate him, parents gave him the debt to fullfill and ran away and he also witnessed the killing of his freind by a villain.

Damn, when i said the most hopeless i did not expect this kind of sob story. If he had a remarkable power than i can tell he would have made a good Anti-Hero or a Mad Villain. I have decided, i will host this body. Let me ready the contract.

Before i could even talk to that soul. I witnessed an insanely bright soul crushing its spirit and taking over. My face twitched, look at that another god has sent a traverser here. Well i don't care, i just turned his soul data into an insanely bright beacon for this world's will.

Clean this guy up already. As soon as the data came in effect the guy was wiped before he could even gain consciousness. Urgh i could have had an insanely strong vessel but now its all useless because of some kind of stupid god.

Lets just select another to host. Oh lets see a weak petite male is bullied because he lacks what all have. His parents have disowned him, his siblings despise him. Also his girl is in cahoots with another guy. Oye doesn't this guy have any guts. Well if he did, i would not have noticed him.

Lets talk to him for the contract. Why am i contracting them, because it is far easier to host the body if you have an ongoing contract with the owner. As a plus it does not show any signs of rejection. Also the last thing i want is an incompatible body because my soul isn't from this universe.

Look at that the soul is thinking on committing suicide. Hahaha let the games begin, i witness his suicide attempt from which he was barely saved by his girl. Isn't she in cahoots with someone else. Also saw how they rushed him to the hospital, i was being sarcastic.

Anyway it seems like its time for my entry. 'Aren't you tired of all this bullshit'. I talked inside his mind, my voice must be the devils whisper to him right now. He is barely conscious but i know he can understand me. He looks towards my direction and grits his teeth.

Well he did try to hang himself so his voice box must has been destroyed. 'Rage all you want, but you will still remain weak'. At this line his eyes shake in resignation to his reality.

'Luckily enough reality is my bitch and it can be yours semi-bitch if you can accept my contract'. My grin was wider than ever. He looks slackjawed but more disbelieving than anything else. He makes some gurgling sounds. Oh you want to speak.

'Speak in your thoughts, i can hear them'. His eyes rage with a never before seen ferocity. 'If you really are the devil, then i accept. It does not matter if you take my soul or anything you d.e.s.i.r.e. I will accept your deal'.

Ahahahahhahaha look at that. 'You might regret this later on, so when you are awake do go over the contract and sign it carefully, after you have thought this through. Though remember no one can know about this. You won't like it if you break this simple code'. He looks pleadingly at me and then loses consciousness.

The next three days he stayed unconscious. This world is oddly advanced in various parts. When he woke up he looked at the contract that had been lying on the side for the same amount of time he was asleep. Looks like no one visited him. Though i think he has some misgivings about his girl.

He then starts a racket, forcing the nurse to take a look. He keeps at it until he gets a pen and then without even gazing at the contract or reading through it, he directly signs it. 'I don't know what to say anymore. How desperate are you to try any hope that you see'.

He then sends his thought to me 'My life isn't worth a thing and if it can give me vast powers as you said, then I don't care'. Well he said it, 'You won't regret this contract even after it is fullfilled'. At once i enter his body and keep his soul in a slumber like state, he will feel as if he was lucid dreaming.

With that my vision changed and i once again start feeling through a body. It has been a while, before i can continue on with the discoveries, i feel heavy supression on my spirit. Look at that, they already know of my existence. Meh, find me if you can.

I look around and see the bed and the dishevelled state it was in "Aaaaaa". Oh right this body's voice box was broken. The nurse is looking at me as if i was a madman. Can't let them sedate me now can i. So i obediently sit down on my bed.

She looks at me glaringly and ascertains the fact that i was being calm and then calls the doctors to discuss my voice box. "Honestly Kai, i know your life hasn't been well. But this is no solution for your situation". I know i am not the owner but can you hurry the f.u.c.k up about my voice. So my name for now is Kai, i don't have a surname because i was disowned.

