
Chapter 46 - Change Of Plans

The war has raged on for more than a year since its advent and I was already in the thick of it.

The Alchemists who serve in military are focused on enhancing their fighting capability and may be reffered to as Combat Alchemists.

But on the other hand, Research Alchemists also hold notable notoriety, with them creating and supporting the army through their inventions and R&D. Engineering and creating items which should not have existed at all in this era.

Amestris is the only nation capable of commanding so many Alchemists under them. It is the Haven for Alchemists who already roam the world for knowledge and advancements.

But the Order 3066, has yet to be passed, which means that Research Alchemist are clearly unpresent during this time of the war. I do not know about already serving Alchemists such as Kimblee, Roy or the others.

But Marcoh the one most famous for discovering the Philosopher's Stone should not be present yet. Which means that the Alchemists are still dangerous but not completely impossible to beat.

They are like Boss level creatures, not impossible but just too damn hard to beat. With a Philosopher's Stone though they are like Bosses on Berserk mode, not impossible to beat but simply implausible to do.

An unreasonable amount of power built under the bones, flesh, blood and souls of thousands, damned to power their mortal enemy for an eternity. They are accursed forever, just for that drip of power that can not only change but direct the tides of war. It is a sacrifice too steep to even think about.

Even the Immortal Vampire Dracula might not have killed as much as the need for that small stone in their hands. Several thousands for a small fistful of the stone. Millions more just to create that inexhaustible reserve in this war.

Not many can do such a degrading thing, the moral of this paragraph is, war is gritty and not as beautiful or honorable as it seems. It is glorified in the movies, but only a certain aspect of it is left for watchers to look and feel the atmosphere. Time.

The most certain aspect in war that grants Time is Guerrilla Warfare. This is done not just to hinder the enemy but also buy time for ourselves. It is also to poke and prod the enemy and weaken their morale.

I mean what is more scary, an army of thousands or an elite army of hundreds that gruesomely and slowly, patiently ended that thousand. In my opinion both aspects are scary and not what most would like to deal with.

But my troops were built on the basis of this type of warfare. Extreme speed in breaching and ambushing the enemy, looting them and retreating before any complications arise.

After a few months of such activities even if they couldn't be called veterans, I would still call them elite troops of this type of warfare. But the main problem here is the Alchemist.

Honestly I have made it a rule that if anyone encounter or feels that the one being raided could possibly have an Alchemist, then retreat at all costs. It would be unwise to face Demon Kings when defeating an Orc is a great deal to us.

Today though I stand in front of them, silence and dread covering the atmosphere of our camp. I stand above them and as the one who has seen their growth more closely than anyone else I say, "You are ready".

There is no need for fanfare or any encouragement, they believe in me, their Commander who has achieved the impossibility time after time.

They believe in a child not more than Ten, not much older than their own children, for they know, for they have seen, for they acknowledge him, as their Commander, the one to lead them all. And today they are to be lead to victory and even in defeat shall they not regret their actions.

So I say, "Who's with me ?", and their shouts echo throughout the desert "WE ARE".

"Louder, didn't you have guys have breakfast, Now who's with me ???". I call for their souls, I call out to themselves, and I show sincere belief in them.


With that announcement done the entire camp trembles with a never before seen rush of blood. An excitement so primal yet lost, that it seems to have been only heard in stories.

"Then together we shall SLAY a BEAST".

With conviction and certainty unparalleled to any present I march them towards enemy lines.

Damun gives me a map and the log of activities that the many convoys which move or cross from nearby to the towns. It is a log that indicates what they have been doing for these few days.

Five convoys headed towards five different towns. Most likely each convoy containing an Alchemist otherwise the number would have been a lot higher like Eight or Ten,which is pretty usual.

All convoys have at least made an effort in covering their tracks but this one was blatantly striving in a single direction. As if it was projecting its thoughts across the map and asking us to ambush it.

This one most likely contains an Alchemist and a headstrong one at that. Maybe Kimblee is present in this convoy, he is also a reckless one.

But looking at the activity log, I can assume that the target most likely cross referenced the raid points and nearly found our base of activities. Though it was done with a huge margin of error it did nearly find us, if it is truly heading in this direction.

With that I start assigning the tasks. Three hidden snipers to disrupt the Alchemist and Three obviously placed to cover the troops. Plan A consists of the vanguard led by Zake to ambush and retreat.

Sam with the Valkyries to re-ambush the enemy during their chase. Then Kain stands with another group of bombers co-ordinating their targets to round down the numbers without getting caught and retreating once their job is done.

