
Chapter 42 - Sho

For the first few days my presence and confident look made all of them in the evacuating group hold their questions, ones that should normally be asked. But if a Dragon swims in a pond for too long, he becomes a snake in the eyes of the pond dwellers.

It means that if we mingle in an environment long enough, we are considered part of it, though the reality never changes. Is what the proverb would probably mean.

So slowly but surely, they had built a low enough immunity to my presence, enough to question just why was a child leading them all. They took back the power I had, more like I gave it back.

Since not all is about just wielding power. In a chaotic time as this, I will have plenty chances to shine and continue my path of the Warlord Build.

Its also because whenever a problem will rise and they won't be able to solve it. They won't despair, but search for me. The one who initially held all the power, the one who seemed to know. As such I am not really bothered about losing my power.

Merits are earned by every soldier, but deeds are done by commanders. So it will take time but later on it will show out that I am better.

So for the few days we continued on. I suggested a scout to routinely perform scouting of the route and of the road we came from. But as if I was a mere child near them, they continued on this meaningless prat.

They would barely listen to my suggestions or do anything I ordered just to spite me. It must have hurt their pride for a child had taken control of the situation better than them.

Then rumours about me floated around. They said I was a demons child. For I would not flinch even at the sight of bones and death. Its just mere bones of someone who died, why would I be afraid.

As if divine providence had finally intervened. They suffered raids from Ishvalan Bandits. Don't ever underestimate the human heart. Its disgusting how far they can fall, even without the Abyss pulling them down.

But I who initially went to stop those and argue, was rejected by the Rebel forces. So I stayed put, then as if the suffering we had been through was a joke to everyone else but our own group, the bandits, they demanded all our supplies and women.

They did outnumer us seven to one. Oddly enough they did not take away the guns the rebels held. But even after all issues aside, they started treating me even worse saying something along the lines of 'All those raids were suffered because we sheltered the demon spawn'.

I had nearly stopped my Warlord Build because of the damn stingy requirements. So when they were deciding on something more for me, like for example - No food, no shelter, etc.

As soon as I entered, the whole tent had fallen silent. "Go on, it doesn't matter. The tents are too thin to even bother yourselves over hiding it from me".

A man suddenly spoke out saying "Who let the Demon Spawn in. Somebody take him out". Nobody came because I had knocked the ones with Weapons out cold with a preemptive strike in their weak points near the neck. I truly felt like an Assasin.

I just went on calmly inspecting the guns and all kinds of weaponry they had been hoarding. I could see the outlines of a Rebellion inside the Rebel forces. Perhaps someone believed that joining hands with those bandits would allow them to fight back Amestris.

But it was futile, for all who thought that, would die today. Before any other rebel could enter the tent, I had picked a pistol, the old glock version, amusingly enough it wasn't loaded.

Seeing me hold a gun put them in tenterhooks. Seeing me calmly put the six bullets needed inside the chambers of the gun, made sure that something was wrong.

"You seriously didn't think that a Demon Spawn like me would enter the gates of Hell without preparation". The man who had outspoken before was about to speak again and was shot down. "Bang"

Don't look down on this body, even though it was a childs body I had still ingested a few Gene Modifier Crystals. It put me around teenager level in strength, enough to shoot someone down and not lose out to the recoil.

The sound had made all the civilians left huddle a bit away from the meeting tent. All inside were sweating, no one could believe it, I killed someone without batting an eye.

"From now on I decide who speaks". Another was about to refute with something, but I had shot that guy down too. "Bang". Looking at this scene all the Rebels gulped down the non existant fear they had already begun to feel.

"I was thinking why this thing was happening, but someone instigating something against me. Cheh you are lucky I didn't know your identity before but now". With my declaration everyone present had started formulating their own theories, becoming wary of each other.

They had been swept with the wave of rumours that ensued about me. Believing what their close aides, freinds or acquaintance said. Compared to them I was an unknown stranger, that too a weird one.

So I sat on the main chair, as if I had always owned the place. "You have 45 seconds to find the real culprit before I shoot the next four down". All of them could care less if someone else were to die but right now they can see that I wasn't joking. I had already shot down two people, who's to say they couldn't be next.

One man was immediately ousted out before 30 seconds, but ignoring him I had shot down the one who gave evidence to his claims that the one who was ousted out was the first to start the rumour.

"Don't think you can fool me so easily. Do you think I wouldn't notice your connection to the Bandits. Now there is only one more left". This had finally made the culprit sweat in fear. He knew that he had found himself in the eyes of a Hawk, one who was ready to pounce on all present regardless of the repercussions.