Perhaps sensing my discontent he continues "You might never recover your voice ever again". Wow very nice of you to break it to a patient like that. He looks at my deadpan and coughs before saying "Its not that it can't be fixed". Then he whispers in my ear "Its just your parents aren't keen on using money on you".

Just discharge me already, i could care less for that f.u.c.k.e.d up family. Seeing my piercing gaze he sighs and comforts me and then says that i was asked to be discharged as soon as possible by my family so that i might not waste any more resources. All the better for me, also i indicated that i would like to be discharged early.

Now most mental abilities are things of the soul and rarely do abilities that function physically are carried by the soul. So what i need to do is recreate some physical abilities to use. Also i f.u.c.k.i.n.g need to find what kinda world am i in. This guys memories only ever contain being locked or being depressed about nearly everything.

As i walk down and reach the exits. I can see a golden haired teenager looking at me condescendingly "Oye garbage". Did he just call me garbage, sensing my distaste towards him he smirks and says "If you attempted to gain recognition by this stupid suicide attempt that you did. Then don't bother".

Okay i am going to tune you out. Gosh do people in a higher hierarchy all talk like this. I never did that and i was nearly the highest I could ever climb in status and power. Also this guy keeps on going about something like a pure or a mixed bloodline. I don't care lets just leave him in his petty reality.

As i walk past him ignoring his talks. I can ascertain from his feelings that he was quite angry. Have i been hearing things in Japanese for a while. So i might be in Code:Geass, DC or DxD.

"Hey Quirkless, are you ignoring me right now". Wait what did he say ?. I turn around and fiercely take out my copy and write down =Quirkless ?!!! Is that so T-T. Also please ignore the crying emoji. I made it because it seems like I can't express myself normally anymore=.

He looks at it and reads and then says "Hah you have lost your mind already elder brother. You don't sound fun to play with anymore". Older brother ??? Me, well i can be considered one.

Well thats what should have happened anyway. But this body is f.u.c.k.i.n.g weak. Instead before my set of moves could be applied i was already floating through the air a few meters away from my initial position. I think i know what quirk this guy has.

Then pain wracked my ribs and i nearly lost consciousness. Considering the fact that he controlled his strength. It was still enough to feel like a motorcycle ramming you from the back. Not a good experience i tell you.

He takes a deep breath, holds my book and pen and throws them at me and says with a smirk "Tell me how you feel trash". Argh what are parents teaching children these days. This one is such a cowardly hypocrite.

Can't he kill me already, now he will give out a cliche reason like 'Trash can't be killed by me, it will lower my standards'. You are already acting like a low class villain, why don't you upgrade or at the least join my side. The side of Anti-Heroes, but i guess you don't qualify.

So i write out what i really feel =A little weak on the input. You should have applied more force at the left side to stop the heart. Also i really hate speedsters=.

His expressions at the beginning was disbelieving but by the end he smirked and said "Then you must hate our mother the most". Okay i feel like he is digging a hole for me. So let me check my memories. Hmmmmmmmm.

Isn't this child hungry for attention from his mother who is under house arrest due to trying to save this ones life. Well gratitude should be repaid in heaps. So i write down =Villain speedsters are different from my mother=.

At first he does not understand what i wrote. Then after a while he understands the context in what i was saying. His anger must have reached his peak. But you can't do anything. The investigators for illegal use of quirks are walking by. He subdues his anger and then walks to a Limo.

How rich was this family, then he shouts out "Father said you won't even have the allowance you were having anymore. Also never try to use our family name".

Okay first things first, i need to study on this worlds laws. You guys seriously don't expect me to walk around aimlessly do you. When i said laws i was talking about the laws of this plane. Every plane has a differing law, like Promethium in DC is one of the best healing metal, or cultivators and how they use energy to permanently empower themselves, etc.

So if i think on what kinda world this is then i can surely recreate items from Marvel universe. Also i need a golden t.h.i.g.h to grab to. Lets go to the best of the best, the one who makes hero tools in UA, Power Loader. But where am i and where could i find this UA and Power Loader. So lets brush up on this worlds knowledge.

I think i have somewhat of an allowance remaining. Lets go to the library, and start for the end of this worlds plot.

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