In such a way I would divert the troops and minimize the help, the Alchemist could get. But not all plans will work so there is another one.

Plan B is based on speed and time. The vice captains become the vanguard and distract the enemy troops with heavy fire and retreats. Making them give chase to that small unit while me and the Captains stay behind to hunt the Alchemist.

If we are able to blitz the Alchemist before the troops make it back, then we can easily drag out the battle and end the convoy. So what we really need is very good co-ordination and timing.

Easily said but nevertheless hard to accomplish, more so if the plan has to tackle with a living humanoid bomb.

Even eccentric people are easily predictable if you know what they are planning or how they think. No one mention the name of Deadpool, his DNA template itself is arranged as unpredictable and you kinda know what I was talking about.

Among the most exploitable trait of humanity, one is behaviour. Your behaviour will show others how to plan your demise.

Most Grand existences lose out due to their enemies having a good grasp of their personality, behaviour, and intent.

So I went with the scouts and noticed a few trucks, resting a few miles ahead of us. Taking the binoculars, I looked at them, and noticing their movements, it became painfully clear that this was a very well trained group.

They were strict and disciplined in their poise and movements. Comparably giving me the feeling of a truly well oiled and concisely operated machine.

This was only achievable if the commander was strict, strong and charismatic. Intelligence wise the commander of this group doesn't lose out as well. He did predict our camps pathway and directly went straight for us even if it was a bit wrong in the locational sense.

Understandably since we still haven't targetted any Alchemist related convoys. Making it easier to assume an outline of our operation style. Him coming out blatantly was also not arrogance but his utter confidence to crush us in a single battle.

As I gaze through the binoculars, I see their movements, their efficiency and their mindlessness. I called them mindless because even if they are completing their tasks effectively, they are following orders without care and are not even mumbling or talking to each other.

So like an Eagle awaiting for its prize, ready for the most opportune moment to swoop in, I gaze at them, patiently waiting for the appearance of the Commander of this group.

As if he could see where I was, and what I had been doing. But even though he momentarily surprised me I gaze back at him. Trying to figure out his features.

A bald muscular man in a blue army coat, easily towering over most, his face adoning a handle bar mustache. It could not have been any more clearer than it already was. He was Basque Grand, the Ironblood Alchemist, or that was the supposed title conferred to him during his military service.

His deeds are not only cruel but extremely decisive and ruthless. He was efficient to the point that Wrath had to pull him back with a upgrade in rank, just to keep the war going on for a little more longer.

Basque's most notable feature is his way of commanding the troops. He himself is the vanguard and charges to battle directly regardless of his rank. Making him feel like a Grand knight on a horseback. His chivalry and honor had already moved all the soldiers under him.

It was to the point that when he killed his own Commander, no one reported him and witnesses even added that it was a stray bullet that had killed his commander.

His cold, calculative and ruthless actions led to not only to the progression of adding the Philosopher's Stone to the war despite Marcohs denial, but also his massacre of the Ishvalan regardless of age and gender.

Most of all he wants to end the war as fast as he can. As such he blitzes hoards of his enemies with his Philosopher's Stone powered Alchemy, blazing down entire towns together with them.

The others beside me flinch when they see him order a rifle and aim directly at us. He readily takes a shot uncaring if he could potentially give chase or not.

The bullet reaches towards us, but due to the wind and the distance, it misses the mark and ends up a few feet away from us. But the fact that he could feel us and accurately shoot towards our direction shows his domineering manner of actions. He looks at us as if saying that no matter what we do, we are at his mercy.

One of the scouts then asks me "Commander do we retreat, that guy most likely discovered us and will give chase aldo ambushes from here on will become pointless if the enemy is ready all the time".

But I mysteriously smile and say "He will wait, wait for us to gather and strike us down in one fell swoop, or that is what he thinks of doing. He is the kind of General who would enter a battle with his soldiers. He would not waste his time on a pointless chase. So he will wait for us to strike first".

The scouts are surprised but nevertheless convince themselves of my intellect and ask "Then what do we do ?".

"A hunter needs to have patience, but ferocious beasts don't really need that. For they know that no matter what prey will always be beneath its feet. I will give him what he wants an all out strike but he won't ever expect the repercussions".

The scouts are understandably confused at this point and I continue on "Ignorance is the ferocious beasts folly and its fall".

I have a plan. A plan to hunt down a Legendary Character in front me. One who caused so much grief and strife in this world. His chivalry, his honor, his bravery, I do not care for, I will only take advantage of it.

No more no less. Tommorow he shall die before the sun sets.

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