"Do you know what gave away your secret ?". The man who I was staring down was gulping hard, backing away bit by bit.

"It was the timing and of course your unwarranted confidence. You unlike the others did not feel fear at the sight of those bandits".

Hearing this everyone turned to look at him shell shocked by the revelation. Everyone understood just why the bandits did not take away the guns, but only food supply and women.

"They probably planeed on saving us from something and playing the Ishvalan camaderie card". They were being duped, there was no kind intention for leaving the weaponry. It was all because they wanted the rebels as their subordinates. Thinking this made all present break out in cold sweat.

If before the man wanted to explain and survive, now that he saw the tides changing, the man showed his complete intention to bolt. "Bang". The man had lost strength in his legs, it was unclear if the shot was intentional or not, but the next one was on the hand.

Like a cruel punishment being laid out b.a.r.e. I shot all his limbs one at a time. Putting bullets, counting every once I shot. "One, Two, Three, Four, 'Click'". There was no fourth bullet, each shot had exhausted the guy as if he was counting his days. But his numbering should not end.

"Everyone present has to shoot him once to prove your loyalty. Here on, you will be my subordinates not someone I can trust or rely on anymore." The end of the sentence made everyone feel a pang of guilt but it was the starting lines that showed theirs and mine madness.

A traitor had been mingling among them, uncaring of their lives, toying with them on their magnificently large chess board, the pieces always remaining unaware.

All had picked up their guns one by one. If before the man in had hope then now he truly saw a dead end. In the end he shouted out "We are all Ishvalan, brothers you cannot do this". But the ones on my side had spat out "Then redeem yourself when you meet our God".

The bullet shots echoed throughout the desert that night. Each shot reverberating inside their souls, telling them just how messed up Ishval had become a few months into the war.

"Gather everyone, all men remaining must be armed. Teens are also allowed, children will wait and tend the fire for our return, a few will stay for protection of the children. Take an inventory of how much grenades and ammunition we have. Your orders are given, now move out".

This time nobody was awkward, I had clearly expressed my Rage. Nobody had any idea on what next to do, so a command was all they really required to not be lost completely.

That is the main reason why Generals are harder to nurture than soldiers. Since not everyone can lead others without flinching. It needs a certain amount of experience, power, charisma, presence and lastly confidence to even dream of taking command.

Everybody was gathered and I had to take the stage again "This is becoming repetitive". Hearing me joke must have calmed their nerves a little for everyone relaxed a bit.

"Ishvalan brothers, I had always requested a scouting and many other minute advices that would allow us to safely but surely continue our journey. But a traitor ended up cooking a nefarious scheme that rendered me powerless and allowed the Bandits to steal not only our food supplies but also kidnap a dozen woman from our camp".

Everybody slowly took in the real situations that had taken place in the background and understood what had truly ensued. At least thats what they think, for all i know some may be having a small misunderstanding.

Nevertheless I continued "I could care less about our food supply since the next town is nearer right now. But they took the women who had no say on the entire matter. This time I won't plead to you, but order you. Take Arms For We Are To Show Why Rage Is A Sin. Lets go and save everyone of our people". Everybody had been inspired, moved, or even touched, thus they would perform with excellence beyond themselves, not heeding their own small and useless insecurities or weaknesses. This is what an army truly was.

I had been notified that we had 25 grenades, lots of Sub Machine Guns, a few Rifles, a limited amount of Ammo for each person, a few missile launchers and a huge amount of pistols.

I had made everybody equip at least one pistol and a SMG. I belted a few grenades since I had an interesting plan with them. These grenades which were shaped like a bottle truly would be the core of my plan.

I myself took a pistol, a revolver and six grenades. With my size it made me look as if i was armed down to the bones. Man its heavy, now wherever I went, everyone would stifle their laughs.

The few scouts were tasked with searching the surroundings for the Bandit Gang. They came back positive and fully informed of where they had set their temporary camp.

I was glad that they didn't go too far, but you wouldn't either if you wanted to gobble up a Rebel Force and not even spit the bones. So i started on the plans of our groups first raid. I truly like this Gameplay, its exhilarating to have an army on my command.

Though its just a small group now, what about the future. Mwahahaha I like it. As i was monologuing on about what not, a subordinate of mine asked "Sir what is your name. Its awkward calling you child or sir all the time".

I had gone through the childs memories and he was a nameless Orphan so I said "Shirimasen, but you can call me Sho". He looked at me and smirked and continued on with his duties. I knew the look in his eyes, he found out I was lying. But still kindly left me to my own devices. He might be worth raising as my secretary. So I went on planning the details to successfully execute my plan.

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